
Database of Indian pin (postal) codes for node applications

database, cities, states, india
npm install indian-pincode-database@1.0.1


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Database of Indian pin (postal) codes for node applications. More than 1,54,820 entries.

Automatically populate local mongodb

You can push all pincodes to mongodb database running on local instance

const indianPincodeDatabase = require('indian-pincode-database');
indianPincodeDatabase.pushToDatabase(databaseName, collectionName, callback); // all args are optional

WARNING : pushToDatabase first removes the collection (if exists) before populating the database.

Data model will look like below

    "_id"            : ObjectId("57cf31cdd18a0062f4cbd624"),
    "updatedAt"      : ISODate("2016-09-06T21:14:53.993Z"),
    "createdAt"      : ISODate("2016-09-06T21:14:53.993Z"),
    "officeName"     : "Dhannoor B.O",
    "pincode"        : 504304,
    "officeType"     : "B.O",
    "deliveryStatus" : "Delivery",
    "divisionName"   : "Adilabad",
    "regionName"     : "Hyderabad",
    "circleName"     : "Andhra Pradesh",
    "taluk"          : "Boath",
    "districtName"   : "Adilabad",
    "stateName"      : "ANDHRA PRADESH",
    "__v" : 0


Once you have the database, you can perform search the way you want using mongodb native module or mongojs. But if you wish to use mongoose, then you must need a schema which you can import like

const indianPincodeDatabase = require('indian-pincode-database');
var pincodeDocSchema = indianPincodeDatabase.pincodeDocSchema;
pincodeDocSchema.set('collection', 'my_pincodes_collection');

// create model to query
var myPincode = mongoose.model('myPincode', pincodeDocSchema);
myPincode.find({}, callback);

Do not populate pincodes database (using pushToDatabase method) in your api code unless needed. While population, this module creates new db connection using mongoose. This may lead to db connection collision. Better, you first populate the db by simple execution node populate.js and then create custom model as above.