etcd based configuration for node.js

node, etcd, config, configuration, js, node.js
npm install jetconfig@2.0.3



etcd based configuration for node.js

Build Status

jetconfig has the following features:

  • Namespace prefixes for configurations to allow individual apps or modules to operate using a single etcd cluster
  • Configuration inheritance
  • Synchronous and callbacks supported for most API methods
  • In-process caching of configuration settings by default for best performance
  • File-based caching of configuration for faster performance when up-to-date configuration is not required
  • Cache-only operating mode for better performance
  • Loading/dumping of entire configuration for backups or test configurations

Coming soon:

  • Easy encryption for jetconfig dump


jetconfig is on

$ npm install --save jetconfig

Make sure you have etcd running otherwise jetconfig isn't going to do you a lot of good.

Getting started

Without any other options, jetconfig will try to connect to an etcd instance running on and use a namespace prefix of config/.

var Config = require('jetconfig');

var conf = new Config();

// Load and locally cache the existing configuration from etcd

// Get a value from etcd
var my_setting = conf.get('app.setting');

// Get a value from etcd, but use the default if it doesn't exist
var defaults_allowed = conf.get('app.someSetting', 'default value');

// Write a new value to etcd
conf.set('', 'new value');

Command Line Interface

See jetconfig --help.

If you don't have ./node_modules/.bin on your $PATH you may want to install the jetconfig module globally to make the command available.

$ jetconfig -h

Usage: jetconfig <command> [options]

  dump      Dump the current etcd configuration
  list      List all available etcd configurations
  clear     Clear the current etcd configuration
  load      Load a configuration from a file
  get       Get a configuration key
  set       Set a configuration key to a value

   --version       Print version and exit
   -n, --no-inherit   Prevent configuration inheritance
   -v, --verbose   Increase verbosity, can be used multiple times

Environment Variables

When connecting to non-default hosts and ports using the CLI or for convenience when using the API, you can configure jetconfig to connect using environment variables.

The following variables are available:

  • JETCONFIG_ETCD - Comma separated list of members in the etcd cluster, like ",,"
  • JETCONFIG_SSL_CA - SSL CA certificate file if your etcd SSL setup uses a nonstandard root or intermediary
  • JETCONFIG_SSL_CERT - SSL client certificate file
  • JETCONFIG_SSL_KEY - SSL client key file
  • JETCONFIG_LOGLEVEL - Set the log level for the jetconfig module (default: 'critical'). Must be one of 'silly', 'debug', 'info', 'warn' or 'critical'.
  • JETCONFIG_CACHE - Directory in which to store filesystem cache used in lieu of making requests to etcd... not recommend for production deployments where you want all your settings to stay up to date all time, but helpful in development when you have to restart your process often and the etcd roundtrip is too much overhead.
  • JETCONFIG_PREFIX (Not Implemented) - Prefix for the configuration in etcd


Here's an example using the jetconfig CLI to connect to a production cluster.

$ export JETCONFIG_ETCD=",,"
$ export JETCONFIG_SSL_CA="/home/core/etcd/ca.crt"
$ export JETCONFIG_SSL_CERT="/home/core/etcd/client.crt"
$ export JETCONFIG_SSL_KEY="/home/core/etcd/client.key"
$ jetconfig dump /config
  "jetconfig.version": "1.2.1"


One of the major features of jetconfig is the ability to inherit configurations. This allows you to create child configurations that may only alter one or two values from a parent configuration without having to copy and maintain the entire group of settings.

Constructor-based inheritance

Inheritance is triggered in one of two ways, first, you can pass a string name to the inherit option when creating an new Config instance. Below is an example of this constructor-based inheritance:

var parent = Config({
        prefix: 'config/parent',

var child = Config({
        prefix: 'config/child',
        inherit: 'config/parent',

// This is the base configuration, and it is inherited by the child
    'shared.key': true,
    'some.key': 'from parent'

// This is the more specific configuration and it uses values from the parent
// if it doesn't have the key defined itself, like the 'shared.key'
    'some.key': 'from child'

child.get('shared.key'); // === true
child.get('some.key'); // === 'from child'
Key-based inheritance

The second way to trigger inheritance is to use a special key within the configuration itself to specify the parent. By default, this will be 'config.inherit' but it can be changed with the inheritKey option to the Config() constructor.

Here is how to key-based inheritance, continuing the example from above:

var conf = Config({
        prefix: 'config/other'

// By default, `inheritKey` will be 'config.inherit'
    'extra.key': 'inheritance, yey!',
    'config.inherit': 'config/child'

// If we set the inherit key on the `child` as well, we enable deep inheritance
child.set(conf.inheritKey, 'config/parent');

conf.get('shared.key') // === true
conf.get('some.key') // === 'from child'
conf.get('extra.key') // === 'inheritance, yey!'

Only the key-based inheritance allows for deep inheritance, and by default, the max inheritDepth is set to 2, meaning a child configuration will only look as far back as its grandparent to find a value for a given key. This may be set arbitrarily high, but at some point will incur a fair amount of overhead.

File-based caching

Jetconfig can use the filesystem to speed up loading of the configuration.

If jetconfig is using file-based caching, and the cache exists, it will not read from etcd unless necessary (e.g. it does not have a cached copy of a key).

The file-based cache is read from when the .load() method is called.

Note: If you do not delete the .json file used for the cache, the configuration will never be updated to reflect new settings in etcd. Cache invalidation is hard. A future version of jetconfig may include automatic invalidation.

TODO: Example and use cases.

API Documentation

new Config([hosts], [options])

Create a new jetconfig instance.

  • hosts (Array|String) - A host or list of hosts to use for the etcd cluster. This may be a single host as a string, an array of host strings, or a string of comma-separated hosts. (default: '') If JETCONFIG_ETCD is set in the Env, it will override whatever is passed here.
  • options (Object) - Options object (optional)
    • cache (Boolean) - Whether to allow local caching to speed up performance (default: true). It's highly recommended that you leave this enabled, unless you specifically need realtime queries of etcd. Etcd is not super duper fast, so if you're using a lot of configuration keys in your application, disabling this cache could cause your application to grind to a halt.
    • prefix (String) - Namespace prefix for etcd (default: 'config/')
    • ssl (Object) - SSL options for etcd. See the node-etcd SSL documentation for more information. These are not filenames, but the actual files already loaded.
      • ca - Certificate Authority
      • cert - Client certificate
      • key - Client key
    • logLevel (String) - Log level to use for this config instance (default: 'critical')
    • allowClear (Boolean) - Whether to allow the .clear() method on this instance (default: false)
    • caseSensitive (Boolean) - Whether to allow case sensitive keys (default: false). This will coerce keys to lower case for storage in etcd, so if you need case sensitivity to avoid key conflicts, enable it.
    • inherit (String|Boolean) - Whether to allow inheritance, or the key name to inherit from. (default: true)
    • inheritDepth (Number) - The maximum depth to check inherited configurations for missing keys (default: 1)
    • inheritKey (String) - The configuration key name used to store the inherited configuration key (default: 'config.inherit')
    • fileCache (String) - Directory to use for filesystem cache. jetconfig will attempt to create this directory if it doesn't exist.
    • watch (Boolean) - Whether to watch for changes to the etcd configuration and update the cached configuration when changes happen (default: false) New in 1.4.0.

.get(key, [def], [options], [callback])

Get the current value for key.

If called synchronously, this method may throw exceptions if there are underlying client errors.

  • key (String) - Key name to retrieve
  • def - Default value (optional)
  • options (Object) - Options for this call (optional)
    • cached (Boolean) - Whether to use the configuration cache (default: true)
    • cacheResult (Boolean) - Whether to store the result in the cache (default: true)
    • cacheOnly (Boolean) - Whether to only use the cache and not query etcd if the cache doesn't have a value (default: false)
    • allowInherited (Boolean) - Whether to allow querying of inherited configurations (default: true)
  • callback (Function=) - Callback (optional). If omitted, this method will return the value synchronously.

.set(key, value, [options], [callback])

Sets a value and writes it to etcd.

If called synchronously, this method may throw exceptions if there are underlying client errors.

  • key (String) - Key name to set
  • value - Value to set
  • options (Object) - Options for this call (optional)
    • cacheOnly (Boolean) - Whether to only write to the local cache and not etcd (default: false). If cacheOnly is true and the config instance does not have caching enabled, this will not set the value anywhere.
  • callback (Function=) - Callback (optional)


Returns an object suitable for JSON serialization which represents a dump of the current configuration as defined in etcd.

  • options (Object) - Options for this call (optional)
    • allowInherited (Boolean) - Whether to allow inherited configurations (default: true)

.load([config], [options])

Load the current configuration in etcd into the local cache.

If config is specified, it loads a configuration file, JSON string, or JavaScript object into a configuration instance.

By default, the configuration is not written to etcd, and only loaded into the configuration cache. Pass the option cacheOnly: false if you wish to write the loaded configuration to etcd as well.

If load is called multiple times, by default, the subsequent loads will be merged into the configuration cache. Specify the option merge: false if you want to instead clear the cache first.

If this Config has a fileCache enabled, calling load will read that file, if it exists, in lieu of reading the configuration from etcd.

When writing to etcd, the configuration will always be merged into the existing etcd configuration, instead of being overwritten. If you wish to overwrite the existing configuration, use .clear() first.

  • config (String|Object) - Configuration filename, JSON string, or Object to load (optional)
  • options (Object) - Options for loading the configuration
    • cacheOnly (Boolean) - Whether to only load it into cache or to write the loaded configuration to etcd (default: true)
    • merge (Boolean) - Whether to merge the existing cache with the newly loaded config, or clear it first
    • allowInherited (Boolean) - Whether to allow inherited configurations (default: true)

.list([key], [options])

List all etcd directories under the config prefix and key. If key is omitted, all directories under prefix are listed.

  • key (String) - Key to list (optional)
  • options (Object) - Options
    • dirOnly (Boolean) - List only directories (default: true)


Clears all the stored keys for the given config object in etcd. This must be explicitly enabled by passing the allowClear: true option to the constructor.

  • options (Object) - Additional options for clearing
    • cacheOnly (Boolean) - Whether to only clear the configuration cache (default: false)


Set or get the current log level for the this instance.

Log level may be one of 'silly', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', or 'critical'. The default is 'critical'.

This may also be set with the environment variable JETCONFIG_LOGLEVEL=debug.

  • level (String) - Sets the log level. If this is omitted, the current level is returned as a string.


Return a reference to the underlying node-etcd client instance.


Stop watchers. Does not attempt to close other TCP connections.


  • 1.4.1 - Fix watching non-JSON values causing an error.

  • 1.4.0 - Add watch option and ability to update cached configuration when etcd changes. Also add close() method to ensure watchers are stopped.

    Going forward this repository will also use npm version tags, which include the leading v in the tag on GitHub.

    Released June 2, 2016.

  • 1.3.7 - Fix bug where cacheOnly .get() calls would not return the supplied default value.

    Released January 8, 2016.

  • 1.3.3 - Update README

  • 1.3.1 - Better error handling

  • 1.3.0 - Adds filesystem caching capabilities.

    Released September 10, 2015.

  • 1.2.3 - Minor typo fix, and set the default inheritDepth to 2.

    Released September 1, 2015.

  • 1.2.2

    • Add dirOnly option to .list()
    • Add -no-inherit option to CLI

    Released August 24, 2015.

  • 1.2.1 - Change default inheritance key to 'config.inherit'.

  • 1.2.0 - Add .list() and command line utility.

  • 1.1.0 - Added configuration inheritance, other minor refactors and clean ups.

    Released August 14, 2015.

  • 1.0.0 - Initital release

    Released August 12, 2015.


Copyright 2015 Jacob Alheid

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.