
javascript document maker and editor

npm install js-document-editor@2.0.2



jEditor (js-document-editor) is a package that can help you show a simple interface and work as a document creation tool, where the user can move and resize the elements how they want inside a page (similar to Word).

Installing jEditor

You can download it directly or cloning the repository and copying the dist folder to your project.


This package is hosted as a npm package and can be installed directly from official repository using:

npm i @medicplus/js-document-editor


To make changes to this project is recommended to run this package inside a docker container using node version 18:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/app node:18 bash


You need to import the css and js files (and fontawesome css in case you want it), then create a div with class jEditor

    <link href="css/jeditor.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="fa/css/all.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <!--If you wish to use fontawesome-->
    <div class="jEditor"></div>
    <script src="js/jeditor.js"></script>
      const jEditor = $.jEditor(options);

Global Options

option default description
background String: null URL or BASE64 of a background image
container String: ".jEditor" querySelector for editor container
data Array: [] set elements on start
dpi Integer: 150 dpi used as base for the paperSizes
elements Array: [] elements available to be added to the document
elementAction String: "addElement" default action on element click
elementFunctions Array: [...] buttons set per shown element
events editorFunctions editor actions (check src/js/functions.js)
extraFunctions Array: [] extra functions shown on top of settings
helper Boolean: true display or not helper (when moving or resizing objects)
locale Array: [...] localizable texts shown in editor
paperSize String: "a4" paper selected
paperSizes Array: [...] list of paper sizes (name, width and height in pixels)
rendered Boolean: false sets objects as rendered (not draggable or resizable)
saveButton Boolean: false triggers for save button, needs an element with .btn[data-action=saveData]
settings Array: [...] actions shown in settings panel
sizeDecimals Integer: 1 amount of decimals shown in helper
sizeUnit String: "cm" default size for helper (mm, cm, inch, px)
title String: "jEditor" title shown in side panel
zoom Double: 1 default zoom at render
zoomIncrement Double: 0.1 amount of zoom increased or decreased


You can customize your locale to your needs, the defaults are:

locale: {
  width: 'Width',
  height: 'Height',
  topMargin: 'Top margin',
  leftMargin: 'Left margin',
  return: 'Return',
  paperChange: 'The paper has been set to :size',
  saved: 'Changes saved',
  hPosition: 'Horizontal position',
  vPosition: 'Vertical position',
  textAlign: 'Text align',
  fontSize: 'Font size',
  placeholder: 'Placeholder'

Extra Functions

Extra functions are shown on top of settings and can do a series of actions, for example:

function defaultValues() {
function saveData() {
  var data = _jeditor.getData();
  alert(`Saved data: ${data.length} elements`);

You need to set your functions before $.jEditor()

  {action: 'defaultValues', content: '<span class="fa fa-magic"></span> Default View', class: 'btn', show: true},
  {action: 'saveData', content: '<span class="fa fa-save"></span> Save', class: 'btn', show: true},

Paper Sizes

Paper sizes are defined by pixels (based on your dpi) default values are:

paperSizes: {
  letter: {name: 'Letter', width: 1276, height: 1648},
  a4: {name: 'A4', width: 1240, height: 1754},
  a5: {name: 'A5', width: 1240, height: 874}


Settings are shown at the bottom of the panel, basic functions are:

  • toggleRender: set objects as rendered (not draggable or resizable)
  • changePaper: changes the page size to the next paperSize in the array (goes to first if last is active)
  • zoomOut: decreases the zoom by the amount set on zoomIncrement
  • zoomIn: increases the zoom by the amount set on zoomIncrement
  • zoomReset: sets the zoom to fit the page fully visible (horizontally)
settings: [
  {action: 'toggleRender', content: '<span class="fa fa-edit"></span>', class: 'btn', show: true},
  {action: 'changePaper', content: '<span class="fa fa-file"></span>', class: 'btn', show: true},
  {action: 'zoomOut', content: '<span class="fa fa-minus"></span>', class: 'btn', show: true},
  {action: 'zoomIn', content: '<span class="fa fa-plus"></span>', class: 'btn', show: true},
  {action: 'zoomReset', content: '<span class="fa fa-expand-arrows-alt"></span>', class: 'btn', show: true},


After executing var jEditor = $.jEditor() you can use that variable or the global variable _jeditor to access some of it functions:

  • getOptions(): return the options set at runtime.
  • setOptions(options): return a merge of the options.
  • getData(): return the data (values) set at runtime.
  • setData(options): sets objects data (need to run renderObjects() to show it on editor).
  • renderObjects(): Executes the event renderObjects (creates elements based on data).
  • setPaper(paperSize): Executes the event setPaper (sets page size).
  • setBackround(url): sets the background-image property of the page and as the background option (event setPageBackground()).
  • clearBackround(): clears the page background and sets the option as null.
  • unsaved(): sets a beforeunload as en event listener. (event unsaved()).
  • getObject(element): returns the object inside the editor data with the index of the element sent as parameter.


You can run the editor functions anytime you need it, to access any function just use _jeditor.getOptions().events.xxxx() the events available are:

All functions takes the first parameter as a click event where it gets the targeted DOM element with the attribute [data-element=n]

  • addElement(event): gets targeted element and adds the object to the page.
  • removeElement(event): gets targeted element and removes the object from the page.
  • modifyElement(event): gets targeted element and shows settings panel for the element.
  • cancelModifyElement(event): hides the settings panel to show the element list.
  • zoomIn(): increases the zoom by the amount set on zoomIncrement.
  • zoomOut(): decreases the zoom by the amount set on zoomIncrement.
  • zoomReset(): sets the zoom to fit the page fully visible (horizontally).
  • changePaper(): changes the page size to the next paperSize in the array (goes to first if last is active).
  • setPaper(event, paperSize): sets the page size to the paperSize value (has to exists in paperSizes).
  • renderObjects(): renders the objects based on the data.
  • toast(text, css, timer): shows a toast with the css as class (example "bg-success") for the timer amount (ms).
  • unsaved(): sets a beforeunload as en event listener.
  • saveData(): removes beforeunload event listener and shows a toast.
  • setPageBackround(url): sets the background-image property of the page and as the background option.


Elements are shown in the side panel and when clicked are added to the page as an object, can be defined with this options:

option default description
align String: "initial" CSS value for text-align
fontSize Integer: 16 font size in pixels
height Integer: 20 height of the displayed object in pixels
left Integer: 0 left position in pixels from start of page
placeholder String: "" text shown inside the element before the value
settings Object: {...} defines if an input is shown when editing an element
settings.align Boolean: true shows or hides align select in side panel
settings.fontSize Boolean: true shows or hides font size input in side panel
settings.placeholder Boolean: true shows or hides placeholder input in side panel
top Integer: 0 top position in pixels from start of page
value String: "" value displayed on the object (could be HTML)
width Integer: 100 width of the displayed object in pixels


Data can be return with _jeditor.getData() or set with _jeditor.setData(...) (and run renderObjects() to show them), this values can have this options:

option default description
element Integer: null index of item in element array
fontSize Integer: 16 font size in pixels
width Integer: 100 width of the displayed object in pixels
height Integer: 20 height of the displayed object in pixels
top Integer: 0 top position in pixels from start of page
left Integer: 0 left position in pixels from start of page
align String: "initial" CSS value for text-align
placeholder String: "" text shown inside the element before the value
value String: "" value displayed on the object


NodeJS v18


jEditor is release under the MIT license. You are free to use, modify and distribute this software.