
Get your services behaved

npm install manners@0.4.3


manners - get your services behaved Build Status

A framework for fast, reliable and meaningful API testing powered by consumer-driven contracts.

Keeping your web service running is difficult. Guaranteeing that none of your changes will break the web, desktop or mobile clients is critical. How do you ensure that your (micro) service based architecture won’t fall apart?

Traditional tools have several problems:

  • functional tests are slow, flakey and imprecise
  • even the best-written API documentation might become outdated, simply because keeping it in sync with your service is hard
  • maintaining multiple versions of your API for different consumers requires a lot of painful work

Consumer-driven contract testing solves those problems:

  • get feedback on your changes within the second, without flakeyness
  • automatically generate API documentation and contracts to guarantee that they’re up to date
  • see which of your consumers would be affected by your modifications

manners is the best framework for consumer-driven contract testing:

  • It’s super easy to get started with. You can run your first contract test in under 5 minutes, then incrementally increase your test suite until it's kickass!
  • It provides bindings to your favourite language (currently only nodejs)
  • Detailed, human readable error messages will guide you and show you exactly what went wrong

Here's a couple of places to get more information in case you get stuck: