
Visual scraper interface, exports to puppeteer script which you can run anywhere.

hacktoberfest, nextjs, puppeteer, react, scraper, starwars, typescript, visual-scraping, yargs
npm install jawa@1.0.6


Jawa - Visual Scraper

npm Chrome Web Store

🇭🇷 Started in Croatia

DALL·E 2022-10-17 03 53 08 (2)

Visual scraper interface, exports to puppeteer script which you can run anywhere. You can try it out here https://jawa.kickass.codes

Jawa allows you to visually click elements of any website and then export selectors as a config that you can run in any node environment to scrape the content when needed.

This repo consists of the:

  • web app
  • cli
  • browser extension

Web app

Web app that provides embedded browser for visually selecting elements and creating the scrapper config that you can download and run through the CLI.


Simple CLI to run configs created and exported from web app. You can run it like this:

npx jawa path/to/scraper/config/file.json

or npx jawa --help to see all the options.

Browser extension

Browser extension that runs the embedded browser which powers the visual scraper interface.

It is available on:

  • Chrome Web Store
  • Chrome extensions also work on all Chromium based browsers like:
    • Opera
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Brave