Leaflet Extended (React)
A way to load and perform filters faster on API returns for maps
Leaflet Extended is a mechanism that transforms your data into GeoJSON and transforms it into a faster and more dynamic map, with filters and layers that are much more practical to configure within React.
- Easier and more optimized popups
- Property based search
- Dynamic and easy-to-configure Filters and Layers
- Transformation of data into GeoJSON for easy handling and optimization
Prop | Description | Optional | DataType | Default |
baseTileUrl | Yes | String | https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png |
baseTileAttribution | Yes | String | © <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors |
mapLayers | array of map layers | No | Layer Array Object | |
markerData | array of data to be consumed | Yes | Data Array Object | [] |
circleMarkerStyle | style for marker | Yes | Style | { stroke: false, opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 1, radius: 8, fillColor: "#ff7800" } |
searchIdentifiers={['name', 'city'] | list of property names used in searches | Yes | String Array | [] |
PopupContent | popup content | Yes | Popup Content | html |
enablePopup | enable or disable popups | Yes | Boolean | true |
multiIdentifier | unique identifier property name | Yes | String | name |
latMarkerPropName | latitude property name | Yes | String | lat |
lngMarkerPropName | longitude property name | Yes | String | lng |
Layer Array Object
label: string, // layer name, don't repeat
style: (f) => {
// properties -> array of data object
const { properties } = f;
return Style; // return style to the marker
filters: [
label: string, // label for the filter
color: string, // hex code
action: string, // single value, do not repeat (internal use, will be removed in the future)
filter: {
prop: string, // data prop name for the filters
value: string // data value wanted
Data Array Object
The data shown is not optional, it is required in your data object.
...your data
lat: string | number, // the prop name can be changed by latMarkerPropName
lng: string | number, // the prop name can be changed by lngMarkerPropName
name: string // the prop name can be changed by multiIdentifier
Popup Content
// data -> data object
({ data }) => {
return <></>; // return element
// identifier, value to search -> return true or false
searchElement(string, any);
const mapRef = useRef();
const result = await ref.current.searchElement('name', 'mateus');
return (
searchIdentifiers={['name', 'city']}
npm i --save leaflet-extended