
Wrapper for unix df command

df, unix, disk free
npm install jsdf@0.3.2


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npm install --save jsdf

User Guide

const df = require('jsdf');

df('.', (err, out) => {

Should produce output (depending on your filesystem) similar to:

{ '/': 
   { filesystem: '/dev/sda1',
     blocks: 245084444,
     used: 54700392,
     available: 177864784,
     fill: 0.24 } }


jsdf module exports single function

jsdf(options, done)

options argument is optional. If it's omitted df will return statistics for all available file systems, with default formatting. If argument is a string, it will be considered as a path specifying filesystem to be checked. Otherwise jsdf expects an object with following optional parameters:

Option Type Description
path String Path passed to df, command specifying filesystem to be checked
base String Base size unit used for output formatting. Can be G, M or K (GB, MB or KB - default)
decimals Number Number of decimal places for output size rounding

done is a callback function that will be invoked with formatted output of df command. Expected signature follows a standard error first pattern: done(error, output). If no error occurred, output should be a dictionary object with following structure:

Type Description
key String Mounting point of a filesystem
value Object Details of the filesystem size
value.filesystem String Filesystem name
value.blocks Number Total size of filesystem blocks (unit depends on formatting)
value.used Number Size of used filesystem blocks (unit depends on formatting)
value.available Number Size of available filesystem blocks (unit depends on formatting)
value.fill Number Filesystem fill ratio
df({path: '.', base: 'G', decimals: '3'}, (err, out) => {