
Module to allow eventsauce to leverage Kafka messaging infrastructure.

eventsauce, cqrs, ddd, domain, kafka, messaging, library
npm install kafkasauce@0.0.2


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About kafkasauce

kafkasauce is an integration module for eventsauce that provides integration with the Kafka message passing platform.


If you wish to contribute to kafkasauce then please create an issue to discuss the change or a pull request. Generally it's better to raise an issue first, as unannounced pull requests may not align to various long term goals.

We're also working on improving documentation and examples, so watch this space.

Code Quality & Standards

The kafkasauce project is hosted on GitHub, with CI builds by Travis-CI. All code submissions for core libraries are required to follow the airbnb ESLint ruleset and have 100% coverage with mocha/chai tests. Pull requests that do not pass the CI build or have untested code paths will be rejected.


Code is presently licensed as GPLv2, and may be used freely.