Lyrics Fetcher Genius
How to Use
npm install --save lyricsfetchergenius@latest
Methods and Examples in Javascript
Get the genius APIKey/Token here
Using Typescript
import lyricsfetchergenius from "lyricsfetchergenius";
Using Javascript
Using GetLyrics:
const lyricsfetchergenius = require("lyricsfetchergenius");
// example of options 1
var options = {
APIKey: "your-genius-api-key",
Title: "Late Night Trips",
Artist: "Alex1",
OptimizeQuery: true, // optimizes the query for best results. default is false
AuthHeader: true, // include auth header in the search request. default is false
// example of options 2
const APIKey = process.env.APIKEY || "your-genius-api-key";
// below player is erela.js || you can use anything.
const songTitle = player.queue.current.title;
const songArtist =;
var options = {
Title: songTitle,
Artist: songArtist,
OptimizeQuery: true, // optimizes the query for best results. default is false
AuthHeader: true, // include auth header in the search request. default is false
async () => {
try {
let lyrics = await lyricsfetchergenius.GetLyrics(options);
lyrics = lyrics.replace(/(\[.+\])/g, ""); // optional
console.log(lyrics); // you can do somthing else with it other than console.log
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Using GetAlbumArt:
const lyricsfetchergenius = require("lyricsfetchergenius");
// example of options 1
var options = {
APIKey: "your-genius-api-key",
Title: "Late Night Trips",
Artist: "Alex1",
OptimizeQuery: true, // optimizes the query for best results. default is false
AuthHeader: true, // include auth header in the search request. default is false
// example of options 2
const APIKey = process.env.APIKEY || "your-genius-api-key";
// below player is erela.js || you can use anything.
const songTitle = player.queue.current.title;
const songArtist =;
var options = {
Title: songTitle,
Artist: songArtist,
OptimizeQuery: true, // optimizes the query for best results. default is false
AuthHeader: true, // include auth header in the search request. default is false
async () => {
try {
const albumArt = await lyricsfetchergenius.GetAlbumArt(options);
console.log(albumArt); // you can do somthing else with it other than console.log
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Using GetSong:
const lyricsfetchergenius = require("lyricsfetchergenius");
// example of options 1
var options = {
APIKey: "your-genius-api-key",
Title: "Late Night Trips",
Artist: "Alex1",
OptimizeQuery: true, // optimizes the query for best results. default is false
AuthHeader: true, // include auth header in the search request. default is false
// example of options 2
const APIKey = process.env.APIKEY || "your-genius-api-key";
// below player is erela.js || you can use anything.
const songTitle = player.queue.current.title;
const songArtist =;
var options = {
Title: songTitle,
Artist: songArtist,
OptimizeQuery: true, // optimizes the query for best results. default is false
AuthHeader: true, // include auth header in the search request. default is false
async () => {
try {
const albumArt = await lyricsfetchergenius.GetSong(options); // returns an object
console.log(albumArt); // you can do somthing else with it other than console.log
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Using GetSongByID:
const lyricsfetchergenius = require("lyricsfetchergenius");
const songID = "368385"; // just an example
const APIKey = process.env.APIKEY || "your-genius-api-key";
async () => {
try {
const song = await lyricsfetchergenius.GetSongByID(ID, APIKey); // returns an object
console.log(song); // you can do somthing else with it other than console.log
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Using SearchSong:
const lyricsfetchergenius = require("lyricsfetchergenius");
// example of options 1
var options = {
APIKey: "your-genius-api-key",
Title: "Late Night Trips",
Artist: "Alex1",
OptimizeQuery: true, // optimizes the query for best results. default is false
AuthHeader: true, // include auth header in the search request. default is false
// example of options 2
const APIKey = process.env.APIKEY || "your-genius-api-key";
// below player is erela.js || you can use anything.
const songTitle = player.queue.current.title;
const songArtist =;
var options = {
Title: songTitle,
Artist: songArtist,
OptimizeQuery: true, // optimizes the query for best results. default is false
AuthHeader: true, // include auth header in the search request. default is false
async () => {
try {
let song = await lyricsfetchergenius.SearchSong(options);
console.log(song); //returns a object. you can do somthing else with it other than console.log
} catch (error) {
throw error;