
Mailinator REST API client for JavaScript applications.

mailinator, email, inbox, message, REST-API-client
npm install mailinator-client@1.0.4


Mailinator REST API client for JavaScript applications.

Uses Microsoft's typed-rest-client. All requests are async functions.

Usage example

Create MailinatorClient
const mailinatorClient: MailinatorClient = new MailinatorClient("yourApiKeyHere");
Get inbox from domain
const response: IRestResponse<Inbox> = await mailinatorClient.request(
            new GetInboxRequest("yourDomainNameHere")
Get paginated messages from domain and inbox
const response: IRestResponse<Inbox> = await mailinatorClient.request(
            new GetInboxRequest("yourDomainNameHere", "yourInboxNameHere", 10, 20, Sort.DESC, true)
Get message
const response: IRestResponse<Message> = await mailinatorClient.request(
            new GetMessageRequest("yourDomainNameHere", "yourInboxNameHere", "yourMessageIdHere")

Build tests

  • npm test

By default, most of the tests are skipped.

Build with tests

Most of the tests require env variables with valid values. Visit tests source code and review EnabledIfEnvironmentVariable wrapped parts. The more env variables you set, the more tests are run.

  • MAILINATOR_TEST_API_TOKEN - API tokens for authentication; basic requirement across many tests;see also
  • MAILINATOR_TEST_DOMAIN_PRIVATE - private domain; visit
  • MAILINATOR_TEST_INBOX - some already existing inbox within the private domain
  • MAILINATOR_TEST_PHONE_NUMBER - associated phone number within the private domain; see also
  • MAILINATOR_TEST_MESSAGE_WITH_ATTACHMENT_ID - existing message id within inbox (see above) within private domain (see above); see also
  • MAILINATOR_TEST_ATTACHMENT_ID - existing message id within inbox (see above) within private domain (see above); see also
  • MAILINATOR_TEST_DELETE_DOMAIN - don't use it unless you are 100% sure what you are doing
  • MAILINATOR_TEST_WEBHOOKTOKEN_PRIVATEDOMAIN - private domain for webhook token
  • MAILINATOR_TEST_WEBHOOKTOKEN_CUSTOMSERVICE - custom service for webhook token
  • MAILINATOR_TEST_AUTH_SECRET - authenticator secret
  • MAILINATOR_TEST_AUTH_ID - authenticator id
  • MAILINATOR_TEST_WEBHOOK_INBOX - inbox for webhook
  • MAILINATOR_TEST_WEBHOOK_CUSTOMSERVICE - custom service for webhook

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