Composable AJAX requests that return a Future data type.

Future, monad, functional, composable, AJAX, JSON, http, composable-ajax-requests, currying, functional-programming, futures, lemonade
npm install lemonade@0.0.4



Composable AJAX requests that return a Future data type.

This package used to be this project: However, that project has now been deprecated for this package name. Please visit the github project if you still need the old project.


yarn install lemonade or npm install lemonade

Lemonade is bundled to work with EcmaScript version 5.

For older environments you may need to polyfill the following function: Object.assign.

CommonJS Module

var { compose, lift } = require('ramda');
var { getJson } = require('lemonade');
var { dom, getProp, setProp } = require('saladbar');

// Given you want to add an API response to this html
// <p class="default"></p>

// API Endpoint
var endpoint = '';

// Function to hit enpoint and return the body prop of the response
var postBody = compose(getProp('body'), getJson);

// Lifted function that will set the innerHTML of the passed in DOM Element with the API response
var setHtmlWithPostBody = lift((data, el) => setProp('innerHTML', data, el));

// Load the function and then fork it with the results
setHtmlWithPostBody(postBody(endpoint), dom('.default'))
.fork(console.error, console.log);
//> DOM Element

EcmaScript Module

The package.json sets a module-field for build-tools like Rollup.

import { compose, lift } from 'ramda';
import { getJson } from 'lemonade';
import { dom, getProp, setProp } from 'saladbar';

// Given you want to add an API response to this html
// <p class="default"></p>

// API Endpoint
const endpoint = '';

// Function to hit enpoint and return the body prop of the response
const postBody = compose(getProp('body'), getJson);

// Lifted function that will set the innerHTML of the passed in DOM Element with the API response
const setHtmlWithPostBody = lift((data, el) => setProp('innerHTML', data, el));

// Load the function and then fork it with the results
setHtmlWithPostBody(postBody(endpoint), dom('.default'))
.fork(console.error, console.log);
//> DOM Element

Global Bundle (CDN)

Lemonade is hosted in full with all of its dependencies at:

This script will add lemonade to the global scope.