
A JSON-API mock server.

npm install json-api-mock-server@0.1.0


JsonAPI Mock Server

A simple json-api validated mock server.


yarn add json-api-mock-server


var mountEndpoints = require('json-api-mock-server');

mountEndpoints(app, config);

app is expected to be an express application instance.

json-api-mock-server expects to find:

  • models at <project>/server/models/*.js
  • scenarios at <project>/server/scenarios/*.js

It will gracefully warn when these aren't found.

Config Settings (with defaults)

  logApiRequests: true,
  logApiResponses: true,
  serializer: null,
  scenario: 'default'
  apiNamespace: 'api'

Use with ember-cli

In server/index.js (add this file if not present):

/*jshint node:true*/
var mountEndpoints = require('json-api-mock-server');
var config = {
   logApiRequests: true,
   logApiResponses: true,
   serializer: null,
   scenario: 'default'
   apiNamespace: 'api'
module.exports = function(app) {
  mountEndpoints(app, config);

You will put the models and scenarios directories inside of this server/ directory.


Creating a simple model (no relationships): example server/models/foo.js

var faker = require('faker');
var props = require('json-api-mock-server/lib/store/props');
var between = require('json-api-mock-server/lib/utils/between');
var attr = props.attr;

module.exports = {
  title: attr('string', { defaultValue: function() { return faker.lorem.words(between(3, 5)); }}),
  bar: one('bar', { inverse: 'foo', defaultValue: false }),

Creating a model foowith a one-to-(one|none|many) relationship with another model bar

var faker = require('faker');
var props = require('json-api-mock-server/lib/store/props');
var between = require('json-api-mock-server/lib/utils/between');
var attr = props.attr;
var one = props.one;

module.exports = {
  title: attr('string', { defaultValue: function() { return faker.lorem.words(between(3, 5)); }}),
  bar: one('bar', { inverse: 'foo', defaultValue: false }),
  • Omit inverse or set it to a false-y value for one-to-none behavior.
  • setting defaultValue to true will cause a related model to be created while seeding the database. Setting it to false will cause there to be no related model for this record.
  • defaultValue can also be a function that returns true or false.

Creating a model foowith a many-to-(one|none|many) relationship with another model bar

var faker = require('faker');
var props = require('json-api-mock-server/lib/store/props');
var between = require('json-api-mock-server/lib/utils/between');
var attr = props.attr;
var many = props.many;

module.exports = {
  title: attr('string', { defaultValue: function() { return faker.lorem.words(between(3, 5)); }}),
  bars: many('bar', { inverse: 'foo', defaultValue: function() { return between(0, 3); }),
  • defaultValue can be numeric
  • the number you set defaultValue to or which defaultValue() returns represents the total number of relationships to seed for the related model. e.g. returning 4 will cause 4 bar records to be instantiated.


Example server/scenarios/default.js

module.exports = function(store) {
  store.seed('user', 10);
  store.seed('contacts', 200);
  • the count passed to seed is a minimum to create, additional instances may be created during the seeding of the relationships of other record types e.g. if user has contacts and defaultValue on model user is 5, the total number of contacts generated is 5 * 10 + 200 = 250.