
(Temporary fork with a fix) Put files and folders on a WebDAV server. Deploy with gulp

gulpplugin, webdav, client
npm install konstantinast-fork-gulp-webdav-sync@1.0.2




Similar Projects

  1. grunt-webdav-sync for Grunt.
  2. webdav-sync, a nodejs command line utility.
  3. webdav-fs: node fs wrapper for WebDAV.
  4. curl, a C command line utility for HTTP.
curl -T "index.js" http://<user>:<pass>@localhost:8000/
curl -X MKCOL http://<user>:<pass>@localhost:8000/dir/


Pass a URL argument indicating a directory/collection on a WebDAV server. Include any HTTP authentication inline or in the options argument. HTTPS authentication must go in the options argument. Pipe to this module instead of gulp.dest().

URL as String

var webdav = require( 'gulp-webdav-sync' )

// put index.js to http://localhost:8000/js/index.js
gulp.task( 'deploy', function () {
  return gulp.src( 'index.js' )
    .pipe( webdav( 'http://<user>:<pass>@localhost:8000/js/' ) )
} )

URL as Object

Extend a request options object. See request's documention for HTTP authentication, and TLS authentication/verification.

var webdav = require( 'gulp-webdav-sync' )

// put index.js to http://localhost:8000/js/index.js
gulp.task( 'deploy', function () {
  var options = {
      protocol: 'http:'
    , auth: {
          'user': '<user>'
        , 'pass': '<pass>'
        , 'sendImmediately': false // use http digest authentication
    , hostname: 'localhost'
    , port: 8000
    , pathname: '/js/'
    , log: 'info' // show status codes
    , logAuth: true // show credentials in urls
  return gulp.src( 'index.js' )
    .pipe( webdav( options ) )
} )


Suppose the following directory tree,

  • project/
    • dist/
      • css/
      • images/
      • js/

and this destination,

  • localhost:8000/
    • css/
    • images/
    • js/

use the 'base' option to constrain the localpath mapping,

var webdav = require( 'gulp-webdav-sync' )

gulp.task( 'deploy', function () {
  var options = {
      'base': 'dist'
    , 'log': 'info'
    , 'port': 8000
  return gulp.src( 'dist/**' )
    .pipe( webdav( options ) )
} )

otherwise, the result is this.

  • localhost:8000/
    • dist/
      • css/
      • images/
      • js/

Continuous Deploying: Creates, Updates, Deletes

By combining methods, most cases can be satisfied, however deleting directories may be inconsistent. If any file changes or there is a creation in the path, then gulp.watch will re-stream all files. The uselastmodified option ( default ) compares the local time to the server time so as to only upload updates. Deletes emit a different object; not in the stream, but with a change event.

With gulp.watch

browser-sync, npmconf, and .npmrc for a save-sync-reload solution.

npm set dav http://user:pass@localhost:8000/js/
var browserSync = require( 'browser-sync' ).create()
var webdav = require( 'gulp-webdav-sync' )
var npmconf = require( 'npmconf' )
var paths = {
  'js': [ '*.js', '!gulpfile.js' ]
var href
var options = {
  'log': 'info'

gulp.task( 'default', [ 'deploy' ], function () {
  browserSync.init( { proxy: href } )
  gulp.watch( paths.js, [ 'deploy' ] )
    .on( 'change', webdav( href, options ).watch )
    .on( 'change', browserSync.reload )
} )

gulp.task( 'deploy', [ 'load-npmrc' ], function () {
  return gulp.src( paths.js )
    .pipe( webdav( href, options ) )
} )

gulp.task( 'load-npmrc', function ( cb ) {
  npmconf.load( null, function() {
    if ( npmconf.loaded.sources.user ) {
      href = npmconf.loaded.sources.user.data.dav
  } )
} )

With gulp-watch

gulp-watch uses a different strategy of extending the file objects in stream. It re-emits created, modified, and deleted files. Delete/'unlink' type events are attempted on the server as well.

var browserSync = require( 'browser-sync' ).create()
var watch = require( 'gulp-watch' )
var webdav = require( 'gulp-webdav-sync' )
var paths = {
  'js': [ '*.js', '!gulpfile.js' ]
var href = 'http://localhost'

gulp.task( 'deploy', function () {
  browserSync.init( { proxy: href } )
  return gulp.src( paths.js )
    .pipe( watch( paths.js ) )
    .pipe( webdav( href, { log: 'info' } ) )
    .pipe( browserSync.stream() )
} )


webdav( [ href ] [, options ] )

Target is a URL-type parameter whereto files are uploaded. It must specify a directory ( also known as a "collection" ). At a minimum this must be DAV root, but subdirectories may be included ( e.g. project name ). Part-wise definition across multiple arguments is undefined. Use the http: or https: scheme, not dav:.

webdav( [ href ] [, options ] ).clean( [ cb ] )

Deletes all resources under href.

webdav( [ href ] [, options ] ).watch( event [, cb ] )

Callback adapter for 'change' events from gulp.watch. Only handles type: 'deleted' events. gulp.src does not push deleted files; use this or gulp-watch instead. Calls back regardless of event.type.


Optional, asynchronous, callback function.

Type: Function
Default: undefined


glob-watcher event.

    type: 'deleted'
  , path: '/absolute/path.ext'

Type: Object
Default: undefined


Type: String
Default: undefined


Superset of request options parameter. If any URL properties are defined, then protocol, hostname, and pathname are assigned to http://localhost/. If options.agent is undefined, then a http[s] agent will be created for the stream.

Type: Object

    'clean': false
  , 'headers': { 'User-Agent': PLUGIN_NAME + '/' + VERSION }
  , 'log': 'error'
  , 'logAuth': false
  , 'base': process.cwd()
  , 'uselastmodified': 1000

Relative or absolute path which halves the source path [vinyl.path] for appending the subsequent to the DAV destination URI. Use with glob ** to prevent super-directories from being created on the destination. e.g. gulp.src( 'dist/**' ).

Type: String
Default: process.cwd()


Deletes corresponding resources on server instead of uploading. Note, glob star-star will delete directories before contents are pushed.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


Logging threshold. Orthogonal to the console methods.

string output
'info' HTTP Responses
'log' Debug

Type: String
Default: 'error'


Display credentials in logged URLs.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


Compare remote getlastmodified versus local ( changed ) ctime. Only PUT if ctime is newer than getlastmodified. Numeric value in milliseconds is the tolerance interval for qualifying client-server synchronization. Set to false to disable.

Type: Number
Default: 1000 ms


OpenSSL is required to generate certificates for unit testing.

cd gulp-webdav-sync
npm install
npm test
npm set dav http://<user>:<pass>@localhost:8000/