Complete collection of Discord API endpoint handlers.

api, discord, slack, spotify, storage, cache, keyvalue, endpoints, handlers, integration, utilities, javascript, nodejs, node.js, development, library, bot
npm install mapih@3.13.0


view on npm npm module downloads


Comprehensive collection of Discord, OpenAI, Anthropic, Spotify, YouTube, Twitter, Slack, Imgur, DropBox, Box and various Google API endpoint handlers

Discord is the only completed set of handlers, the rest are still in early development


Choose one of the following options to authenticate:

Option 1: Using Environment Variablese

If you are using OnSocket, use this file to get the valid keys but add them to OnSocket's environment variables on the website itself.

Rename the provided .env.example file at the root of your project to .env and fill in any tokens/keys you wish to use.

Option 2: Using Initialization Function

const mapih = require('mapih');

// Minimum requirement if using this method
mapih.initialize({ discord: 'bot_token' });

// All possible properties
  discord: 'bot_token',
  openai: 'sk-1p7NKtCpA0sG7XLdT3L7EqW9GFefX',
  spotify: {
    client_id: 'cc4287d9Cm4692a9f681d07d9boqji83',
    client_secret: '898Nb8f7b09tMnb2lkj3c55443ddmn0ze',
    redirect_uri: 'http:localhost:8001/spotify',
    scope: 'user-read-email user-read-private'
  google: {
    api_key: 'AISlkuhyA4q4L9m0c3I09maoOYTN0wuyWdA',
    client_id: '',
    client_secret: 'GOSLPM-sPn88Kn6GWk90Nh0uk_MNim7698By4',
    redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:8001/youtube'
  slack: {
    user: '6942854604069-6272480346098-6284925009575-6901309',
    bot: '6942854604069-6262140883098-Vt6RKehxmTj4Luvvy',
    client_id: '6942854604069.624286609478',
    client_secret: '4e4998dh94rl846bdsdfegfb0f12',
    redirect_uri: 'http:localhost:8001/slack',
    user_scope: 'admin',
    bot_scope: ' channels:read'
  dropbox: {
    basic_token: 'N09asdfGlzZzB9P63465efasNWxAvfpk3dQ',
    access_token: 'sl.BsobToktTBbsdf235aiihH7j60T_4T',
    client_id: '7cxvzmptyug7ymc9',
    client_secret: 'easdf8980k6csdf5y7u',
    redirect_uri: 'http:localhost:8001/dropbox'
  box: {
    client_id: '3sdfgi8j90fpl8q25809sd0',
    client_secret: 'Jsdf6BB4UErgS2chrg4365sdfBXS',
    redirect_uri: 'http:localhost:8001/box'

Basic usage

(async() => {

  await mapih.discord.channels.messages.create({
    channel_id: '774133713733812275',
    content: 'hello'


Table of Contents

• Applications     ◦ getMe     ◦ updateMe     ◦ appRoleConnectionMeta     ◦ updateAppRoleConnectionMeta     ◦ commands         ‣ retrieve         ‣ getAll         ‣ create         ‣ update         ‣ destroy         ‣ bulkOverwrite         ‣ retrievePermissions         ‣ getAllPermissions         ‣ updatePermissions     ◦ entitlements         ‣ getAll         ‣ create         ‣ destroy     ◦ skus         ‣ getAll • Audit Log     ◦ retrieve • Auto Moderation     ◦ retrieveRule     ◦ getAllRules     ◦ createRule     ◦ updateRule     ◦ destroyRule • Channels     ◦ retrieve     ◦ update     ◦ destroy     ◦ updatePermissions     ◦ deletePermissions     ◦ getinvites     ◦ inviteCreate     ◦ typingCreate     ◦ followAnnouncementChannel     ◦ groupDMadd     ◦ groupDMremove     ◦ messages         ‣ retrieve         ‣ getAll         ‣ create         ‣ update         ‣ destroy         ‣ bulkDelete         ‣ crosspost         ‣ pin         ‣ unpin         ‣ getPinned     ◦ threads         ‣ forumThreadCreate         ‣ createFromMessage         ‣ createWithoutMessage         ‣ join         ‣ leave         ‣ addMember         ‣ removeMember         ‣ retrieveMember         ‣ getAllMembers         ‣ getAllPublicArchived         ‣ getAllPrivateArchived         ‣ getAllJoinedPrivateArchived     ◦ reactions         ‣ create         ‣ deleteOwn         ‣ deleteUser         ‣ deleteAll         ‣ deleteAllEmoji         ‣ getUsers • Guilds     ◦ create     ◦ update     ◦ destroy     ◦ retrieve     ◦ destroy     ◦ getPreview     ◦ retrieve     ◦ getAll     ◦ create     ◦ destroy     ◦ getInvites     ◦ updateMFAlevel     ◦ getPruneCount     ◦ beginPrune     ◦ getVoiceRegions     ◦ getAllIntegrations     ◦ destroyIntegration     ◦ retrieveWidget     ◦ retrieveWidgetImage     ◦ retrieveWidgetSettings     ◦ updateWidget     ◦ retrieveVanityURL     ◦ retrieveWelcomeScreen     ◦ updateWelcomeScreen     ◦ retrieveOnboarding     ◦ updateOnboarding     ◦ newMemberWelcome     ◦ channels         ‣ getAll         ‣ create         ‣ updatePositions     ◦ members         ‣ retrieve         ‣ getAll         ‣ search         ‣ remove         ‣ update         ‣ updateCurrent         ‣ addRole         ‣ removeRole         ‣ getPermissionNames         ‣ timeout     ◦ roles         ‣ retrieve         ‣ getAll         ‣ create         ‣ update         ‣ destroy         ‣ updatePositions     ◦ emojis         ‣ retrieve         ‣ getAll         ‣ create         ‣ update         ‣ destroy     ◦ stickers         ‣ retrieve         ‣ nitroPacks         ‣ getAll         ‣ retrieveGuild         ‣ create         ‣ update         ‣ destroy     ◦ events         ‣ retrieve         ‣ getAll         ‣ getUsers         ‣ create         ‣ update         ‣ destroy     ◦ templates         ‣ retrieve         ‣ getAll         ‣ create         ‣ createGuild         ‣ sync         ‣ update         ‣ destroy • Interactions     ◦ callback         ‣ reply         ‣ defer         ‣ get_original         ‣ update_original         ‣ delete_original         ‣ component_defer         ‣ component_update         ‣ autocomplete_reply         ‣ modal_reply         ‣ upgrade     ◦ followup         ‣ retrieve         ‣ create         ‣ update         ‣ destroy • Invites     ◦ retrieve     ◦ revoke • OAuth 2 • Stage Instances     ◦ retrieve     ◦ create     ◦ update     ◦ destroy • Users     ◦ retrieve     ◦ currentUser     ◦ myGuilds     ◦ currentMember     ◦ updateCurrent     ◦ connections     ◦ appRoleConnection     ◦ updateAppRoleConnection     ◦ createDM     ◦ createGroupDM     ◦ leaveGuild • Webhooks     ◦ retrieve     ◦ retrieveWithToken     ◦ retrieveChannel     ◦ retrieveGuild     ◦ retrieveMessage     ◦ updateMessage     ◦ destroyMessage     ◦ create     ◦ update     ◦ updateWithToken     ◦ destroy     ◦ destroyWithToken     ◦ execute • Objects/Types     ◦ Guilds     ◦ Users     ◦ Channels     ◦ Interactions     ◦ Roles     ◦ Emojis/Stickers     ◦ Message Components     ◦ Webhooks     ◦ Invites     ◦ Application     ◦ Audit Log     ◦ Auto Moderation

• Chat     ◦ create • Images     ◦ create • Speech     ◦ create • Embeddings     ◦ create

Docs coming soon

• Users     ◦ me     ◦ topItems     ◦ getProfile • Search     ◦ advanced     ◦ artists     ◦ songs     ◦ albums • Songs     ◦ retrieve     ◦ retrieveMany     ◦ recommendations     ◦ save     ◦ unsave     ◦ saved     ◦ isSaved     ◦ analyze     ◦ audioFeatures     ◦ audioFeaturesMany • Artists     ◦ retrieve     ◦ retrieveMany     ◦ recommendations     ◦ albums     ◦ related     ◦ follow     ◦ unfollow     ◦ following     ◦ isFollowing • Albums     ◦ retrieve     ◦ retrieveMany     ◦ songs     ◦ new     ◦ save     ◦ unsave     ◦ saved     ◦ isSaved • Playlists     ◦ featured     ◦ category     ◦ create     ◦ addSongs     ◦ update     ◦ updateSongs     ◦ removeSongs     ◦ retrieveSongs     ◦ created     ◦ following     ◦ isFollowing     ◦ follow     ◦ unfollow     ◦ user     ◦ cover     ◦ updateCover • Playback     ◦ state     ◦ currentSong     ◦ devices     ◦ togglePlayback     ◦ pause     ◦ skip     ◦ previous     ◦ seek     ◦ setVolume     ◦ toggleShuffle     ◦ toggleRepeat     ◦ queue     ◦ recent     ◦ addToQueue     ◦ transfer

• Storage     ◦ get     ◦ getMany     ◦ set     ◦ setMany     ◦ delete     ◦ deleteMany     ◦ merge     ◦ push     ◦ export     ◦ filter     ◦ all     ◦ has     ◦ entries     ◦ keys     ◦ values     ◦ size     ◦ bytes     ◦ toJson     ◦ clear     ◦ equals     ◦ history     ◦ clearHistory



All functions relating to Discord Guilds (servers)

Method Description
retrieve Get information about a guild
create Create a new guild
update Modify a guild's settings
destroy Delete a guild
getPreview Get the guild's preview
retrieve Get guild ban with given id
getAll Get a list of a guild's bans
create Create a new guild ban
destroy Delete a guild ban
getInvites Get a list of a guild's invites
updateMFAlevel Modify the guild's MFA level
getPruneCount Get number of members that would be removed in a prune operation
beginPrune Begin a prune operation
getVoiceRegions Get a list of a guild's voice regions
getAllIntegrations Get a list of a guild's integrations
destroyIntegration Delete a guild integration
retrieveWidget Get the guild's widget
retrieveWidgetSettings Get the guild's widget settings
retrieveWidgetImage Get the guild's widget image
updateWidget Modify the guild's widget
retrieveVanityURL Get the guild's vanity url
retrieveWelcomeScreen Get the guild's welcome screen
updateWelcomeScreen Modify the guild's welcome screen
retrieveOnboarding Get the guild's onboarding
updateOnboarding Modify the guild's onboarding
newMemberWelcome * undocumented


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
with_counts? boolean Approcimate member and presence counts


await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieve({
  guild_id: '0000000000'

This endpoint can be used only by bots in less than 10 servers.


Field Type Description
name string Name of the guild (2-100 characters)
icon? string/buffer Guild icon (url to image or image buffer)
roles? array of Role objects Roles to add to the guild
channels? array of PartialChannel objects Channels to add to the guild
verification_level? number The guild's verification level
default_message_notifications? number Default message notification level
explicit_content_filter? number Explicit content filter level
afk_channel_id? snowflake ID for afk channel
afk_timeout? number afk timeout in seconds, can be set to: 60, 300, 900, 1800, 3600
system_channel_id? snowflake The id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted
system_channel_flags? number System channel flags


await mapih.discord.guilds.create({
  name: "Eric's Server",
  icon: 'https://imgurl.png', // or buffer
  default_message_notifications: 1, // ONLY_MENTIONS
  verification_level: 0, // NONE
  explicit_content_filter: 0, // DISABLED
  roles: [{
    name: 'Administrator',
    permissions: 1 << 3,
    hoist: 'true',
    mentionable: 'false'
  channels: [
      name: 'my-category',
      type: 4, // GUILD_CATEGORY
      id: 1
      name: 'bot-testing',
      type: 0, // GUILD_TEXT
      id: 2,
      parent_id: 1 // 'my-category'


Field Type Description
name string Name of the guild (2-100 characters)
description string
owner_id snowflake User id to transfer server ownership to
icon url/buffer
splash url/buffer
discovery_splash url/buffer
banner url/buffer
verification_level number The guild's verification level
default_message_notifications number Default message notification level
explicit_content_filter number Explicit content filter level
afk_channel_id snowflake id for afk channel
afk_timeout number afk timeout in seconds, can be set to: 60, 300, 900, 1800, 3600
system_channel_id snowflake The id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted
system_channel_flags number System channel flags
rules_channel_id snowflake
system_updates_channel_id snowflake
premium_progress_bar_enabled number


await mapih.discord.guilds.update({
  name: "Eric's New Server",
  // ...


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.destroy({
  guild_id: '0000000000'

• If the user is not in the guild, then the guild must be lurkable.


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.getPreview({
  guild_id: '0000000000'

• Returns a ban object for the given user or a 404 not found if the ban cannot be found. • Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
user_id snowflake The ID of the user the ban was created for


await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieve({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
limit? number Number of users to return (up to maximum 1000) (default 1000)
before? snowflake Consider only users before given user ID
after? snowflake Consider only users after given user ID


await mapih.discord.guilds.getAll({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  limit: 50,
  after: '0000000000'

• Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
user_id snowflake User ID of the user to ban
delete_message_seconds? snowflake Number of seconds to delete the banned user's messages for, between 0 and 604800 (7 days).
reason? string Reason for the ban


await mapih.discord.guilds.create({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000',
  delete_message_seconds: 604800,
  reason: 'not cool enough'

• Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
user_id snowflake User ID of the user to unban
reason? string Reason


await mapih.discord.guilds.destroy({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000',
  reason: 'ok I guess you\'re alright'

• Requires guild ownership.


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
level number MFA level


await mapih.discord.guilds.updateMFAlevel({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  level: 0

• By default, prune will not remove users with roles. • You can optionally include specific roles in your prune by providing the include_roles parameter. • Any inactive user that has a subset of the provided role(s) will be counted in the prune and users with additional roles will not.


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
days number Number of days to count prune for (1-30) (Default 7)
include_roles? string[] An array of role IDs to include


await mapih.discord.guilds.getPruneCount({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  days: 3,
  include_roles: [

• For large guilds it's recommended to set the compute_prune_count option to false, forcing pruned to null. • By default, prune will not remove users with roles. • You can optionally include specific roles in your prune by providing the include_roles parameter. • Any inactive user that has a subset of the provided role(s) will be counted in the prune and users with additional roles will not.


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
days number Number of days to count prune for (1-30) (default 7)
compute_prune_count boolean Whether pruned is returned, discouraged for large guilds (default true)
include_roles? snowflake[] An array of role IDs to include
reason? string Reason


await mapih.discord.guilds.beginPrune({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  days: 3,
  compute_prune_count: true,
  include_roles: [


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.getVoiceRegions({
  guild_id: '0000000000'

This endpoint returns a maximum of 50 integrations. If a guild has more integrations, they cannot be accessed.


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.getAllIntegrations({
  guild_id: '0000000000'

• Deletes any associated webhooks and kicks the associated bot if there is one.


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
integration_id snowflake The ID of the integration to delete


await mapih.discord.guilds.destroyIntegration({
  guild_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieveWidget({
  guild_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieveWidgetSettings({
  guild_id: '0000000000'
Widget Style Options
Value Description Example
shield shield style widget with Discord icon and guild members online count Example
banner1 large image with guild icon, name and online count. "POWERED BY DISCORD" as the footer of the widget Example
banner2 smaller widget style with guild icon, name and online count. Split on the right with Discord logo Example
banner3 large image with guild icon, name and online count. In the footer, Discord logo on the left and "Chat Now" on the right Example
banner4 large Discord logo at the top of the widget. Guild icon, name and online count in the middle portion of the widget and a "JOIN MY SERVER" button at the bottom Example


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
style string Widget style (see above)


await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieveWidgetImage({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  style: 'banner3'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
channel_id? snowflake temp
enabled? boolean Whether the widget is enabled


await mapih.discord.guilds.updateWidget({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  enabled: true


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieveVanityURL({
  guild_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieveWelcomeScreen({
  guild_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
description? string The server description to show in the welcome screen
enabled? boolean Whether the welcome screen is enabled.
welcome_channels? array of welcome screen channel objects Channels shown in the welcome screen, up to 5


await mapih.discord.guilds.updateWelcomeScreen({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  enabled: true


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.retrieveOnboarding({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  enabled: true

• Requires the MANAGE_GUILD and MANAGE_ROLES permissions. • Onboarding enforces constraints when enabled. These constraints are that there must be at least 7 Default Channels and at least 5 of them must allow sending messages to the @everyone role. The mode field modifies what is considered when enforcing these constraints.**


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
prompts array of onboarding prompt objects Prompts shown during onboarding and in customize commutity
default_channel_ids array of snowflakes Channel IDs that members get opted into automatically
enabled boolean Whether onboarding is enabled in the guild
mode onboarding mode Current mode of onboarding


await mapih.discord.guilds.updateOnboarding({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  prompts: [{
    id: '0000000000',
    type: 0,
    title: 'Prompt Title',
    single_select: true,
    required: true,
    in_onboarding: true,
    options: [{
      title: 'Option Title',
      description: 'Option description',
      id: '0000000000',
      channel_ids: [
      role_ids: [
      emoji: {
        id: '0000000000',
        name: 'emoji_name',
        animated: false

Guild Channels

Method Description
getAll Retrieve all channels in a guild.
create Create a new guild channel.
updatePositions Modify the positions of channels.
Does not include threads


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.channels.getAll({
  guild_id: '0000000000'

All parameters to this endpoint are optional and nullable excluding name


Field Type Description Channel Type
name string channel name (1-100 characters) All
type number the type of channel All
topic string channel topic (0-1024 characters) Text, Announcement, Forum, Media
bitrate number the bitrate (in bits) of the voice or stage channel; min 8000 Voice, Stage
user_limit number the user limit of the voice channel Voice, Stage
rate_limit_per_user number amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600); bots, as well as users with the permission manage_messages or manage_channel, are unaffected Text, Voice, Stage, Forum, Media
position number sorting position of the channel All
permission_overwrites array of partial overwrite objects the channel's permission overwrites All
parent_id snowflake id of the parent category for a channel Text, Voice, Announcement, Stage, Forum, Media
nsfw boolean whether the channel is nsfw Text, Voice, Announcement, Stage, Forum
rtc_region string channel voice region id of the voice or stage channel, automatic when set to null Voice, Stage
video_quality_mode number the camera video quality mode of the voice channel Voice, Stage
default_auto_archive_duration number the default duration that the clients use (not the API) for newly created threads in the channel, in minutes, to automatically archive the thread after recent activity Text, Announcement, Forum, Media
default_reaction_emoji default reaction object emoji to show in the add reaction button on a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel Forum, Media
available_tags array of tag objects set of tags that can be used in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel Forum, Media
default_sort_order number the default sort order type used to order posts in GUILD_FORUM and GUILD_MEDIA channels Forum, Media
default_forum_layout number the default forum layout view used to display posts in GUILD_FORUM channels Forum
default_thread_rate_limit_per_user number the initial rate_limit_per_user to set on newly created threads in a channel. this field is copied to the thread at creation time and does not live update. Text, Announcement, Forum, Media


await mapih.discord.guilds.channels.create({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'my-new-channel',
  type: 0,
  topic: 'Cool people only',
  position: 19

Only channels to be modified are required


Field Type Description
id snowflake channel id
position? ?number sorting position of the channel
lock_permissions? ?boolean syncs the permission overwrites with the new parent, if moving to a new category
parent_id? ?snowflake the new parent ID for the channel that is moved


await mapih.discord.guilds.channels.updatePositions({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  channels: [{
    id: '0000000000',
    position: 3,
    lock_permissions: true,
    parent_id: '0000000000'

Guild Members

Method Description
retrieve Returns information about a user
getAll List all members of a guild
search Search for guild members by name or nickname
remove Remove a member from a guild
update Modify attributes of a guild member
updateCurrent Modify the current bot's nickname in the guild
addRole Add a role to a guild member
removeRole Remove a role from a guild member
getPermissionNames Get a user's permission's names
timeout Update a member's communication timeout


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
user_id snowflake The ID of the user


await mapih.discord.guilds.members.retrieve({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
limit number Max number of members to return (1-1000) (default 1)
after snowflake The highest user id in the previous page (default 0)


await mapih.discord.guilds.members.getAll({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  limit: 1000


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
query string Query string to match username(s) and nickname(s) against
limit number Max number of members to return (1-1000) (default 1)


  guild_id: '0000000000',
  query: 'lostmyinfo',
  limit: 1


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
user_id snowflake The ID of the user to remove
reason? string Reason for kick


await mapih.discord.guilds.members.remove({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000',
  reason: 'not cool enough'

• If the channel_id is set to null, this will force the target user to be disconnected from voice.

All parameters to this endpoint are optional and nullable.


Field Type Description Permission
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
role_id snowflake the id of the role
nick string value to set user's nickname to MANAGE_NICKNAMES
roles array of snowflakes array of role ids the member is assigned MANAGE_ROLES
mute boolean whether the user is muted in voice channels MUTE_MEMBERS
deaf boolean whether the user is deafened in voice channels DEAFEN_MEMBERS
channel_id snowflake id of channel to move user to (if they are connected to voice) MOVE_MEMBERS
communication_disabled_until ISO8601 timestamp when the user's timeout will expire (up to 28 days in the future) MODERATE_MEMBERS
flags number guild member flags MODERATE_MEMBERS


await mapih.discord.guilds.members.update({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  nick: 'cool new nick'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
nick? string Value to set user's nickname to


await mapih.discord.guilds.members.updateCurrent({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  nick: 'cool new nick'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
user_id snowflake The user ID of the user to assign the role to
role_id snowflake The role ID of the role to give the user


await mapih.discord.guilds.members.addRole({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000',
  role_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
user_id snowflake The user ID of the user to remove the role from
role_id snowflake The role ID of the role to remove from the user


await mapih.discord.guilds.members.removeRole({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000',
  role_id: '0000000000'

Get Member Permission Names


Type Description
array of role IDs Roles of a member
array of role objects Roles of a guild


const x = params.member.roles;
const y = params.guild.roles;
const permNames = getPermissionNames(x, y);

Timeout Guild Member

• Sets/adjusts/clears a member's timeout


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
user_id snowflake The user ID of the user to remove the role from
duration number Duration in seconds to set timeout. Set to null or omit to clear timeout.
reason? string Reason


// timeout a member for 5 minutes
await mapih.discord.guilds.members.timeout({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000',
  duration: 300 // 5 minutes

// clear a member's timeout
await mapih.discord.guilds.members.timeout({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000'

Guild Roles

Method Description
retrieve Retrieve a role by ID
getAll List all roles in a guild
create Create a new role in the guild
update Modify properties of a guild role
destroy Modify properties of a guild role

Get Guild role


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
role_id snowflake the id of the role


await mapih.discord.guilds.roles.retrieve({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  role_id: '0000000000'

Get Guild Roles


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.roles.getAll({
  guild_id: '0000000000'

Create Guild Role


Field Type Description Default
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
role_id snowflake the id of the role
name string name of the role, max 100 characters "new role"
permissions string bitwise value of the enabled/disabled permissions @everyone
color number RGB color value 0
hoist boolean whether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar false
icon url/buffer the role's icon image (if the guild has the ROLE_ICONS feature) null
unicode_emoji ?string the role's unicode emoji as a standard emoji (if guild has the ROLE_ICONS feature) null
mentionable boolean whether the role should be mentionable false


await mapih.discord.guilds.roles.create({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'cool kids',
  hoist: true,
  mentionable: true,
  icon: 'https://www.picofcoolkid.png'

Modify Guild Role

All parameters to this endpoint are optional and nullable.


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
role_id snowflake the id of the role
name string name of the role, max 100 characters
permissions string bitwise value of the enabled/disabled permissions
color number RGB color value
hoist boolean whether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar
icon url/buffer the role's icon image (if the guild has the ROLE_ICONS feature)
unicode_emoji ?string the role's unicode emoji as a standard emoji (if guild has the ROLE_ICONS feature)
mentionable boolean whether the role should be mentionable


await mapih.discord.guilds.roles.update({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  role_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'new role name',
  hoist: false,
  mentionable: false,
  icon: 'https://www.newimage.png'

Delete Guild Role


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
role_id snowflake the id of the role
reason? string reason


await mapih.discord.guilds.roles.destroy({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  role_id: '0000000000'

Modify Guild Role Positions


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
roles array of partial channel objects the ids and new positions of the channels to modify


await mapih.discord.guilds.roles.retrieve({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  roles: [
    { id: '0000000000', position: 3 },
    { id: '0000000000', position: 8 }

Guild Emojis

Method Description
retrieve Get a specific emoji from a guild
getAll List all emojis in a guild
create Create a new emoji in the guild
update Modify a guild emoji
destroy Delete a guild emoji


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
emoji_id snowflake The id of the emoji


await mapih.discord.guilds.emojis.retrieve({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  emoji_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.emojis.getAll({
  guild_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
name string name of the emoji
image url/buffer the 128x128 emoji image
roles array of snowflakes roles allowed to use this emoji


await mapih.discord.guilds.emojis.create({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'goodsie',
  image: 'https://picofgoodsie.png'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
emoji_id snowflake the id of the emoji
name string name of the emoji
roles array of snowflakes roles allowed to use this emoji


await mapih.discord.guilds.emojis.update({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  emoji_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'newemojiname'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
emoji_id snowflake The id of the emoji


await mapih.discord.guilds.emojis.destroy({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  emoji_id: '0000000000'

Guild Stickers

Method Description
retrieve Get a specific sticker
retrieveGuildSticker Get a specific sticker from a guild
nitroPacks Lists available sticker packs
getAll List all stickers in a guild
create Create a guild sticker
update Update a guild sticker
destroy Delete a guild sticker


Field Type Description
sticker_id snowflake The id of the sticker


await mapih.discord.guilds.stickers.retrieve({
  sticker_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
sticker_id snowflake The id of the sticker


await mapih.discord.guilds.stickers.retrieveGuild({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  sticker_id: '0000000000'


await mapih.discord.guilds.stickers.retrieve();


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.guilds.stickers.getAll({
  guild_id: '0000000000'

This endpoint may take time. It goes through multiple functions before returning the sticker.


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
name string name of the sticker (2-30 characters)
description string description of the sticker (empty or 2-100 characters)
tags string autocomplete/suggestion tags for the sticker (max 200 characters)
file url/buffer the sticker file to upload


await mapih.discord.guilds.stickers.create({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'mynewsticker',
  description: 'cool description',
  tags: 'uhhh',
  file: 'https://uhhh.gif'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
name string name of the sticker (2-30 characters)
description string description of the sticker (empty or 2-100 characters)
tags string autocomplete/suggestion tags for the sticker (max 200 characters)


await mapih.discord.guilds.stickers.update({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'mynewnewsticker',
  description: 'new cool description',
  tags: 'new uhhh',


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
sticker_id string the id of the sticker


await mapih.discord.guilds.stickers.destroy({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  sticker_id: '0000000000',

Guild Scheduled Event

Method Description
retrieve Get a specific scheduled event in the guild
getAll List all scheduled events for the guild
getUsers Get users subscribed to a scheduled event
create Create a new scheduled event in the guild
update Modify a guild scheduled event
destroy Delete a guild scheduled event


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
guild_scheduled_event_id snowflake the id of the event
with_user_count? boolean include number of users subscribed to each event


  guild_id: '0000000000',
  guild_scheduled_event_id: '0000000000',
  with_user_count: true


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
with_user_count? boolean include number of users subscribed to each event


  guild_id: '0000000000',
  with_user_count: true


Field Type Description Default
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
guild_scheduled_event_id snowflake the id of the event
limit? number number of users to return (up to maximum 100) 100
with_member? boolean include guild member data if it exists false
before? * snowflake consider only users before given user id null
after? * snowflake consider only users after given user id null

* Provide a user id to before and after for pagination. Users will always be returned in ascending order by user_id.

If both before and after are provided, only before is respected. Fetching users in-between before and after is not supported.**


  guild_id: '0000000000',
  guild_scheduled_event_id: '0000000000',
  limit: 10,
  with_member: true


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake
channel_id? * ?snowflake Set to null if changing entity type to EXTERNAL
entity_metadata? ** entity metadata The entity metadata of the scheduled event
name string The name of the scheduled event
privacy_level privacy level The privacy level of the scheduled event
scheduled_start_time ISO8601 timestamp The time to schedule the scheduled event
scheduled_end_time? ** ISO8601 timestamp The time when the scheduled event is scheduled to end
description? string The description of the scheduled event
entity_type event entity type The entity type of the scheduled event
image? url/buffer The cover image of the scheduled event

* Optional for events with 'entity_type': EXTERNAL ** Required for events with 'entity_type': EXTERNAL


  guild_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'Cool Event Name',
  privacy_level: 2,
  scheduled_start_time: '2023-04-04T11:00:00',
  entity_type: 2,
  channel_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake
channel_id? * ?snowflake Set to null if changing entity type to EXTERNAL
entity_metadata? ?entity metadata The entity metadata of the scheduled event
name? string The name of the scheduled event
privacy_level? privacy level The privacy level of the scheduled event
scheduled_start_time? ISO8601 timestamp The time to schedule the scheduled event
scheduled_end_time? * ISO8601 timestamp The time when the scheduled event is scheduled to end
description? ?string The description of the scheduled event
entity_type? * event entity type The entity type of the scheduled event
status? event status The status of the scheduled event
image? url/buffer The cover image of the scheduled event

* If updating entity_type to EXTERNAL:

  • channel_id is required and must be set to null
  • entity_metadata with a location field must be provided
  • scheduled_end_time must be provided


  guild_id: '0000000000',
  guild_scheduled_event_id: '0000000000'
  name: 'Edited Event Name',
  status: 2 // ACTIVE


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


  guild_id: '0000000000'

Guild Templates

Method Description
retrieve Get a guild template by its code
getAll List all templates for a guild
create Create a new template for the guild
createGuild Create a new guild from a template
sync Sync a guild template with the guild's current state
update Modify a guild template
destroy Delete a guild template


Field Type Description
template_code snowflake the template's code


await mapih.discord.guilds.templates.retrieve({
  template_code: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the guild id


await mapih.discord.guilds.templates.getAll({
  guild_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the guild's id
name string name of the template (1-100 characters)
description? ?string description for the template (0-120 characters)


await mapih.discord.guilds.templates.create({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'fancy template'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the guild's id
template_code snowflake the template's code
name? string name of the template (1-100 characters)
description? ?string description for the template (0-120 characters)


await mapih.discord.guilds.templates.update({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  template_code: '0000000000',
  name: 'new fancy template name'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the guild id
template_code snowflake the template's code


await mapih.discord.guilds.templates.destroy({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  template_code: '0000000000'

This endpoint can be used only by bots in less than 10 guilds.


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the guild's id
template_code snowflake the template's code
name string name of the template (1-100 characters)
icon? url/buffer image url or image buffer for the guild's icon


await mapih.discord.guilds.templates.createGuild({
  template_code: '0000000000',
  name: 'Eric\'s cool server template',
  icon: 'https://templateGuildIcon.png'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the guild id
template_code snowflake the template's code


await mapih.discord.guilds.templates.sync({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  template_code: '0000000000'


All functions relating to Discord Channels

Method Description
retrieve Get information about a channel in a guild
update update a channel in a guild
destroy Delete a channel in a guild
editPermissions Update the permissions of a channel in a guild
deletePermissions Delete a channels permissions
getInvites Get all invites for a channel
inviteCreate Create a new channel invite
typingCreate Trigger the typing indicator in a channel
followAnnouncementChannel Follow an announcement channel
groupDMadd Add a user to a group DM
groupDMremove Remove a user from a group DM.


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel


await mapih.discord.channels.retrieve({
  channel_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description Channel Type
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
name string 1-100 character channel name All
type number the type of channel; only conversion between text and announcement is supported and only in guilds with the "NEWS" feature Text, Announcement
position ?number the position of the channel in the left-hand listing All
topic ?string 0-1024 character channel topic (0-4096 characters for GUILD_FORUM and GUILD_MEDIA channels) Text, Announcement, Forum, Media
nsfw ?boolean whether the channel is nsfw Text, Voice, Announcement, Stage, Forum, Media
rate_limit_per_user ?number amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600); bots, as well as users with the permission manage_messages or manage_channel, are unaffected Text, Voice, Stage, Forum, Media
bitrate* ?number the bitrate (in bits) of the voice or stage channel; min 8000 Voice, Stage
user_limit ?number the user limit of the voice or stage channel, max 99 for voice channels and 10,000 for stage channels (0 refers to no limit) Voice, Stage
permission_overwrites** ?array of partial overwrite objects channel or category-specific permissions All
parent_id ?snowflake id of the new parent category for a channel Text, Voice, Announcement, Stage, Forum, Media
rtc_region ?string channel voice region id, automatic when set to null Voice, Stage
video_quality_mode ?number the camera video quality mode of the voice channel Voice, Stage
default_auto_archive_duration ?number the default duration that the clients use (not the API) for newly created threads in the channel, in minutes, to automatically archive the thread after recent activity Text, Announcement, Forum, Media
flags? number channel flags combined as a bitfield. Currently only REQUIRE_TAG (1 << 4) is supported by GUILD_FORUM and GUILD_MEDIA channels. HIDE_MEDIA_DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS (1 << 15) is supported only by GUILD_MEDIA channels Forum, Media
available_tags? array of tag objects the set of tags that can be used in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel; limited to 20 Forum, Media
default_reaction_emoji? ?default reaction object the emoji to show in the add reaction button on a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel Forum, Media
default_thread_rate_limit_per_user? number the initial rate_limit_per_user to set on newly created threads in a channel. this field is copied to the thread at creation time and does not live update. Text, Forum, Media
default_sort_order? ?number the default sort order type used to order posts in GUILD_FORUM and GUILD_MEDIA channels Forum, Media
default_forum_layout? number the default forum layout type used to display posts in GUILD_FORUM channels Forum

* For voice channels, normal servers can set bitrate up to 96000, servers with Boost level 1 can set up to 128000, servers with Boost level 2 can set up to 256000, and servers with Boost level 3 or the VIP_REGIONS guild feature can set up to 384000. For stage channels, bitrate can be set up to 64000. ** In each overwrite object, the allow and deny keys can be omitted or set to null, which both default to "0".

Parameters (Thread)

• When setting archived to false, when locked is also false, only the SEND_MESSAGES permission is required. • Otherwise, requires the MANAGE_THREADS permission.

Field Type Description
name string 1-100 character channel name
archived boolean whether the thread is archived
auto_archive_duration number the thread will stop showing in the channel list after auto_archive_duration minutes of inactivity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080
locked boolean whether the thread is locked; when a thread is locked, only users with MANAGE_THREADS can unarchive it
invitable boolean whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread; only available on private threads
rate_limit_per_user ?number amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600); bots, as well as users with the permission manage_messages, manage_thread, or manage_channel, are unaffected
flags? number channel flags; PINNED can only be set for threads in forum and media channels
applied_tags? array of snowflakes the IDs of the set of tags that have been applied to a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel; limited to 5


await mapih.discord.channels.update({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'new-name'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel


await mapih.discord.channels.destroy({
  channel_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
allow? string? the bitwise value of all allowed permissions (default "0")
deny? string? the bitwise value of all disallowed permissions (default "0")
type number 0 for a role or 1 for a member


await mapih.discord.channels.editPermissions({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  overwrite_id: '0000000000',
  type: 1, // member
  allow: '1024'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel


await mapih.discord.channels.deletePermissions({
  channel_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel


await mapih.discord.channels.getInvites({
  channel_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
uses number number of times this invite has been used
max_uses number max number of times this invite can be used
max_age number duration (in seconds) after which the invite expires
temporary boolean whether this invite only grants temporary membership
created_at ISO8601 timestamp when this invite was created


await mapih.discord.channels.inviteCreate({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  max_age: 7200,
  max_uses: 1


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel


await mapih.discord.channels.typingCreate({
  channel_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel to send announcements to
webhook_channel_id snowflake the id of the target channel


await mapih.discord.channels.followAnnouncementChannel({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  webhook_channel_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel to send announcements to
user_id snowflake the id of the channel to send announcements to
access_token string access token of a user that has granted your app the gdm.join scope
nick string nickname of the user being added


await mapih.discord.channels.groupDMadd({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000',
  access_token: 'abcdef123456',
  nick: 'userNickname'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel to send announcements to
user_id snowflake the id of the user to remove


await mapih.discord.channels.groupDMremove({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000'

Channel Messages

Method Description
retrieve Retrieve a message with given id
getAll Get all messages in a channel
create Create a new message
update Update a message
destroy Delete a message
bulkDelete Delete multiple messages at a time
crosspost Crosspost a message
pin Pin a message
unpin Unpin a message
getPinned Get all pinned messages in a channel


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
message_id snowflake the id of the message


await mapih.discord.channels.messages.retrieve({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
around? snowflake Get messages around this message ID
before? snowflake Get messages before this message ID
after? snowflake Get messages after this message ID
limit? number Max number of messages to return (1-100) (default 50)

The before, after, and around parameters are mutually exclusive, only one may be passed at a time.


await mapih.discord.channels.messages.getAll({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  limit: 50

To create a message as a reply to another message, apps can include a message_reference with a message_id. • The channel_id and guild_id in the message_reference are optional, but will be validated if provided.


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake Channel id of the channel to send the message to
content?* string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
tts? boolean true if this is a TTS message
embeds?* array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions? allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
message_reference? message reference Include to make your message a reply
components?* array of message component objects Components to include with the message
sticker_ids?* array of snowflakes IDs of up to 3 stickers in the server to send in the message
attachments? array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description.
flags? number Message flags (only SUPPRESS_EMBEDS and SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATIONS can be set)

* At least one of content, embeds, sticker_ids, components, or files[n] is required.


await mapih.discord.channels.messages.create({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  content: 'sup'


await mapih.discord.channels.messages.create({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  content: '',
  embeds: [{
    title: 'embed title',
    description: 'embed description'
  components: [{
    type: 1,
    components: [{
      type: 2, // button
      style: 1,
      label: 'buttonLabel',
      custom_id: 'asdfghjkl'


await mapih.discord.channels.messages.create({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  content: 'this will surprese all mentions',
  allowed_mentions: {
    parse: []


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel the message is in
message_id snowflake the id of the message to edit
content? string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
embeds? array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions? allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
message_reference? message reference Include to make your message a reply
components? array of message component objects Components to include with the message
attachments? array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description.
flags? number Message flags (only SUPPRESS_EMBEDS and SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATIONS can be set)

• When the content field is edited, the mentions array in the message object will be reconstructed from scratch based on the new content. • The allowed_mentions field of the edit request controls how this happens. • If there is no explicit allowed_mentions in the edit request, the content will be parsed with default allowances, that is, without regard to whether or not an allowed_mentions was present in the request that originally created the message. • The attachments array must contain all attachments that should be present after edit, including retained and new attachments.


await mapih.discord.channels.messages.update({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000',
  content: 'new message'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
message_id snowflake the id of the message


await mapih.discord.channels.messages.destroy({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000'

• Any message IDs given that do not exist or are invalid will count towards the minimum and maximum message count (currently 2 and 100 respectively).

This endpoint will not delete messages older than 2 weeks.


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
messages array of snowflakes an array of message ids to delete (2-100)


await mapih.discord.channels.messages.bulkDelete({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  messages: [


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
message_id snowflake the message id of the message to crosspost


await mapih.discord.channels.messages.crosspost({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
message_id snowflake the message id of the message to pin


  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
message_id snowflake the message id of the message to unpin


await mapih.discord.channels.messages.unpin({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel


await mapih.discord.channels.messages.getPinned({
  channel_id: '0000000000'

Channel Threads

All functions relating to Discord Threads

Method Description
forumThreadCreate Create a thread in a forum channel
createFromMessage Create a thread from an existing message
createWithoutMessage Create a thread that is not connected to an existing message
join Add current user to a thread
leave Removes current user from a thread
addMember Adds another member to a thread
removeMember Removes another member from a thread
retrieveMember Retrieve information of a thread member
getAllMembers Get all members in a thread
getAllPublicArchived Retrieve threads in a channel that are public
getAllPrivateArchived Retrieve private archived threads in a channel
getAllJoinedPrivateArchived Retrieve private archived threads that the user has joined


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
name string 1-100 character channel name
auto_archive_duration?* integer duration in minutes to automatically archive the thread after recent activity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080
rate_limit_per_user? ?integer amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600)
message forum thread message params object contents of the first message in the forum/media thread
applied_tags? array of snowflakes the IDs of the set of tags that have been applied to a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel


await mapih.discord.channels.threads.forumThreadCreate({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'thread name',
  message: {
    content: 'new message',
    embeds: [{
      title: 'example',
      description: 'example'
  auto_archive_duration: 4320

• When called on a GUILD_TEXT channel, creates a PUBLIC_THREAD. • When called on a GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT channel, creates an ANNOUNCEMENT_THREAD. • Does not work on a GUILD_FORUM channel. • The ID of the created thread will be the same as the ID of the source message, and as such a message can only have a single thread created from it.


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
message_id snowflake the id of the message to create the thread from
name string 1-100 character channel name
auto_archive_duration? number duration in minutes to automatically archive the thread after recent activity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080
rate_limit_per_user? ?number amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600)


await mapih.discord.channels.threads.createFromMessage({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'thread name',
  auto_archive_duration: 10080


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
name string 1-100 character channel name
type? * number the type of thread to create
invitable? * boolean whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread; only available when creating a private thread
rate_limit_per_user? ?number amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600)

* type currently defaults to PRIVATE_THREAD in order to match the behavior when thread documentation was first published.


await mapih.discord.channels.threads.createWithoutMessage({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  type: 11, // PUBLIC_THREAD
  name: 'thread name',
  auto_archive_duration: 10080,
  invitable: true


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel


await mapih.discord.channels.threads.join({
  channel_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel


await mapih.discord.channels.threads.leave({
  channel_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
user_id snowflake the id of the user to add


await mapih.discord.channels.threads.addMember({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
user_id snowflake the id of the user to add


await mapih.discord.channels.threads.removeMember({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
user_id snowflake the id of the user to add
with_member? boolean whether to include a guild member object


await mapih.discord.channels.threads.retrieveMember({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000',
  with_member: true


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
user_id snowflake the id of the user to add
with_member? boolean whether to include a guild member object
after? snowflake Get thread members after this user ID
limit? integer Max number of thread members to return (1-100). Defaults to 100.


await mapih.discord.channels.threads.getAllMembers({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  with_member: true

• When called on a GUILD_TEXT channel, returns threads of type PUBLIC_THREAD. • When called on a GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT channel, returns threads of type ANNOUNCEMENT_THREAD. • Threads are ordered by archive_timestamp, in descending order.


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
before? ISO8601 timestamp returns threads archived before this timestamp
limit? integer optional maximum number of threads to return


await mapih.discord.channels.threads.getAllPublicArchived({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  limit: 10


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
before? ISO8601 timestamp returns threads archived before this timestamp
limit? integer optional maximum number of threads to return


await mapih.discord.channels.threads.getAllPrivateArchived({
  channel_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel
before? ISO8601 timestamp returns threads archived before this timestamp
limit? integer optional maximum number of threads to return


await mapih.discord.channels.threads.getAllJoinedPrivateArchived({
  channel_id: '0000000000'

Channel Reactions

Method Description
create Create a reaction for the message
createMany Create multiple reactions to a message at once
deleteOwn Delete a reaction the current user has made for the message
deleteUser Deletes another user's reaction
deleteAll Deletes all reactions on a message
deleteAllEmoji Deletes all the reactions for a given emoji on a message
getUsers Get a list of users that reacted with this emoji


| Field | Type | Description | |------------------------|-------------------------| | channel_id | snowflake | the id of the channel | | message_id | snowflake | the id of the message | | emoji | string | the emoji to react with |


await mapih.discord.channels.reactions.create({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000',
  emoji: 'name:id'


| Field | Type | Description | |------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | channel_id | snowflake | The id of the channel | | message_id | snowflake | The id of the message | | emojis | string[] | An array of emoji parameters | | delay? | number | Amount of millseconds to wait between reactions. For use when getting rate-limited. Default 300. |


await mapih.discord.channels.reactions.createMany({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000',
  emojis: [
  delay: 200


| Field | Type | Description | |------------------------|-------------------------| | channel_id | snowflake | the id of the channel | | message_id | snowflake | the id of the message | | emoji | string | the emoji to react with |


await mapih.discord.channels.reactions.deleteOwn({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000',
  emoji: 'name:id'


| Field | Type | Description | |------------------------|-----------------------------------------| | channel_id | snowflake | the id of the channel | | message_id | snowflake | the id of the message | | user_id | snowflake | the id the user the reaction belongs to | | emoji | string | the emoji to react with |


await mapih.discord.channels.reactions.deleteUser({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000',
  emoji: 'name:id'


| Field | Type | Description | |------------------------|-------------------------| | channel_id | snowflake | the id of the channel | | message_id | snowflake | the id of the message |


await mapih.discord.channels.reactions.deleteAll({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000'


| Field | Type | Description | |------------------------|-------------------------| | channel_id | snowflake | the id of the channel | | message_id | snowflake | the id of the message | | emoji | string | the emoji to delete |


await mapih.discord.channels.reactions.deleteAllEmoji({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000',
  emoji: ':name:id'


| Field | Type | Description | |------------------------|----------------------------------------------------| | channel_id | snowflake | the id of the channel | | message_id | snowflake | the id of the message | | emoji | string | the emoji to get users for | | after? | snowflake | Get users after this user ID | | limit? | integer | Max number of users to return (1-100) (default 25) |


await mapih.discord.channels.reactions.getUsers({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  message_id: '0000000000',
  emoji: ':name:id',
  limit: 50


All functions relating to Discord Users


Method Description
retrieve Get user object for given user id
currentUser Get user object of requester's account
myGuilds Get a list of partial guild objects the current user is a member of
currentMember Get guild member object for the current user
updateCurrent Modify the requester's user account settings
connections Get a list of the user's connections
appRoleConnection Get user's application role connection object
updateAppRoleConnection Updates the user's application role connection
createDM Create a new DM channel with a user
createGroupDM Create a new group DM channel with multiple users
leaveGuild Leave a guild


Field Type Description
user_id snowflake the id of the user


await mapih.discord.users.retrieve({
  user_id: '0000000000'


await mapih.discord.users.currentUser();


Field Type Description
before snowflake get guilds before this guild ID
after snowflake get guilds after this guild ID
limit integer max number of guilds to return (1-200) (default 200)
with_counts boolean include approximate member and presence counts in response


await mapih.discord.users.myGuilds();


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake id of the guild to get member object from


await mapih.discord.users.currentMember({
  guild_id: '0000000000',

All parameters to this endpoint are optional.

Field Type Description
username string user's username
avatar url/buffer if passed, modifies the user's avatar


await mapih.discord.users.updateCurrent({
  username: 'new username',
  avatar: 'https://imageURL.png'


await mapih.discord.users.connections();


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake bot's application id


await mapih.discord.users.appRoleConnection();

Requires an OAuth2 access token with role_connections.write scope for the application specified in the path.


Field Type Description
platform_name? string the vanity name of the platform a bot has connected (max 50 characters)
platform_username? string the username on the platform a bot has connected (max 100 characters)
metadata? object object mapping application role connection metadata keys to their string-ified value (max 100 characters) for the user on the platform a bot has connected


await mapih.discord.users.updateAppRoleConnection({
  platform_name: 'OnSocket',
  platform_username: 'goodsie'


Field Type Description
recipient_id snowflake the recipient to open a DM channel with
content?* string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
tts? boolean true if this is a TTS message
embeds?* array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions? allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
message_reference? message reference Include to make your message a reply
components?* array of message component objects Components to include with the message
sticker_ids?* array of snowflakes IDs of up to 3 stickers in the server to send in the message
attachments? array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description.
flags? integer Message flags (only SUPPRESS_EMBEDS and SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATIONS can be set)

* At least one of content, embeds, sticker_ids, components, or files[n] is required.


await mapih.discord.users.createDM({
  recipient_id: '0000000000',
  content: '<super cool message here>'


Field Type Description
access_tokens array of strings access tokens of users that have granted your app the gdm.join scope
nicks dict a dictionary of user ids to their respective nicknames
content?* string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
tts? boolean true if this is a TTS message
embeds?* array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions? allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
message_reference? message reference Include to make your message a reply
components?* array of message component objects Components to include with the message
sticker_ids?* array of snowflakes IDs of up to 3 stickers in the server to send in the message
attachments? array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description.
flags? integer Message flags (only SUPPRESS_EMBEDS and SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATIONS can be set)

* At least one of content, embeds, sticker_ids, components, or files[n] is required.


await mapih.discord.users.createGroupDM({
  access_tokens: [
  nicks: {
    'user_id': 'nickname'
  content: 'boo',


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild to leave


await mapih.discord.users.leaveGuild({
  guild_id: '0000000000'



| Namespace | | Callback | | Followup |

Interactions Callback


Method Description
reply Create a response to an Interaction
defer Send "thinking" state and edit response later
get_original Get the initial Interaction response
update_original Edit the initial Interaction response
delete_original Delete the initial Interaction response
component_defer* Acknowledge an interaction and edit response later
component_update* Edit the message the component was attached to
autocomplete_reply Respond to an autocomplete interaction with suggested choices
modal_reply** Respond to an interaction with a popup modal
upgrade*** Respond to an interaction with an upgrade button

* Only valid for component-based interactions. ** Not available for MODAL_SUBMIT and PING interactions. *** Only available for apps with monetization enabled.


Field Type Description
params object The interaction payload
ephemeral? boolean Whether the message should be visible to only the user
content?* string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
tts? boolean true if this is a TTS message
embeds?* array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions? allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
components?* array of message component objects Components to include with the message
attachments? array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description

* At least one of content, embeds, sticker_ids, components, or files[n] is required.


await mapih.discord.interactions.callback.reply(params, {
  ephemeral: true,
  content: 'This will respond to an interaction immediately'

Defer Interaction Response


Field Type Description
params object The interaction payload
ephemeral? boolean Whether the message should be visible to only the user


await mapih.discord.interactions.callback.defer(params, {
  ephemeral: true


await mapih.discord.interactions.callback.defer(params)


Field Type Description
params object The interaction payload


await mapih.discord.interactions.callback.get_original(params);


Field Type Description
params object The interaction payload
content?* string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
embeds?* array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions? allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
components?* array of message component objects Components to include with the message
attachments? array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description


await mapih.discord.interactions.callback.update_original(params, {
  content: 'This will update the original interaction response'


Field Type Description
params object The interaction payload


await mapih.discord.interactions.callback.delete_original(params);

Component Defer


Field Type Description
params object The interaction payload


await mapih.discord.interactions.callback.component_defer(params);

Component Update


Field Type Description
params object The interaction payload
content?* string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
embeds?* array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions? allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
components?* array of message component objects Components to include with the message
attachments? array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description


await mapih.discord.interactions.callback.component_update(params, {
  content: 'new stuff!'

Autocomplete Reply


Field Type Description
params object The interaction payload
choices array of choices Autocomplete Choices (max of 25 choices)


await mapih.discord.interactions.callback.autocomplete_reply(params, {
  choices: [
      name: 'this might be wrong',
      value: 'let me know'

Modal Reply


Field Type Description
custom_id string a developer-defined identifier for the modal, max 100 characters
title string the title of the popup modal, max 45 characters
components array of components between 1 and 5 (inclusive) components that make up the modal


await callback.modal_reply(params, {
  custom_id: 'modal_id',
  title: 'Title goes here',
  components: [
      type: 4,
      custom_id: 'id_1',
      label: 'this is a label',
      style: 1, // short
      placeholder: 'this is a placeholder',
      required: true
      type: 4,
      custom_id: 'id_2',
      label: 'This is another label',
      style: 1, // paragraph
      value: 'this is a pre-filled value',
      required: false

Interactions Followup


Method Description
retrieve Get a followupmessage for an interaction
create Create a followup message for an interaction
update Edit a followup message for an interaction
destroy Delete a followup message for an interaction


Field Type Description
params object The interaction payload
message_id snowflake The message id of the message to retrieve


await mapih.discord.interactions.followup.retrieve(params, {
  message_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
params object The interaction payload
ephemeral? boolean Whether the message should be visible to only the user
content?* string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
embeds?* array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions? allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
components?* array of message component objects Components to include with the message
attachments? array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description

* At least one of content, embeds, sticker_ids, components, or files[n] is required.


await mapih.discord.interactions.followup.create(params, {
  ephemeral: true,
  content: 'followup message',
  embeds: [{
     title: 'hello',
     description: 'this is a description'


Field Type Description
params object The interaction payload
message_id snowflake The id of the message to update
content?* string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
embeds?* array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions? allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
components?* array of message component objects Components to include with the message
attachments? array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description

* At least one of content, embeds, sticker_ids, components, or files[n] is required.


await mapih.discord.interactions.followup.update(params, {
  message_id: '0000000000',
  content: 'followup message',
  embeds: [{
     title: 'hello',
     description: 'this is a description'


Field Type Description
params object The interaction payload
message_id snowflake The message id of the message to retrieve


await mapih.discord.interactions.followup.destroy(params, {
  message_id: '0000000000'


All functions relating to Discord Webhooks


Method Description
retrieve Get information about a webhook
retrieveWithToken Get information about a webhook using its token
retrieveChannel Get all channel webhooks
retrieveGuild Get all guild webhooks
retrieveMessage Get a previously-sent webhook message from the same token
destroyMessage Deletes a message that was created by the webhook
create Creates a new webhook
update Updates an existing webhook
updateWithToken Follow an announcement channel
destroy Delete a webhook permanently
destroyWithToken Delete a webhook permanently using its token
execute Executes a webhook
updateMessage Edits a previously-sent webhook message from the same token


Field Type Description
webhook_id snowflake the id of the webhook


await mapih.discord.webhooks.retrieve({
  webhook_id: '0000000000'

This call does not require authentication and returns no user in the webhook object.


Field Type Description
webhook_id snowflake the id of the webhook
webhook_token string the webhook's token


await mapih.discord.webhooks.retrieveWithToken({
  webhook_id: '0000000000',
  webhook_token: 'abcdef123456'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel


await mapih.discord.webhooks.retrieveChannel({
  webhook_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.webhooks.retrieveGuild({
  guild_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
webhook_id snowflake the id of the webhook
webhook_token snowflake the webhook's token
message_id snowflake the id of the message
thread_id snowflake id of the thread the message is in


await mapih.discord.webhooks.retrieveMessage({
  webhook_id: '0000000000',
  webhook_token: 'abcdef123456',
  message_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
webhook_id snowflake the id of the webhook
webhook_token snowflake the webhook's token
message_id snowflake the id of the message
thread_id snowflake id of the thread the message is in
content? string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
embeds? array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions? allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
components? array of message component objects Components to include with the message
attachments? array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description


await mapih.discord.webhooks.updateMessage({
  webhook_id: '0000000000',
  webhook_token: 'abcdef123456',
  message_id: '0000000000',
  content: 'hello'


Field Type Description
webhook_id snowflake the id of the webhook
webhook_token snowflake the webhook's token
message_id snowflake the id of the message
thread_id snowflake id of the thread the message is in


await mapih.discord.webhooks.destroyMessage({
  webhook_id: '0000000000',
  webhook_token: 'abcdef123456',
  message_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id? snowflake the channel id of the channel to create webhook for
name? string name of the webhook (1-80 characters)
avatar? ?url/buffer image for the default webhook avatar


await mapih.discord.webhooks.create({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'myNewWebhook'


Field Type Description
webhook_id snowflake the webhook id of the webhook to edit
channel_id snowflake the channel id of the channel to create webhook for
name string name of the webhook (1-80 characters)
avatar? ?url/buffer image for the default webhook avatar


await mapih.discord.webhooks.update({
  webhook_id: '0000000000',
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'myNewNewWebhook'


Field Type Description
webhook_id snowflake the webhook id of the webhook to edit
webhook_token string the token of the webhook to edit
name? string name of the webhook (1-80 characters)
avatar? ?url/buffer image for the default webhook avatar


await mapih.discord.webhooks.updateWithToken({
  webhook_id: '0000000000',
  webhook_token: 'abcd1234',
  name: 'myNewNewWebhook'


Field Type Description
webhook_id snowflake the id of the webhook


await mapih.discord.webhooks.destroy({
  webhook_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
webhook_id snowflake the id of the webhook
webhook_token string the webhook's token


await mapih.discord.webhooks.destroyWithToken({
  webhook_id: '0000000000',
  webhook_token: 'abcdef123456'


Field Type Description
webhook_id snowflake the id of the webhook
webhook_token snowflake the webhook's token
username string override the default username of the webhook
avatar_url string override the default avatar of the webhook
thread_id snowflake id of the thread the message is in
content string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
embeds array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
components array of message component objects Components to include with the message
attachments array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description
thread_name string name of thread to create (requires the webhook channel to be a forum or media channel)
applied_tags array of snowflakes array of tag ids to apply to the thread (requires the webhook channel to be a forum or media channel)
wait boolean Waits for server confirmation of message send before response, and returns the created message body


await mapih.discord.webhooks.execute({
  webhook_id: '0000000000',
  webhook_token: 'abcdef123456',
  content: 'message contents here',
  username: 'webhook usernrame',
  avatar_url: 'https://imgurl.png',
  embeds: [{
    title: 'example',
    description: 'example'


All functions relating to Discord Invites

Method Description
retrieve Get information about a specific invite
revoke Revoke an invite


Field Type Description
invite_code string the invite's code
with_counts? boolean whether the invite should contain approximate member counts
with_expiration? boolean whether the invite should contain the expiration date
guild_scheduled_event_id? snowflake the guild scheduled event to include with the invite


await mapih.discord.invites.retrieve({
  invite_code: '0vCdhLbwjZZTWZLD',
  with_counts: true,
  with_expiration: true


| Field | Type | Description | | invite_code | string | the invite's code |


await mapih.discord.invites.revoke({
  invite_code: '0vCdhLbwjZZTWZLD'


All Discord API endpoints relating to applications, commands, entitlements and SKUs

Method Description
getMe Get inforation on the current application
updateMe Edit properties of the app associated with the requesting bot user
appRoleConnectionMeta Get the applications role connection metadata information
updateAppRoleConnectionMeta Updates the application role connection metadata for the given application


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application


await mapih.discord.applications.getMe();


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application
custom_install_url string Default custom authorization URL for the app, if enabled
description string Description of the app
role_connections_verification_url string Role connection verification URL for the app
install_params install params object Settings for the app's default in-app authorization link, if enabled
flags * number App's public flags
icon url/buffer Icon for the app
cover_image url/buffer Default rich presence invite cover image for the app
interactions_endpoint_url ** string Interactions endpoint URL for the app
tags array of strings List of tags describing the content and functionality of the app (max of 20 characters per tag). Max of 5 tags.



await mapih.discord.applications.updateMe({
  description: 'new description',
  icon: 'https://url_to_image.png' // or buffer,
  install_params: {
    scopes: [
    permissions: '8'


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application


await mapih.discord.applications.appRoleConnectionMeta();


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application


await mapih.discord.applications.updateAppRoleConnectionMeta();

Application Commands

Method Description
retrieve Get an application command
getAll Get all application commands
create Create a new application command
update Update an application command
destroy Delete an application command
bulkOverwrite Bulk overwrite application commands
retrievePermissions Get a guild commands permissions
getAllPermissions Get permissions for all commands in a guild
updatePermissions Update a guild's application command

This is to be used for both global and guild commands. Provide a guild_id field if using for a guild command.


Field Type Description
command_id snowflake the id of the command
application_id? snowflake the id of the application
guild_id? snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.applications.commands.retrieve({
  command_id: '0000000000',
  guild_id: '0000000000'

This is to be used for both global and guild commands. Provide a guild_id field if using for a guild command.


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application
guild_id? snowflake the id of the guild
with_localizations? boolean Whether to include full localization dictionaries (name_localizations and description_localizations) in the returned objects, instead of the name_localized and description_localized fields.


await mapih.discord.applications.commands.getAll();


await mapih.discord.applications.commands.getAll({
  guild_id: '0000000000'

This is to be used for both global and guild commands. Provide a guild_id field if using for a guild command.


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application
guild_id? snowflake the id of the guild
name string Name of command, 1-32 characters
name_localizations? ?dictionary with keys in available locales Localization dictionary for the name field. Values follow the same restrictions as name
description? string 1-100 character description for CHAT_INPUT commands
description_localizations? ?dictionary with keys in available locales Localization dictionary for the description field. Values follow the same restrictions as description
options? array of application command option the parameters for the command
default_member_permissions? ?string Set of permissions represented as a bit set
dm_permission? ?boolean Indicates whether the command is available in DMs with the app, only for globally-scoped commands. By default, commands are visible.
type? one of application command type Type of command, defaults 1 if not set
nsfw? boolean Indicates whether the command is age-restricted


await mapih.discord.applications.commands.create({
  name: 'slashcommand',
  description: 'Command description',
  guild_id: '0000000000', // optional
  options: [{
    type: 1, // SUB_COMMAND
    name: 'subCommand',
    options: [
        type: 3, // STRING
        name: 'content',
        description: 'Enter content here',
        required: true
        type: 6, // USER
        name: 'user',
        description: 'Select a user'

This is to be used for both global and guild commands. Provide a guild_id field if using for a guild command.


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application
guild_id? snowflake the id of the guild
name string Name of command, 1-32 characters
name_localizations? ?dictionary with keys in available locales Localization dictionary for the name field. Values follow the same restrictions as name
description? string 1-100 character description for CHAT_INPUT commands
description_localizations? ?dictionary with keys in available locales Localization dictionary for the description field. Values follow the same restrictions as description
options? array of application command option the parameters for the command
default_member_permissions? ?string Set of permissions represented as a bit set
dm_permission? ?boolean Indicates whether the command is available in DMs with the app, only for globally-scoped commands. By default, commands are visible.
nsfw? boolean Indicates whether the command is age-restricted


await mapih.discord.applications.commands.update({
  name: 'slashcommand',
  description: 'Command description',
  guild_id: '0000000000', // optional
  options: [{
    type: 1, // SUB_COMMAND
    name: 'subCommand',
    options: [
        type: 3, // STRING
        name: 'content',
        description: 'Enter content here',
        required: true
        type: 6, // USER
        name: 'user',
        description: 'Select a user'

This is to be used for both global and guild commands. Provide a guild_id field if using for a guild command.


Field Type Description
command_id snowflake the id of the command
application_id? snowflake the id of the application
guild_id? snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.applications.commands.destroy({
  command_id: '0000000000',
  guild_id: '0000000000'

This is to be used for both global and guild commands. Provide a guild_id field if using for a guild command. • Takes a list of application commands, overwriting the existing global command list for this application.


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application
guild_id? snowflake the id of the guild
commands array of application commands Commands to overwrite the existing commands with


await mapih.discord.applications.commands.bulkOverwrite({
  command_id: '0000000000',
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  commands: [commands]

• Fetches permissions for a specific command for your application in a guild.


Field Type Description
command_id snowflake the id of the command
application_id? snowflake the id of the application
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.applications.commands.retrievePermissions({
  command_id: '0000000000',
  guild_id: '0000000000'

• Fetches permissions for all commands for your application in a guild.


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.applications.commands.getAllPermissions({
  guild_id: '0000000000'

• Edits command permissions for a specific command for your application in a guild.


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
permissions array of application command permissions Permissions for the command in the guild


await mapih.discord.applications.commands.updatePermissions({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  permissions: [{
    id: '0000000000',
    type: 2,

Application Entitlements

Method Description
getAll Get all entitlements for a given app
create Creates a test entitlement to a given SKU for a given guild or user
destroy Deletes a currently-active test entitlement

• Returns all entitlements for a given app, active and expired.


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application
user_id? snowflake User ID to look up entitlements for
sku_ids? comma-delimited set of snowflakes Optional list of SKU IDs to check entitlements for
before? snowflake Retrieve entitlements before this entitlement ID
after? snowflake Retrieve entitlements after this entitlement ID
limit? number Number of entitlements to return, 1-100, default 100
guild_id? snowflake Guild ID to look up entitlements for
exclude_ended? boolean Whether or not ended entitlements should be omitted


await mapih.discord.applications.entitlements.retrieve({
  user_id: '0000000000',
  before: '0000000000',
  after: '0000000000',
  limit: 2

• Creates a test entitlement to a given SKU for a given guild or user. Discord will act as though that user or guild has entitlement to your premium offering. • This endpoint returns a partial entitlement object. It will not contain subscription_id, starts_at, or ends_at, as it's valid in perpetuity. • After creating a test entitlement, you'll need to reload your Discord client. After doing so, you'll see that your server or user now has premium access.


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application
sku_id string ID of the SKU to grant the entitlement to
owner_id string ID of the guild or user to grant the entitlement to
owner_type number 1 for a guild subscription, 2 for a user subscription


await mapih.discord.applications.entitlements.create({
  sku_id: '0000000000',
  owner_id: '0000000000',
  owner_type: 1

• Deletes a currently-active test entitlement. Discord will act as though that user or guild no longer has entitlement to your premium offering.


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application


await mapih.discord.applications.entitlements.delete()

Application SKUs

Method Description
getAll Get all SKUs for a given application

• Because of how our SKU and subscription systems work, you will see two SKUs for your premium offering. For integration and testing entitlements, you should use the SKU with type: 5.


Field Type Description
application_id? snowflake the id of the application


await mapih.discord.applications.SKUs.getAll();

Audit Logs

Method Description
retrieve Get the audit logs for the guild

The returned list of audit log entries is ordered based on whether you use before or after. When using before, the list is ordered by the audit log entry ID descending (newer entries first). If after is used, the list is reversed and appears in ascending order (older entries first). Omitting both before and after defaults to before the current timestamp and will show the most recent entries in descending order by ID, the opposite can be achieved using after=0 (showing oldest entries).


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the application
user_id? snowflake Entries from a specific user ID
action_type? number Entries for a specific audit log event
before? snowflake Entries with ID less than a specific audit log entry ID
after? snowflake Entries with ID greater than a specific audit log entry ID
limit? number Maximum number of entries (between 1-100) to return, defaults to 50


await mapih.discord.auditlog.retrieve({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  user_id: '0000000000',
  limit: 10 // default 50

Auto Moderation

Method Description
retrieveRule Get an auto moderation rule
getAllRules Get all auto moderation rules
createRule Create a new auto moderation rule
updateRule Update an auto moderation rule
destroyRule Delete an auto moderation rule


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
auto_moderation_rule_id snowflake the id of the automod rule


await mapih.discord.automod.retrieveRule({
  auto_moderation_rule_id: '0000000000',
  guild_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild


await mapih.discord.automod.getAll({
  guild_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
name string the rule name
event_type integer the event type
trigger_type integer the trigger type
trigger_metadata? * object the trigger metadata
actions array of action objects the actions which will execute when the rule is triggered
enabled? boolean whether the rule is enabled (False by default)
exempt_roles? array of snowflakes the role ids that should not be affected by the rule (Max 20)
exempt_channels? array of snowflakes the channel ids that should not be affected by the rule (Max 50)


await mapih.discord.automod.createRule({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  name: 'EricsAutoModRule',
  event_type: 1 // MESSAGE_SEND
  trigger_type: 3 // SPAM
  actions: [{
    type: 2, // SEND_ALERT_MESSAGE
    metadata: { channel_id: '0000000000' }
  enabled: true,
  exempt_roles: ['0000000000'],
  exempt_channels: ['0000000000']


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
name string the rule name
event_type integer the event type
trigger_metadata? * object the trigger metadata
actions array of action objects the actions which will execute when the rule is triggered
enabled? boolean whether the rule is enabled (False by default)
exempt_roles? array of snowflakes the role ids that should not be affected by the rule (Max 20)
exempt_channels? array of snowflakes the channel ids that should not be affected by the rule (Max 50)


await mapih.discord.automod.updateRule({
  guild_id: '0000000000',
  auto_moderation_rule_id: '00000',
   name: 'EricsAutoModRule',
   event_type: 1 // MESSAGE_SEND
   actions: [{
     type: 1, // BLOCK_MESSAGE
     metadata: { custom_message: 'GO AWAY' }
   trigger_metadata: {
     keyword_filter: ['cat*', '*dog'],
     regex_patterns: ['^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$']
   enabled: true


Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild
auto_moderation_rule_id snowflake the id of the automod rule


await mapih.discord.automod.destroyRule({
  auto_moderation_rule_id: '0000000000',
  guild_id: '0000000000'

Stage Instance

A Stage Instance holds information about a live stage.


Method Description
retrieve Gets the stage instance associated with the Stage channel
create Creates a new Stage instance associated to a Stage channel
update Updates fields of an existing Stage instance
destroy Deletes the Stage instance


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel that the stage instance is in


await mapih.discord.stageInstance.retrieve({
  channel_id: '0000000000'


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake The id of the Stage channel
topic string The topic of the Stage instance (1-120 characters)
privacy_level? integer The privacy level of the Stage instance (default GUILD_ONLY)
send_start_notification? * boolean Notify @everyone that a Stage instance has started
guild_scheduled_event_id? snowflake The guild scheduled event associated with this Stage instance

* The stage moderator must have the MENTION_EVERYONE permission for this notification to be sent.


await mapih.discord.stageInstance.create({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  topic: 'My super cool stage',
  send_start_notification: true


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake The id of the Stage channel
topic? string The topic of the Stage instance (1-120 characters)
privacy_level? integer The privacy level of the Stage instance (default GUILD_ONLY)


await mapih.discord.stageInstance.update({
  channel_id: '0000000000',
  topic: 'My super duper cool stage',


Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the id of the channel that the stage instance is in


await mapih.discord.stageInstance.destroy({
  channel_id: '0000000000'




Method Description
create Creat a chat completion


Field Type Description
model string ID of the model to use
messages ChatCompletionMessage[] A list of messages comprising the conversation so far
max_tokens? number The maximum number of tokens that can be generated in the chat completion
temperature? number What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic.
top_p? number An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered.
frequency_penalty? number Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.
presence_penalty? number Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far, increasing the model's likelihood to talk about new topics.
n? number How many chat completion choices to generate for each input message
response_format? string An object specifying the format that the model must output. Setting to { "type": "json_object" } enables JSON mode, which guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON.
seed? number This feature is in Beta. If specified, our system will make a best effort to sample deterministically, such that repeated requests with the same seed and parameters should return the same result.
stop? string Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens
logit_bias? Object Modify the likelihood of specified tokens appearing in the completion. Accepts a JSON object that maps tokens (specified by their token ID in the tokenizer) to an associated bias value from -100 to 100.
logprobs? boolean Whether to return log probabilities of the output tokens or not
top_logprobs? number An integer between 0 and 5 specifying the number of most likely tokens to return at each token position, each with an associated log probability
stream? boolean If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT.
tools? ToolCalls[] A list of tools the model may call. Currently, only functions are supported as a tool. Use this to provide a list of functions the model may generate JSON inputs for.
tool_choice? ToolChoice Controls which (if any) function is called by the model. See tool_choice
user? string A unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse


  model: 'gpt-4',
  messages: [
      role: 'system',
      content: 'You are a chatbot'
      role: 'user',
      content: 'hello!'
  max_tokens: 1024,
  temperature: 0.7


Many of the Spotify endpoints are designed for the input of a specific Spotify ID.

However, I have also incorporated the functionality to accept names. Each endpoint includes options for both the ID* and the name**. Utilizing a specific ID ensures the retrieval of the correct item. On the other hand, providing a name might result in incorrect items depending on the uniqueness of the name.

* song_id(s), artist_id(s), album_id(s), playlist_id(s) ** song_name(s), artist_name(s), album_name(s), playlist_name(s)



Method Description
me Get detailed profile information about the current user
topItems Get the current user's top artists or tracks
getProfile Get public profile information about a Spotify user




Field Type Description
type string The type of entity to return (artists or tracks)
time_range? * string Over what time frame the affinities are computed (default medium_term)
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
offset? number The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.

* Valid values for time_range:

  • long_term: calculated from several years of data and including all new data as it becomes available
  • medium_term: approximately last 6 months
  • short_term: approximately last 4 weeks


await mapih.spotify.users.topItems({
  type: 'tracks',
  time_range: 'long_term',
  limit: 10


Field Type Description
user_id string The user's Spotify user ID


await mapih.spotify.users.getProfile({
  user_id: 'smedjan'



Method Description
advanced Extensive search for songs, artists, albums
artists Search for artists
songs Search for songs
albums Search for albums


Field Type Description
song? * string Song name to search for
artist? * string Artist name to search for
album? * string Album name to search for
include? string[] Type of results to include. One or more of songs, artists, albums.
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
offset? number The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.
sort? string Sort results by: popularity, followers, or duration_seconds
year? string Filter on a single year or a range (e.g. 1955-1960)
genre? string Filter on a single genre

* At least one of song, artist, album is required.

Example 1

  song: 'oops i did it again',
  year: '1990-1995',
  limit: 1

Example 2

  song: 'some popular song name',
  limit: 10,
  sort: 'popularity'

Example 3

  album: 'your favorite album name',
  include: ['albums'],


Field Type Description
artist string Artist name to search for
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
offset? number The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.
sort? string Sort results by: popularity or followers

Example 1

await'artist name');

Example 2

await'artist name', {
  limit: 10,
  sort: 'popularity'


Field Type Description
song string Song name to search for
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
offset? number The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.
sort? string Sort results by: popularity, followers, or duration_seconds

Example 1

await'song name');

Example 2

await'song name', {
  limit: 10,
  sort: 'popularity'



Method Description
retrieve Get Spotify catalog information for a single song
retrieveMany Get Spotify catalog information for multiple songs
recommendations Get song recommendations
save Save one or more songs to the current user's 'Your Music' library
unsave Remove one or more songs from the current user's 'Your Music' library
saved Get a list of the songs saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Music' library
isSaved Check if one or more tracks is already saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Music' library
analyze Get a low-level audio analysis for a song in the Spotify catalog
audioFeatures Get audio feature information for a single song
audioFeaturesMany Get audio feature information for multiple songs


Field Type Description
song_id? string The id of the song to retrieve
song_name? string The name of the song to search for


await mapih.spotify.songs.retrieve({
  song_name: 'Satellites'
  // song_id: '4B9El4lQqztivDlRUCxbZB''


Field Type Description
song_ids? string[] The ids of the songs to retrieve
song_names? string[] The names of the songs to search for
sort? string Sort results by: popularity, followers, or duration_seconds


await mapih.spotify.songs.retrieveMany({
  song_names: ['song 1', 'song 2'],
  // song_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']


Field Type Description
songs? * string Song name to search for
artists? * string Artist name to search for
genres? string Genres to include
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
min_acousticness? number
max_acousticness? number
target_acousticness? number
min_danceability? number
max_danceability? number
target_danceability? number
min_duration_ms? number
max_duration_ms? number
target_duration_ms? number
min_energy? number
target_energy? number
min_instrumentalness? number
max_instrumentalness? number
target_instrumentalness? number
min_key? number
max_key? number
target_key? number
min_liveness? number
max_livenessc? number
target_liveness? number
min_loudness? number
max_loudness? number
target_loudness? number
min_mode? number
max_mode? number
target_mode? number
min_popularity? number
max_popularity? number
target_popularity? number
min_speechiness? number
max_speechiness? number
target_speechiness? number
min_tempo? number
max_tempo? number
target_tempo? number
min_time_signature? number
max_time_signature? number
target_time_signature? number
min_valence? number
max_valence? number
target_valence? number


await mapih.spotify.songs.recommendations({
  artists: ['artist name', 'another name'],
  songs: ['song name'],
  limit: 5,
  min_duration_ms: 5000


Field Type Description
song_names? string[] Song names to search and save to your library
song_ids? string[] Song IDs of songs to save to your library


  song_names: [
    'song name',
    'another song name'
  // song_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']


Field Type Description
song_names? string[] Song names to search and remove from your library
song_ids? string[] Song IDs of songs to remove from your library


await mapih.spotify.songs.unsave({
  song_names: [
    'song name',
    'another song name'
  // song_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']


Field Type Description
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
offset? number The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.
sort? string Sort results by: popularity, followers, or duration_seconds


await mapih.spotify.songs.saved();


Field Type Description
song_names? string[] Song names to search and check if user follows
song_ids? string[] Song IDs of songs to check if user follows


await mapih.spotify.songs.isSaved({
  song_names: [
    'song name',
    'another song name'
  // song_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']


Field Type Description
song_name? string Song name to search and analyze
song_id? string Song ID of song to analyze


await mapih.spotify.songs.analyze({
  song_name: 'song name'
  // song_id: 'id 1'


Field Type Description
song_name? string Song name to search and retrieve features for
song_id? string Song ID of song to retrieve features for


await mapih.spotify.songs.audioFeatures({
  song_name: 'song name'
  // song_id: 'id 1'


Field Type Description
song_names? string[] Song names to search and retrieve features for
song_ids? string[] Song IDs of songs to retrieve features for


await mapih.spotify.songs.audioFeaturesMany({
  song_names: [
    'song name',
    'another song name'
  // song_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']



Method Description
retrieve Get Spotify catalog information for a single artist
retrieveMany Get Spotify catalog information for multiple artists
topSongs Get Spotify catalog information about an artist's top songs
albums Get Spotify catalog information about an artist's albums
related Get Spotify catalog information about artists similar to a given artist
follow Add the current user as a follower of one or more artists or other Spotify users
unfollow Remove the current user as a follower of one or more artists or other Spotify users
following Get the current user's followed artists
isFollowing Check to see if the current user is following one or more artists or other Spotify users


Field Type Description
artist_id? string The id of the song to retrieve
artist_name? string The name of the song to search for


await mapih.spotify.artists.retrieve({
  artist_name: 'artist name'
  // artist_id: '0uZ8zQLHru4BiNTL2PQY91'


Field Type Description
artist_ids? string[] The ids of the artists to retrieve
artist_names? string[] The names of the artists to search for
sort? string Sort results by: popularity or followers


await mapih.spotify.artists.retrieveMany({
  artist_names: ['artist 1', 'artist 2'],
  // artists_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']


Field Type Description
artist_id? string The id of the artist to retrieve top songs for
artist_name? string The name of the artist to search for
limit? number The maximum number of results to return


await mapih.spotify.artists.topSongs({
  artist_name: 'artist name',
  // artists_id: 'artist id',
  limit: 5


Field Type Description
artist_id? string The id of the artist to retrieve albums for
artist_name? string The name of the artist to search for
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
offset? number The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.
include_groups? * string[] One or more keywords that will be used to filter the response

* Valid values: album, single, appears_on, compilation


await mapih.spotify.artists.albums({
  artist_name: 'artist name',
  // artists_id: 'artist id',
  limit: 5,
  include_groups: ['single', 'appears_on']


Field Type Description
artist_id? string The id of the artist to get related artists for
artist_name? string The name of the artist to search for


await mapih.spotify.artists.related({
  artist_name: 'artist name',
  // artists_id: 'artist id',


Field Type Description
artist_ids? string[] The ids of the artists or users to follow
artist_names? string[] The names of the artists or users to search for and follow
type? string Either artist or user (default artist)


await mapih.spotify.artists.follow({
  type: 'artist',
  artist_names: [
    'artist name',
    'another artist name'
  // artist_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']


Field Type Description
artist_ids? string[] The ids of the artists or users to unfollow
artist_names? string[] The names of the artists or users to search for and unfollow
type? string Either artist or user (default artist)


await mapih.spotify.artists.unfollow({
  type: 'artist',
  artist_names: [
    'artist name',
    'another artist name'
  // artist_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']


Field Type Description
after? string The last artist ID retrieved from the previous request
limit? number The maximum number of results to return (default 20)
sort? string Sort results by: popularity or followers

Example 1

await mapih.spotify.artists.following();


Field Type Description
artist_ids? string[] The ids of the artists or users to unfollow
artist_names? string[] The names of the artists or users to search for and unfollow
type? string Either artist or user (default artist)


await mapih.spotify.artists.isFollowing({
  type: 'artist',
  artist_names: [
    'artist name',
    'another artist name'
  // artist_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']



Method Description
retrieve Get Spotify catalog information for a single album
retrieveMany Get Spotify catalog information for multiple albums
songs Get Spotify catalog information about an album’s tracks
new Get a list of new album releases featured in Spotify
save Save one or more albums to the current user's 'Your Music' library
unsave Remove one or more albums from the current user's 'Your Music' library
saved Get a list of the albums saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Music' library
isSaved Check if one or more albums is already saved in the current Spotify user's 'Your Music' library


Field Type Description
album_id? string The id of the album to retrieve
album_name? string The name of the album to search for


await mapih.spotify.albums.retrieve({
  album_name: 'album name'
  // album_id: '0uZ8zQLHru4BiNTL2PQY91'


Field Type Description
album_ids? string[] The ids of the albums to retrieve
album_names? string[] The names of the albums to search for
sort? string Sort results by: popularity, or followers


await mapih.spotify.albums.retrieveMany({
  album_names: ['album 1', 'album 2'],
  // album_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']


Field Type Description
album_id? string The id of the album to retrieve
album_name? string The name of the album to search for
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
offset? number The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.


await mapih.spotify.albums.songs({
  album_name: 'album name'
  // album_id: '0uZ8zQLHru4BiNTL2PQY91'


Field Type Description
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
offset? number The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.

Example 1


Example 2

  limit: 5


Field Type Description
album_names? string[] Album names to search and save to your library
album_ids? string[] Album IDs of songs to save to your library


  album_names: [
    'album name',
    'another album name'
  // album_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']


Field Type Description
album_names? string[] Album names to search and remove from your library
album_ids? string[] Album IDs of albums to remove from your library


await mapih.spotify.albums.unsave({
  album_names: [
    'album name',
    'another album name'
  // album_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']


Field Type Description
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
offset? number The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.
sort? string Sort results by: popularity or followers


await mapih.spotify.albums.saved();


Field Type Description
album_names? string[] Album names to search and check if user follows
album_ids? string[] Album IDs of albums to check if user follows


await mapih.spotify.albums.isSaved({
  album_names: [
    'album name',
    'another album name'
  // album_ids: ['id 1', 'id 2']



Method Description
featured Get a list of Spotify featured playlists
category Get a list of Spotify playlists tagged with a particular category
create Create a playlist for a Spotify user
update Change a playlist's name and public/private state
addSongs Add one or more items to a user's playlist
updateSongs Either reorder or replace items in a playlist depending on the request's parameters
removeSongs Remove one or more items from a user's playlist
retrieveSongs Get full details of the items of a playlist owned by a Spotify user
created Get a list of Spotify playlists that the user has created
following Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by the current Spotify user
user Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by a Spotify user
isFollowing Check to see if one or more Spotify users are following a specified playlist
follow Add the current user as a follower of a playlist
unfollow Remove the current user as a follower of a playlist
getCover Get the current image associated with a specific playlist
updateCover Replace the image used to represent a specific playlist


Field Type Description
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
offset? number The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.

Example 1

await mapih.spotify.playlists.featured();

Example 2

await mapih.spotify.playlists.featured({
  limit: 5


Field Type Description
category string The category to get playlists for
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
offset? number The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.

Example 1

await mapih.spotify.playlists.featured('party');

Example 2

await mapih.spotify.playlists.featured('party', {
  limit: 5


Field Type Description
name string The name for the new playlist
description? string The description for the new playlist
public? boolean Whether or not the playlist should be public
collaborative? boolean Whether or not the playlist should be collaborative


await mapih.spotify.playlists.create({
  name: 'My new playlist',
  public: false


Field Type Description
playlist_id string The Spotify ID of the playlist
name? string The name for the new playlist
description? string The description for the new playlist
public? boolean Whether or not the playlist should be public
collaborative? boolean Whether or not the playlist should be collaborative


await mapih.spotify.playlists.update({
  playlist_id: '3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n',
  name: 'My new old playlist',
  public: true


Field Type Description
playlist_id string The Spotify ID of the playlist
uris? string[] An array of Spotify URIs to add
position? number The position to insert the items, a zero-based index


await mapih.spotify.playlists.addSongs({
  playlist_id: '3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n',
  uris: [


Field Type Description
playlist_id string The Spotify ID of the playlist
uris? string[] An array of Spotify URIs to add
range_start? number The position of the first item to be reordered
range_length? number The amount of items to be reordered
insert_before? number The position where the items should be inserted
snapshot_id? string The playlist's snapshot ID against which you want to make the changes


await mapih.spotify.playlists.updateSongs({
  playlist_id: '3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n',
  uris: [


Field Type Description
playlist_id string The Spotify ID of the playlist
uris? string[] An array of Spotify URIs to remove
snapshot_id? string The playlist's snapshot ID against which you want to make the changes


await mapih.spotify.playlists.removeSongs({
  playlist_id: '3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n',
  uris: [


Field Type Description
playlist_id string The Spotify ID of the playlist
fields? any[] Filters for the query
limit? number The maximum number of results to return
offset? number The index of the first result to return. Use with limit to get the next page of search results.

Example 1

// Get just the `name` and `description`
await mapih.spotify.playlists.retrieveSongs({
  playlist_id: '3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n',
  fields: ['name', 'description']

Example 2

// Get just the `added_at` field of the track
await mapih.spotify.playlists.retrieveSongs({
  playlist_id: '3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n',
  fields: {
    tracks: {
      items: ['added_at']

Example 3

// Get the `name` and `id` of the track and the `name` and `artists` of the album that the track is on
await mapih.spotify.playlists.retrieveSongs({
  playlist_id: '3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n',
  fields: {
    tracks: {
      items: [{
        track: ['name', 'id', {
          album: ['name', 'artists']

This will only return playlists created by the current user.


Field Type Description
limit? boolean The maximum number of items to return (default 20, max 50)
offset? boolean The index of the first playlist to return

Example 1

await mapih.spotify.playlists.created();

Example 2

await mapih.spotify.playlists.created({
  limit: 5

This will return all playlists the current user follows.


Field Type Description
limit? boolean The maximum number of items to return (default 20, max 50)
offset? boolean The index of the first playlist to return

Example 1

await mapih.spotify.playlists.following();

Example 2

await mapih.spotify.playlists.following({
  limit: 5

This will return all playlists a specific user follows


Field Type Description
user_id string The user's Spotify user ID
limit? boolean The maximum number of items to return (default 20, max 50)
offset? boolean The index of the first playlist to return


await mapih.spotify.playlists.following({
  user_id: 'smedjan',
  limit: 5


Field Type Description
playlist_id string The Spotify ID of the playlist
user_ids string[] The user_ids of the users that you want to check to see if they follow the playlist


await mapih.spotify.playlists.isFollowing({
  playlist_id: '3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n',
  user_ids: [


Field Type Description
playlist_id string The Spotify ID of the playlist
public? boolean Whether the playlist will be included in user's public playlists (default true)


await mapih.spotify.playlists.follow({
  playlist_id: '3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n',
  public: false


Field Type Description
playlist_id string The Spotify ID of the playlist


await mapih.spotify.playlists.unfollow({
  playlist_id: '3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n'


Field Type Description
playlist_id string The Spotify ID of the playlist


await mapih.spotify.playlists.getCover({
  playlist_id: '3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n'


Field Type Description
playlist_id string The Spotify ID of the playlist
image string Base64 encoded JPEG image data


await mapih.spotify.playlists.updateCover({
  playlist_id: '3cEYpjA9oz9GiPac4AsH4n',
  image: 'image data'



Method Description
state Get information about the user’s current playback state
currentSong Get the object currently being played on the user's Spotify account
devices Get information about a user’s available Spotify Connect devices
togglePlayback Start a new context or resume current playback on the user's active device
pause Pause playback on the user's account
skip Skips to next track in the user’s queue
previous Skips to previous track in the user’s queue
seek Seeks to the given position in the user’s currently playing track
setVolume Set the volume for the user’s current playback device
toggleShuffle Toggle shuffle on or off for user’s playback
toggleRepeat Set the repeat mode for the user's playback
queue Get the list of objects that make up the user's queue
addToQueue Add an item to the end of the user's current playback queue
recent Get tracks from the current user's recently played tracks
transfer Transfer playback to a new device and optionally begin playback


await mapih.spotify.playback.state();


await mapih.spotify.playback.currentSong();


await mapih.spotify.playback.devices();


Field Type Description
song_ids? string[] Array of Spotify track IDs to play
context_uri? string Spotify URI of the context to play. Valid contexts are albums, artists & playlists.

Example 1

await mapih.spotify.playback.togglePlayback();

Example 2

await mapih.spotify.playback.togglePlayback({
  song_ids: ['1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M']

Example 3

await mapih.spotify.playback.togglePlayback({
  context_uri: 'spotify:album:1Je1IMUlBXcx1Fz0WE7oPT'


await mapih.spotify.playback.pause();


await mapih.spotify.playback.skip();


await mapih.spotify.playback.previos();


Field Type Description
position_ms number The position in milliseconds to seek to


  position_ms: 25000


Field Type Description
volume_percent number The volume to set (0-100)


await mapih.spotify.playback.setVolume({
  volume_percent: 100


* This endpoint takes a boolean (true to turn shuffle on, false to turn shuffle off)


await mapih.spotify.playback.toggleShuffle(true);


* This endpoint takes a string with the mode to set Valid values:

  • track: will repeat the current track
  • context: will repeat the current context (album, playlist)
  • off: will turn repeat off


await mapih.spotify.playback.toggleRepeat('track');


await mapih.spotify.playback.queue();


Field Type Description
song_id string The Spotify ID of the song to add to the queue


await mapih.spotify.playback.addToQueue({
  song_id: '4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh'


await mapih.spotify.playback.recent();


Field Type Description
device_id string The Spotify ID of the song to add to the queue
play? boolean Whether playback starts on new device or if current state is kept


await mapih.spotify.playback.transfer({
  device_id: '74ASZWbe4lXaubB36ztrGX',
  play: 'false'



Simple key/value persistent storage

Method Description
set Creates an entry with a set value
setMany Creates multiple entries at a time
get Retrieves the value of a stored key
getMany Retrieves a key-value pair of multiple entries
delete Deletes an entry
deleteMany Deletes multiple entries at a time
merge Merge object into an existing value's object
push Push values into an existing value's array
export Export storage with mapped keys to values
filter Filter storage with given predicate
all Retrieve all stored items
has Checks if storage has a specified key
entries Get storage's entries
keys Get storage's keys
values Get storage's values
size Get the amount of entries in storage
bytes Get the total size (in bytes) of storage
keys Export storage as a JSON string
clear Clear all entries from storage
equals Check if specified key's value equals specified value
history Retrieve a keys previous values with timestamps
clearHistory Clear one or all entries in a key's history


Field Type Description
key string The key to assign a value
value any The value to assign to a key
tts? number Amount of time in ms that this value will be stored
ttlCb? function A function to invoke upon expiration
allow_overwrite? boolean Whether to allow this key's value to be overwritten

Example 1

  key: 'password',
  value: 'abcd1234'

Example 2

  key: 'password',
  value: 'abcd1234',
  ttl: 5000, // 5 seconds
  ttlCb: () => console.log('password expired')

Example 3

  key: 'password',
  value: 'abcd1234',
  allow_overwrite: false

  key: 'password',
  value: 'newvalue',
}); //=> error


Field Type Description
key string The key to retrieve the value for
value any The value to assign to a key


  keyname1: 'value1',
  keyname2: 'value2',
  keyname3: 'value3'


Field Type Description
key string The key to assign the value
default? boolean Default value to assign a key if an entry doesn't exist
delete? boolean Whether to delete this entry after retrieving the value


await'password'); //=> 'abcd1234'

Example 2

// Set default value if value doesn't exist
await'password', {
  default: 'defaultValue'
}); //=> 'defaultValue'

Example 3

// Delete entry after retrieving the value
await'password', {
  delete: true
}); //=> 'defaultValue'

await'password'); //=> null


Field Type Description
keys Array of strings An array of keys to retrieve values for


await['password', 'password2', 'password3'])
//=> { password: 'abc123', password2: '123abc', password3: undefined }


Field Type Description
key string The key of the entry to delete




Field Type Description
keys Array of strings An array of keys to delete the entries for


await['password', 'password2', 'password3'])
//=> [true, true, false]


Field Type Description
key string The key of the entry to alter
value Object The properties to merge into existing object

* Value must be an object


  key: 'example',
  value: { a: 'b' }

await'example', { c: 'd' });
//=> new value: { a: 'b', c: 'd' }

await'example', { a: 'z' });
//=> new value: { a: 'z', c: 'd' }


Field Type Description
key string The key of the entry to alter
value ...any Comma delimited set of values to push into the existing array


  key: 'array',
  value: [1, 2]

await'array', 3, 4);
//=> new value: [1, 2, 3, 4]

await'array', [5, 6], 7);
//=> new value: [ 1, 2, [ 5, 6 ], 7 ]

// keep duplicates
await'array', 1, 7);
//=> new value: [ 1, 2, [ 5, 6 ], 7, 1, 7 ]

// filter out duplicates
await'array', 1, 7, {
  unique: true
//=> new value: [ 1, 2, [ 5, 6 ], 7 ]

//=> {"password": {"value": "abcd1234"}}


Field Type Description
predicate Callback The callback to invoke

Example => x.key.includes('ass'));
//=> [{ key: 'password', value: 'abc123' }]

// [
//   { key: 'array', value: [ 1, 2, [Array], 7 ] },
//   { key: 'password', value: 'abc123' }
// ]


Field Type Description
key string The key to check


//=> [ [ 'password', 'abcd1234' ], [ 'test', '4321dcba' ] ]

//=> ['password', 'stuff']

//=> ['password', 'stuff']

Example; // 3

Example; // 23235 (bytes)

//=> [{"key":"array","value":[1,2,[5,6],7]},{"key":"password","value":"abc123"}]


await; // undefined


Field Type Description
key string The key of the entry to check the value for
value any The value to compare

Example'password', 'abcd1234'); // true


Field Type Description
key string The key of the entry to get the history of

// [
//   { value: 'abcd1234', timestamp: 1703037628164 },
//   { value: '4321dcba', timestamp: 1703037861827 },
//   { value: '1234abcd', timestamp: 1703037890201 },
// ]


Field Type Description
key? string The key of the entry to delete, optional


// Clear history for a specific key'password');

// Clear all entries in history;

Discord Objects and Types


Guild Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake guild id
name string guild name (2-100 characters, excluding trailing and leading whitespace)
icon ?string icon hash
icon_hash? ?string icon hash, returned when in the template object
splash ?string splash hash
discovery_splash ?string discovery hash; Only present for guilds with the "DISCOVERABLE" feature
owner? * boolean true if the user is the owner of the guild
owner_id snowflake id of owner
permissions? * string total permissions for the user in the guild (excludes overwrites and implicit permissions)
afk_channel_id ?snowflake id of afk channel
afk_timeout integer afk timeout in seconds
widget_enabled? boolean true if the server widget is enabled
widget_channel_id? ?snowflake the channel id that the widget will generate an invite to, or null if set to no invite
verification_level integer verification level required for the guild
default_message_notifications integer default message notifications level
explicit_content_filter integer explicit content filter level
roles array of role objects roles in the guild
emojis array of emoji objects custom guild emojis
features array of guild feature strings enabled guild features
mfa_level integer required MFA level for the guild
application_id ?snowflake application id of the guild creator if it is bot-created
system_channel_id ?snowflake the id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted
system_channel_flags integer system channel flags
rules_channel_id ?snowflake the id of the channel where Community guilds can display rules and/or guidelines
max_presences? ?integer the maximum number of presences for the guild (null is always returned, apart from the largest of guilds)
max_members? integer the maximum number of members for the guild
vanity_url_code ?string the vanity url code for the guild
description ?string the description of a guild
banner ?string banner hash
premium_tier integer premium tier (Server Boost level)
premium_subscription_count? integer the number of boosts this guild currently has
preferred_locale string the preferred locale of a Community guild; used in server discovery and notices from Discord, and sent in interactions; defaults to "en-US"
public_updates_channel_id ?snowflake the id of the channel where admins and moderators of Community guilds receive notices from Discord
max_video_channel_users? integer the maximum amount of users in a video channel
max_stage_video_channel_users? integer the maximum amount of users in a stage video channel
approximate_member_count? integer approximate number of members in this guild
approximate_presence_count? integer approximate number of non-offline members in this guild
welcome_screen? welcome screen object the welcome screen of a Community guild, shown to new members, returned in an Invite's guild object
nsfw_level integer guild NSFW level
stickers? array of sticker objects custom guild stickers
premium_progress_bar_enabled boolean whether the guild has the boost progress bar enabled
safety_alerts_channel_id ?snowflake the id of the channel where admins and moderators of Community guilds receive safety alerts from Discord

* These fields are only sent when using the GET Current User Guilds endpoint and are relative to the requested user

Default Message Notification Level

Key Value Description
All Messages 0 members will receive notifications for all messages by default
Only Mentions 1 members will receive notifications only for messages that @mention them by default

Explicit Content Filter Level

Level Integer Description
Disabled 0 media content will not be scanned
Members Without Roles 1 media content sent by members without roles will be scanned
All Members 2 media content sent by all members will be scanned

MFA Level

Level Integer Description
None 0 guild has no MFA/2FA requirement for moderation actions
Elevated 1 guild has a 2FA requirement for moderation actions

Verification Level

Level Integer Description
None 0 unrestricted
Low 1 must have verified email on account
Medium 2 must be registered on Discord for longer than 5 minutes
High 3 must be a member of the server for longer than 10 minutes
Very High 4 must have a verified phone number

Guild NSFW Level

Level Value
Default 0
Explicit 1
Safe 2
Age Restricted 3

Premium Tier

Level Integer Description
None 0 guild has not unlocked any Server Boost perks
Tier 1 1 guild has unlocked Server Boost level 1 perks
Tier 2 2 guild has unlocked Server Boost level 2 perks
Tier 3 3 guild has unlocked Server Boost level 3 perks

System Channel Flags

Flag Value Description
Suppress Join Notifications 1 << 0 Suppress member join notifications
Suppress Premium Subscriptions 1 << 1 Suppress server boost notifications
Suppress Guild Reminder Notifications 1 << 2 Suppress server setup tips
Suppress Join Notification Replies 1 << 3 Hide member join sticker reply buttons
Suppress Role Subscription Purchase Notifications 1 << 4 Suppress role subscription purchase and renewal notifications
Suppress Role Subscription Purchase Notification Replies 1 << 5 Hide role subscription sticker reply buttons

Guild Features

Feature - Description
Animated Banner guild has access to set an animated guild banner image
Animated Icon guild has access to set an animated guild icon
Application Command Permissions V2 guild is using the old permissions configuration behavior
Auto Moderation guild has set up auto moderation rules
Banner guild has access to set a guild banner image
Community guild can enable welcome screen, screening, stage channels, discovery, and receive community updates
Creator Monetizable Provisional guild has enabled monetization
Creator Store Page guild has enabled the role subscription promo page
Developer Support Server guild has been set as a support server on the App Directory
Discoverable guild is able to be discovered in the directory
Featurable guild is able to be featured in the directory
Invites Disabled guild has paused invites, preventing new users from joining
Invite Splash guild has access to set an invite splash background
Member Verification Gate Enabled guild has enabled Membership Screening
More Stickers guild has increased custom sticker slots
News guild has access to create announcement channels
Partnered guild is partnered
Preview Enabled guild can be previewed before joining via Membership Screening or the directory
Raid Alerts Disabled guild has disabled alerts for join raids in the configured safety alerts channel
Role Icons guild is able to set role icons
Role Subscriptions Available For Purchase guild has role subscriptions that can be purchased
Role Subscriptions Enabled guild has enabled role subscriptions
Ticketed Events Enabled guild has enabled ticketed events
Vanity Url guild has access to set a vanity URL
Verified guild is verified
Vip Regions guild has access to set 384kbps bitrate in voice (previously VIP voice servers)
Welcome Screen Enabled guild has enabled the welcome screen

Mutable Guild Features

Features Required Permissions Effects
Community Administrator Enables Community Features in the guild
Discoverable Administrator* Enables discovery in the guild, making it publicly listed
Invites Disabled Manage Guild Pauses all invites/access to the server
Raid Alerts Disabled Manage Guild Disables alerts for join raids

Guild Preview Structure

Field Type Description
id snowflake guild id
name string guild name (2-100 characters)
icon ?string icon hash
splash ?string splash hash
discovery_splash ?string discovery splash hash
emojis array of emoji objects custom guild emojis
features array of guild feature strings enabled guild features
approximate_member_count number approximate number of members in this guild
approximate_presence_count number approximate number of online members in this guild
description ?string the description for the guild
stickers array of sticker objects custom guild stickers

Guild Widget Settings Structure

Field Type Description
enabled boolean whether the widget is enabled
channel_id ?snowflake the widget channel id

Guild Widget Structure

Field Type Description
id snowflake guild id
name string guild name (2-100 characters)
instant_invite ?string instant invite for the guilds specified widget invite channel
channels array of partial channel objects voice and stage channels which are accessible by @everyone
members array of partial user objects special widget user objects that includes users presence (Limit 100)
presence_count number number of online members in this guild

Guild Member Object

Field Type Description
user? user object the user this guild member represents
nick? ?string this user's guild nickname
avatar? ?string the member's guild avatar hash
roles array of snowflakes array of role object ids
joined_at ISO8601 timestamp when the user joined the guild
premium_since? ?ISO8601 timestamp when the user started boosting the guild
deaf boolean whether the user is deafened in voice channels
mute boolean whether the user is muted in voice channels
flags number guild member flags represented as a bit set, defaults to 0
pending? boolean whether the user has passed the guild's Membership Screening requirements
permissions? string total permissions of the member in the channel, including overwrites, returned when in the interaction object
communication_disabled_until? ?ISO8601 timestamp when the user's timeout will expire and the user will be able to communicate in the guild again

• The field user won't be included in the member object attached to MESSAGE_CREATE and MESSAGE_UPDATE gateway events. • In GUILD_ events, pending will always be included as true or false. In non GUILD_ events which can only be triggered by non-pending users, pending will not be included.

Guild Member Flags

Flag Value Description Editable
Did Rejoin 1 << 0 Member has left and rejoined the guild false
Completed Onboarding 1 << 1 Member has completed onboarding false
Bypasses Verification 1 << 2 Member is exempt from guild verification requirements true
Started Onboarding 1 << 3 Member has started onboarding false

• BYPASSES_VERIFICATION allows a member who does not meet verification requirements to participate in a server.

Guild Scheduled Event Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake The ID of the scheduled event
guild_id snowflake The guild ID to which the scheduled event belongs
channel_id ?snowflake The channel ID where the scheduled event will be hosted, or null if the scheduled entity type is EXTERNAL
creator_id? * ?snowflake The ID of the user who created the scheduled event
name string The name of the scheduled event (1-100 characters)
description? ?string The description of the scheduled event (1-1000 characters)
scheduled_start_time ISO8601 timestamp The time the scheduled event will start
scheduled_end_time ?ISO8601 timestamp The time the scheduled event will end, required if the entity type is EXTERNAL
privacy_level privacy level The privacy level of the scheduled event
status event status The status of the scheduled event
entity_type scheduled entity type The type of the scheduled event
entity_id ?snowflake The ID of an entity associated with a guild scheduled event
entity_metadata ?entity metadata Additional metadata for the guild scheduled event
creator? user object The user who created the scheduled event
user_count? number The number of users subscribed to the scheduled event
image? ?string The cover image hash of the scheduled event

* creator_id will be null and creator will not be included for events created before October 25th, 2021, when the concept of creator_id was introduced and tracked.

Guild Scheduled Event Privacy Level

Level Value Description
Guild Only 2 the scheduled event is only accessible to guild members

Guild Scheduled Event Entity Types

Type Value
Stage Instance 1
Voice 2
External 3

Field Requirements By Entity Type

• The following table shows field requirements based on current entity type. value : This field is required to be a non-null value null : This field is required to be null - : No strict requirements

Entity Type channel_id entity_metadata scheduled_end_time
Stage Instance value null -
Voice value null -
External null value * value

* entity_metadata with a non-null location must be provided

Guild Scheduled Event Status

Type Value
Scheduled 1
Active 2
Completed* 3
Canceled* 4

* Once status is set to COMPLETED or CANCELED, the status can no longer be updated

Valid Guild Scheduled Event Status Transitions


Guild Scheduled Event Entity Metadata

Field Type Description
location?* string location of the event (1-100 characters)

* required for events with 'entity_type': EXTERNAL

Guild Scheduled Event User Object

Field Type Description
guild_scheduled_event_id snowflake the scheduled event id which the user subscribed to
user user user which subscribed to an event
member? guild member guild member data for this user for the guild which this event belongs to, if any

Guild Template Object

Field Type Description
code string the template code (unique ID)
name string template name
description ?string the description for the template
usage_count number number of times this template has been used
creator_id snowflake the ID of the user who created the template
creator user object the user who created the template
created_at ISO8601 timestamp when this template was created
updated_at ISO8601 timestamp when this template was last synced to the source guild
source_guild_id snowflake the ID of the guild this template is based on
serialized_source_guild partial guild object the guild snapshot this template contains
is_dirty ?boolean whether the template has unsynced changes
Example Guild Template Object
  "code": "hgM48av5Q69A",
  "name": "Friends & Family",
  "description": "",
  "usage_count": 49605,
  "creator_id": "132837293881950208",
  "creator": {
    "id": "132837293881950208",
    "username": "hoges",
    "avatar": "79b0d9f8c340f2d43e1f78b09f175b62",
    "discriminator": "0001",
    "public_flags": 129
  "created_at": "2020-04-02T21:10:38+00:00",
  "updated_at": "2020-05-01T17:57:38+00:00",
  "source_guild_id": "678070694164299796",
  "serialized_source_guild": {
    "name": "Friends & Family",
    "description": null,
    "region": "us-west",
    "verification_level": 0,
    "default_message_notifications": 0,
    "explicit_content_filter": 0,
    "preferred_locale": "en-US",
    "afk_timeout": 300,
    "roles": [
        "id": 0,
        "name": "@everyone",
        "permissions": 104324689,
        "color": 0,
        "hoist": false,
        "mentionable": false
    "channels": [
        "name": "Text Channels",
        "position": 1,
        "topic": null,
        "bitrate": 64000,
        "user_limit": 0,
        "nsfw": false,
        "rate_limit_per_user": 0,
        "parent_id": null,
        "permission_overwrites": [],
        "id": 1,
        "type": 4
        "name": "general",
        "position": 1,
        "topic": null,
        "bitrate": 64000,
        "user_limit": 0,
        "nsfw": false,
        "rate_limit_per_user": 0,
        "parent_id": 1,
        "permission_overwrites": [],
        "id": 2,
        "type": 0
    "afk_channel_id": null,
    "system_channel_id": 2,
    "system_channel_flags": 0,
    "icon_hash": null
  "is_dirty": null

Integration Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake integration id
name string integration name
type string integration type (twitch, youtube, discord, or guild_subscription)
enabled boolean is this integration enabled
syncing? boolean is this integration syncing
role_id? snowflake id that this integration uses for "subscribers"
enable_emoticons? boolean whether emoticons should be synced for this integration (twitch only)
expire_behavior? integration expire behavior the behavior of expiring subscribers
expire_grace_period? number the grace period (in days) before expiring subscribers
user? user object user for this integration
account account object integration account information
synced_at? ISO8601 timestamp when this integration was last synced
subscriber_count? number how many subscribers this integration has
revoked? boolean has this integration been revoked
application? application object The bot/OAuth2 application for discord integrations
scopes? array of OAuth2 scopes the scopes the application has been authorized for

Integration Expire Behaviors

Value Name
0 Remove role
1 Kick

Integration Account Object

Field Type Description
id string id of the account
name string name of the account

Integration Application Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake the id of the app
name string the name of the app
icon ?string the icon hash of the app
description string the description of the app
bot? user object the bot associated with this application

Ban Object

Field Type Description
reason ?string the reason for the ban
user user object the banned user
Example Ban
  "reason": "mentioning lostmyinfo",
  "user": {
    "username": "goodsie",
    "id": "53908099506183680",
    "avatar": "a_bab14f271d565501444b2ca3be944b25",
    "public_flags": 131141

Welcome Screen Object

Field Type Description
description ?string the server description shown in the welcome screen
welcome_channels array of welcome screen channel objects the channels shown in the welcome screen, up to 5

Welcome Screen Channel Object

Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake the channel's id
description string the description shown for the channel
emoji_id ?snowflake the emoji id, if the emoji is custom
emoji_name ?string the emoji name if custom, the unicode character if standard, or null if no emoji is set

Guild Onboarding Object

Field Type Description
guild_id snowflake ID of the guild this onboarding is part of
prompts array of onboarding prompt objects Prompts shown during onboarding and in customize community
default_channel_ids array of snowflakes Channel IDs that members get opted into automatically
enabled boolean Whether onboarding is enabled in the guild
mode onboarding mode Current mode of onboarding

Onboarding Prompt Structure

Field Type Description
id snowflake ID of the prompt
type prompt type Type of prompt
options array of prompt option objects Options available within the prompt
title string Title of the prompt
single_select boolean Indicates whether users are limited to selecting one option for the prompt
required boolean Indicates whether the prompt is required before a user completes onboarding flow
in_onboarding boolean Indicates whether the prompt is present in the onboarding flow. If false, the prompt will only appear in the Channels & Roles tab

Prompt Option Structure

Field Type Description
id snowflake ID of the prompt option
channel_ids array of snowflakes IDs for channels a member is added to when the option is selected
role_ids array of snowflakes IDs for roles assigned to a member when the option is selected
emoji? emoji object Emoji of the option (see below)
emoji_id? snowflake Emoji ID of the option (see below)
emoji_name? string Emoji name of the option (see below)
emoji_animated? boolean Whether the emoji is animated (see below)
title string Title of the option
description ?string Description of the option

• When creating or updating a prompt option, the emoji_id, emoji_name, and emoji_animated fields must be used instead of the emoji object.

Onboarding Mode

• Defines the criteria used to satisfy Onboarding constraints that are required for enabling.

Name Value Description
Onboarding Default 0 Counts only Default Channels towards constraints
Onboarding Advanced 1 Counts Default Channels and Questions towards constraints

Prompt Types

Name Value
Multiple Choice 0
Dropdown 1
Example Guild Onboarding
    "guild_id": "960007075288915998",
    "prompts": [
            "id": "1067461047608422473",
            "title": "What do you want to do in this community?",
            "options": [
                    "id": "1067461047608422476",
                    "title": "Chat with Friends",
                    "description": "",
                    "emoji": {
                        "id": "1070002302032826408",
                        "name": "chat",
                        "animated": false
                    "role_ids": [],
                    "channel_ids": [
                    "id": "1070004843541954678",
                    "title": "Get Gud",
                    "description": "We have excellent teachers!",
                    "emoji": {
                        "id": null,
                        "name": "😀",
                        "animated": false
                    "role_ids": [
                    "channel_ids": []
            "single_select": false,
            "required": false,
            "in_onboarding": true,
            "type": 0
    "default_channel_ids": [
    "enabled": true


User Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake the user's id
username string the user's username, not unique across the platform
discriminator string the user's Discord-tag
global_name ?string the user's display name, if it is set. For bots, this is the application name
avatar ?string the user's avatar hash
bot? boolean whether the user belongs to an OAuth2 application
system? boolean whether the user is an Official Discord System user (part of the urgent message system)
mfa_enabled? boolean whether the user has two factor enabled on their account
banner? ?string the user's banner hash
accent_color? ?integer the user's banner color encoded as an integer representation of hexadecimal color code
locale? string the user's chosen language option
verified? boolean whether the email on this account has been verified
email? ?string the user's email
flags? integer the flags on a user's account
premium_type? integer the type of Nitro subscription on a user's account
public_flags? integer the public flags on a user's account
avatar_decoration? ?string the user's avatar decoration hash

User Flags

Value Name Description
1 << 0 Staff Discord Employee
1 << 1 Partner Partnered Server Owner
1 << 2 Hypesquad HypeSquad Events Member
1 << 3 Bug Hunter Level 1 Bug Hunter Level 1
1 << 6 Hypesquad Online House 1 House Bravery Member
1 << 7 Hypesquad Online House 2 House Brilliance Member
1 << 8 Hypesquad Online House 3 House Balance Member
1 << 9 Premium Early Supporter Early Nitro Supporter
1 << 10 Team Pseudo User User is a team
1 << 14 Bug Hunter Level 2 Bug Hunter Level 2
1 << 16 Verified Bot Verified Bot
1 << 17 Verified Developer Early Verified Bot Developer
1 << 18 Certified Moderator Moderator Programs Alumni
1 << 19 Bot Http Interactions Bot uses only HTTP interactions and is shown in the online member list
1 << 22 Active Developer User is an Active Developer

Premium Types

• Premium types denote the level of premium a user has.

Value Name
0 None
1 Nitro Classic
2 Nitro
3 Nitro Basic

Connection Object

• The connection object that the user has attached.

Field Type Description
id string id of the connection account
name string the username of the connection account
type string the service of this connection
revoked? boolean whether the connection is revoked
integrations? array an array of partial server integrations
verified boolean whether the connection is verified
friend_sync boolean whether friend sync is enabled for this connection
show_activity boolean whether activities related to this connection will be shown in presence updates
two_way_link boolean whether this connection has a corresponding third party OAuth2 token
visibility integer visibility of this connection


Value Name
ebay eBay
epicgames Epic Games
facebook Facebook
github GitHub
instagram Instagram
leagueoflegends League of Legends
paypal PayPal
playstation PlayStation Network
reddit Reddit
riotgames Riot Games
spotify Spotify
skype * Skype
steam Steam
tiktok TikTok
twitch Twitch
twitter X (Twitter)
xbox Xbox
youtube YouTube
* Service can no longer be added by users

Visibility Types

Value Name Description
0 None invisible to everyone except the user themselves
1 Everyone visible to everyone

Application Role Connection Object

The role connection object that an application has attached to a user.

Field Type Description
platform_name ?string the vanity name of the platform a bot has connected (max 50 characters)
platform_username ?string the username on the platform a bot has connected (max 100 characters)
metadata object object mapping application role connection metadata keys to their string-ified value (max 100 characters) for the user on the platform a bot has connected

Application Role Connection Metadata Object

Field Type Description
type ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataType type of metadata value
key string dictionary key for the metadata field (must be a-z, 0-9, or _ characters; 1-50 characters)
name string name of the metadata field (1-100 characters)
name_localizations? dictionary with keys in available locales translations of the name
description string description of the metadata field (1-200 characters)
description_localizations? dictionary with keys in available locales translations of the description

Application Role Connection Metadata Type

Type Value Description
INTEGER_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL 1 the metadata value (integer) is less than or equal to the guild's configured value (integer)
INTEGER_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL 2 the metadata value (integer) is greater than or equal to the guild's configured value (integer)
INTEGER_EQUAL 3 the metadata value (integer) is equal to the guild's configured value (integer)
INTEGER_NOT_EQUAL 4 the metadata value (integer) is not equal to the guild's configured value (integer)
DATETIME_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL 5 the metadata value (ISO8601 string) is less than or equal to the guild's configured value (integer; days before current date)
DATETIME_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL 6 the metadata value (ISO8601 string) is greater than or equal to the guild's configured value (integer; days before current date)
BOOLEAN_EQUAL 7 the metadata value (integer) is equal to the guild's configured value (integer; 1)
BOOLEAN_NOT_EQUAL 8 the metadata value (integer) is not equal to the guild's configured value (integer; 1)


Emoji Object

Field Type Description
id ?snowflake emoji id
name ?string (can be null only in reaction emoji objects) emoji name
roles? array of role object ids roles allowed to use this emoji
user? user object user that created this emoji
require_colons? boolean whether this emoji must be wrapped in colons
managed? boolean whether this emoji is managed
animated? boolean whether this emoji is animated
available? boolean whether this emoji can be used, may be false due to loss of Server Boosts
Emoji Example
  "id": "41771983429993937",
  "name": "LUL",
  "roles": ["41771983429993000", "41771983429993111"],
  "user": {
    "username": "Luigi",
    "discriminator": "0002",
    "id": "96008815106887111",
    "avatar": "5500909a3274e1812beb4e8de6631111",
    "public_flags": 131328
  "require_colons": true,
  "managed": false,
  "animated": false
Standard Emoji Example
  "id": null,
  "name": "�"
Custom Emoji Examples
  "id": "41771983429993937",
  "name": "LUL",
  "animated": true
  "id": "41771983429993937",
  "name": null

Sticker Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake id of the sticker
pack_id? snowflake for standard stickers, id of the pack the sticker is from
name string name of the sticker
description ?string description of the sticker
tags string autocomplete/suggestion tags for the sticker (max 200 characters)
type number type of sticker
format_type number type of sticker format
available? boolean whether this guild sticker can be used, may be false due to loss of Server Boosts
guild_id? snowflake id of the guild that owns this sticker
user? user object the user that uploaded the guild sticker
sort_value? number the standard sticker's sort order within its pack

Sticker Types

Type Value Description
Standard 1 an official sticker in a pack
Guild 2 a sticker uploaded to a guild for the guild's members

Sticker Format Types

Type Value
Example Sticker
  "id": "749054660769218631",
  "name": "Wave",
  "tags": "wumpus, hello, sup, hi, oi, heyo, heya, yo, greetings, greet, welcome, wave, :wave, :hello, :hi, :hey, hey, \ud83d\udc4b, \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffb, \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffc, \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffd, \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffe, \ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udfff, goodbye, bye, see ya, later, laterz, cya",
  "type": 1,
  "format_type": 3,
  "description": "Wumpus waves hello",
  "asset": "",
  "pack_id": "847199849233514549",
  "sort_value": 12

Sticker Item Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake id of the sticker
name string name of the sticker
format_type number type of sticker format

Sticker Pack Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake id of the sticker pack
stickers array of sticker objects the stickers in the pack
name string name of the sticker pack
sku_id snowflake id of the pack's SKU
cover_sticker_id? snowflake id of a sticker in the pack which is shown as the pack's icon
description string description of the sticker pack
banner_asset_id? snowflake id of the sticker pack's banner image
Example Sticker Pack
  "id": "847199849233514549",
  "stickers": [],
  "name": "Wumpus Beyond",
  "sku_id": "847199849233514547",
  "cover_sticker_id": "749053689419006003",
  "description": "Say hello to Wumpus!",
  "banner_asset_id": "761773777976819732"


Role Object

• Roles represent a set of permissions attached to a group of users. • Roles have names, colors, and can be "pinned" to the side bar, causing their members to be listed separately. Roles can have separate permission profiles for the global context (guild) and channel context.

The @everyone role has the same ID as the guild it belongs to.

Field Type Description
id snowflake role id
name string role name
color integer integer representation of hexadecimal color code
hoist boolean if this role is pinned in the user listing
icon? ?string role icon hash
unicode_emoji? ?string role unicode emoji
position integer position of this role
permissions string permission bit set
managed boolean whether this role is managed by an integration
mentionable boolean whether this role is mentionable
tags? role tags object the tags this role has
flags integer role flags combined as a bitfield

Role Tags Structure

• Tags with type null represent booleans. • They will be present and set to null if they are "true", and will be not present if they are "false".

Field Type Description
bot_id? snowflake the id of the bot this role belongs to
integration_id? snowflake the id of the integration this role belongs to
premium_subscriber? null whether this is the guild's Booster role
subscription_listing_id? snowflake the id of this role's subscription sku and listing
available_for_purchase? null whether this role is available for purchase
guild_connections? null whether this role is a guild's linked role

Role Flags

Flag Value Description
IN_PROMPT 1 << 0 role can be selected by members in an onboarding prompt


Channel Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake the id of this channel
type integer the type of channel
guild_id? snowflake the id of the guild (may be missing for some channel objects received over gateway guild dispatches)
position? integer sorting position of the channel
permission_overwrites? array of overwrite objects explicit permission overwrites for members and roles
name? ?string the name of the channel (1-100 characters)
topic? ?string the channel topic (0-4096 characters for GUILD_FORUM and GUILD_MEDIA channels, 0-1024 characters for all others)
nsfw? boolean whether the channel is nsfw
last_message_id? ?snowflake the id of the last message sent in this channel (or thread for GUILD_FORUM or GUILD_MEDIA channels) (may not point to an existing or valid message or thread)
bitrate? integer the bitrate (in bits) of the voice channel
user_limit? integer the user limit of the voice channel
rate_limit_per_user?* integer amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message (0-21600); bots, as well as users with the permission manage_messages or manage_channel, are unaffected
recipients? array of user objects the recipients of the DM
icon? ?string icon hash of the group DM
owner_id? snowflake id of the creator of the group DM or thread
application_id? snowflake application id of the group DM creator if it is bot-created
managed? boolean for group DM channels: whether the channel is managed by an application via the gdm.join OAuth2 scope
parent_id? ?snowflake for guild channels: id of the parent category for a channel (each parent category can contain up to 50 channels), for threads: id of the text channel this thread was created
last_pin_timestamp? ?ISO8601 timestamp when the last pinned message was pinned. This may be null in events such as GUILD_CREATE when a message is not pinned.
rtc_region? ?string voice region id for the voice channel, automatic when set to null
video_quality_mode? integer the camera video quality mode of the voice channel, 1 when not present
message_count?** integer number of messages (not including the initial message or deleted messages) in a thread.
member_count? integer an approximate count of users in a thread, stops counting at 50
thread_metadata? thread metadata object thread-specific fields not needed by other channels
member? thread member object thread member object for the current user, if they have joined the thread, only included on certain API endpoints
default_auto_archive_duration? integer default duration, copied onto newly created threads, in minutes, threads will stop showing in the channel list after the specified period of inactivity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080
permissions? string computed permissions for the invoking user in the channel, including overwrites, only included when part of the resolved data received on a slash command interaction.
flags? integer channel flags combined as bitfield
total_message_sent? integer number of messages ever sent in a thread, it's similar to message_count on message creation, but will not decrement the number when a message is deleted
available_tags? array of tag objects the set of tags that can be used in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel
applied_tags? array of snowflakes the IDs of the set of tags that have been applied to a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel
default_reaction_emoji? ?default reaction object the emoji to show in the add reaction button on a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel
default_thread_rate_limit_per_user? integer the initial rate_limit_per_user to set on newly created threads in a channel. this field is copied to the thread at creation time and does not live update.
default_sort_order? ?integer the default sort order type used to order posts in GUILD_FORUM and GUILD_MEDIA channels. Defaults to null, which indicates a preferred sort order hasn't been set by a channel admin
default_forum_layout? integer the default forum layout view used to display posts in GUILD_FORUM channels. Defaults to 0, which indicates a layout view has not been set by a channel admin

* rate_limit_per_user also applies to thread creation. Users can send one message and create one thread during each rate_limit_per_user interval. ** For threads created before July 1, 2022, the message count is inaccurate when it's greater than 50.

Channel Types

Type ID Description
Guild Text 0 a text channel within a server
Dm 1 a direct message between users
Guild Voice 2 a voice channel within a server
Group Dm 3 a direct message between multiple users
Guild Category 4 an organizational category that contains up to 50 channels
Guild Announcement 5 a channel that users can follow and crosspost into their own server (formerly news channels)
Announcement Thread 10 a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT channel
Public Thread 11 a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT or GUILD_FORUM channel
Private Thread 12 a temporary sub-channel within a GUILD_TEXT channel that is only viewable by those invited and those with the MANAGE_THREADS permission
Guild Stage Voice 13 a voice channel for hosting events with an audience
Guild Directory 14 the channel in a hub containing the listed servers
Guild Forum 15 Channel that can only contain threads
Guild Media 16 Channel that can only contain threads, similar to GUILD_FORUM channels

* The GUILD_MEDIA channel type is still in active development. Avoid implementing any features that are not documented here, since they are subject to change without notice!

Partial Channel Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake id of the channel
type integer the type of channel
name string the name of the channel
permissions string permission bit set

Video Quality Modes

Mode Value Description
Auto 1 Discord chooses the quality for optimal performance
Full 2 720p

Channel Flags

Flag Value Description
Pinned 1 << 1 this thread is pinned to the top of its parent GUILD_FORUM or GUILD_MEDIA channel
Require Tag 1 << 4 whether a tag is required to be specified when creating a thread in a GUILD_FORUM or a GUILD_MEDIA channel. Tags are specified in the applied_tags field.
Hide Media Download Options 1 << 15 when set hides the embedded media download options. Available only for media channels

Sort Order Types

Flag Value Description
Latest Activity 0 Sort forum posts by activity
Creation Date 1 Sort forum posts by creation time (from most recent to oldest)

Forum Layout Types

Flag Value Description
Not Set 0 No default has been set for forum channel
List View 1 Display posts as a list
Gallery View 2 Display posts as a collection of tiles
Example Guild Announcement Channel
  "id": "41771983423143937",
  "guild_id": "41771983423143937",
  "name": "important-news",
  "type": 5,
  "position": 6,
  "permission_overwrites": [],
  "nsfw": true,
  "topic": "Rumors about Half Life 3",
  "last_message_id": "155117677105512449",
  "parent_id": "399942396007890945",
  "default_auto_archive_duration": 60
Example Guild Voice Channel
  "id": "155101607195836416",
  "last_message_id": "174629835082649376",
  "type": 2,
  "name": "ROCKET CHEESE",
  "position": 5,
  "parent_id": null,
  "bitrate": 64000,
  "user_limit": 0,
  "rtc_region": null,
  "guild_id": "41771983423143937",
  "permission_overwrites": [],
  "rate_limit_per_user": 0,
  "nsfw": false,
Example DM Channel
  "last_message_id": "3343820033257021450",
  "type": 1,
  "id": "319674150115610528",
  "recipients": [
      "username": "test",
      "discriminator": "9999",
      "id": "82198898841029460",
      "avatar": "33ecab261d4681afa4d85a04691c4a01"
Example Group DM Channel
  "name": "Some test channel",
  "icon": null,
  "recipients": [
      "username": "test",
      "discriminator": "9999",
      "id": "82198898841029460",
      "avatar": "33ecab261d4681afa4d85a04691c4a01"
      "username": "test2",
      "discriminator": "9999",
      "id": "82198810841029460",
      "avatar": "33ecab261d4681afa4d85a10691c4a01"
  "last_message_id": "3343820033257021450",
  "type": 3,
  "id": "319674150115710528",
  "owner_id": "82198810841029460"
Example Channel Category
  "permission_overwrites": [],
  "name": "Test",
  "parent_id": null,
  "nsfw": false,
  "position": 0,
  "guild_id": "290926798629997250",
  "type": 4,
  "id": "399942396007890945"
Example Thread Channel
  "id": "41771983423143937",
  "guild_id": "41771983423143937",
  "parent_id": "41771983423143937",
  "owner_id": "41771983423143937",
  "name": "don't buy dota-2",
  "type": 11,
  "last_message_id": "155117677105512449",
  "message_count": 1,
  "member_count": 5,
  "rate_limit_per_user": 2,
  "thread_metadata": {
    "archived": false,
    "auto_archive_duration": 1440,
    "archive_timestamp": "2021-04-12T23:40:39.855793+00:00",
    "locked": false
  "total_message_sent": 1

Message Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake id of the message
channel_id snowflake id of the channel the message was sent in
author* user object the author of this message
content** string contents of the message
timestamp ISO8601 timestamp when this message was sent
edited_timestamp ?ISO8601 timestamp when this message was edited (or null if never)
tts boolean whether this was a TTS message
mention_everyone boolean whether this message mentions everyone
mentions array of user objects users specifically mentioned in the message
mention_roles array of role object ids roles specifically mentioned in this message
mention_channels?*** array of channel mention objects channels specifically mentioned in this message
attachments** array of attachment objects any attached files
embeds** array of embed objects any embedded content
reactions? array of reaction objects reactions to the message
nonce? integer or string used for validating a message was sent
pinned boolean whether this message is pinned
webhook_id? snowflake if the message is generated by a webhook, this is the webhook's id
type integer type of message
activity? message activity object sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds
application? partial application object sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds
application_id? snowflake if the message is an Interaction or application-owned webhook, this is the id of the application
message_reference? message reference object data showing the source of a crosspost, channel follow add, pin, or reply message
flags? integer message flags combined as a bitfield
referenced_message?**** ?message object the message associated with the message_reference
interaction? message interaction object sent if the message is a response to an Interaction
thread? channel object the thread that was started from this message, includes thread member object
components?** array of message components sent if the message contains components like buttons, action rows, or other interactive components
sticker_items? array of message sticker item objects sent if the message contains stickers
position? integer A generally increasing integer (there may be gaps or duplicates) that represents the approximate position of the message in a thread, it can be used to estimate the relative position of the message in a thread in company with total_message_sent on parent thread
role_subscription_data? role subscription data object data of the role subscription purchase or renewal that prompted this ROLE_SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE message
resolved? resolved data data for users, members, channels, and roles in the message's auto-populated select menus

* The author object follows the structure of the user object, but is only a valid user in the case where the message is generated by a user or bot user. If the message is generated by a webhook, the author object corresponds to the webhook's id, username, and avatar. You can tell if a message is generated by a webhook by checking for the webhook_id on the message object. ** An app will receive empty values in the content, embeds, attachments, and components fields if they have not configured (or been approved for) the MESSAGE_CONTENT privileged intent (1 << 15). *** Not all channel mentions in a message will appear in mention_channels. Only textual channels that are visible to everyone in a lurkable guild will ever be included. Only crossposted messages (via Channel Following) currently include mention_channels at all. If no mentions in the message meet these requirements, this field will not be sent. **** This field is only returned for messages with a type of 19 (REPLY) or 21 (THREAD_STARTER_MESSAGE). If the message is a reply but the referenced_message field is not present, the backend did not attempt to fetch the message that was being replied to, so its state is unknown. If the field exists but is null, the referenced message was deleted.

Forum and Media Thread Message Params Object

Field Type Description
content?* string Message contents (up to 2000 characters)
embeds?* array of embed objects Up to 10 rich embeds (up to 6000 characters)
allowed_mentions? allowed mention object Allowed mentions for the message
components?* array of message component objects Components to include with the message
sticker_ids?* array of snowflakes IDs of up to 3 stickers in the server to send in the message
attachments? array of partial attachment objects Attachment objects with filename and description
flags? integer Message flags (only SUPPRESS_EMBEDS and SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATIONS can be set)

* At least one of content, embeds, sticker_ids, components, or files[n] is required.

Message Types

Type Value Deletable
Default 0 true
Recipient Add 1 false
Recipient Remove 2 false
Call 3 false
Channel Name Change 4 false
Channel Icon Change 5 false
Channel Pinned Message 6 true
User Join 7 true
Guild Boost 8 true
Guild Boost Tier 1 9 true
Guild Boost Tier 2 10 true
Guild Boost Tier 3 11 true
Channel Follow Add 12 true
Guild Discovery Disqualified 14 false
Guild Discovery Requalified 15 false
Guild Discovery Grace Period Initial Warning 16 false
Guild Discovery Grace Period Final Warning 17 false
Thread Created 18 true
Reply 19 true
Chat Input Command 20 true
Thread Starter Message 21 false
Guild Invite Reminder 22 true
Context Menu Command 23 true
Auto Moderation Action 24 true*
Role Subscription Purchase 25 true
Interaction Premium Upsell 26 true
Stage Start 27 true
Stage End 28 true
Stage Speaker 29 true
Stage Topic 31 true
Guild Application Premium Subscription 32 false

* Can only be deleted by members with MANAGE_MESSAGES permission

Message Activity Structure

Field Type Description
type integer type of message activity
party_id? string party_id from a Rich Presence event

Message Activity Types

Type Value
Join 1
Spectate 2
Listen 3
Join Request 5

Message Flags

Flag Value Description
Crossposted 1 << 0 this message has been published to subscribed channels (via Channel Following)
Is Crosspost 1 << 1 this message originated from a message in another channel (via Channel Following)
Suppress Embeds 1 << 2 do not include any embeds when serializing this message
Source Message Deleted 1 << 3 the source message for this crosspost has been deleted (via Channel Following)
Urgent 1 << 4 this message came from the urgent message system
Has Thread 1 << 5 this message has an associated thread, with the same id as the message
Ephemeral 1 << 6 this message is only visible to the user who invoked the Interaction
Loading 1 << 7 this message is an Interaction Response and the bot is "thinking"
Failed To Mention Some Roles In Thread 1 << 8 this message failed to mention some roles and add their members to the thread
Suppress Notifications 1 << 12 this message will not trigger push and desktop notifications
Is Voice Message 1 << 13 this message is a voice message

Message Reference Object

Field Type Description
message_id? snowflake id of the originating message
channel_id? * snowflake id of the originating message's channel
guild_id? snowflake id of the originating message's guild
fail_if_not_exists? boolean when sending, whether to error if the referenced message doesn't exist instead of sending as a normal (non-reply) message, default true

* channel_id is optional when creating a reply, but will always be present when receiving an event/response that includes this data model.

Followed Channel Structure

Field Type Description
channel_id snowflake source channel id
webhook_id snowflake created target webhook id

Reaction Object

Field Type Description
count integer Total number of times this emoji has been used to react (including super reacts)
count_details object Reaction count details object
me boolean Whether the current user reacted using this emoji
me_burst boolean Whether the current user super-reacted using this emoji
emoji partial emoji object emoji information
burst_colors array HEX colors used for super reaction

Reaction Count Details Object

Field Type Description
burst integer Count of super reactions
normal integer Count of normal reactions

Overwrite Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake role or user id
type int either 0 (role) or 1 (member)
allow string permission bit set
deny string permission bit set

Thread Metadata Object

Field Type Description
archived boolean whether the thread is archived
auto_archive_duration integer the thread will stop showing in the channel list after auto_archive_duration minutes of inactivity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080
archive_timestamp ISO8601 timestamp timestamp when the thread's archive status was last changed, used for calculating recent activity
locked boolean whether the thread is locked; when a thread is locked, only users with MANAGE_THREADS can unarchive it
invitable? boolean whether non-moderators can add other non-moderators to a thread; only available on private threads
create_timestamp? ?ISO8601 timestamp timestamp when the thread was created; only populated for threads created after 2022-01-09

Thread Member Object

Field Type Description
id? * snowflake ID of the thread
user_id? * snowflake ID of the user
join_timestamp ISO8601 timestamp Time the user last joined the thread
flags integer Any user-thread settings, currently only used for notifications
member? ** guild member object Additional information about the user

* These fields are omitted on the member sent within each thread in the GUILD_CREATE event. ** The member field is only present when with_member is set to true when calling List Thread Members or Get Thread Member.

Default Reaction Object

Field Type Description
emoji_id ?snowflake the id of a guild's custom emoji
emoji_name ?string the unicode character of the emoji

Forum Tag Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake the id of the tag
name string the name of the tag (0-20 characters)
moderated boolean whether this tag can only be added to or removed from threads by a member with the MANAGE_THREADS permission
emoji_id ?snowflake the id of a guild's custom emoji *
emoji_name ?string the unicode character of the emoji *

* At most one of emoji_id and emoji_name may be set to a non-null value.

Embed Object

Field Type Description
title? string title of embed
type? string type of embed (always "rich" for webhook embeds)
description? string description of embed
url? string url of embed
timestamp? ISO8601 timestamp timestamp of embed content
color? number color code of the embed
footer? embed footer object footer information
image? embed image object image information
thumbnail? embed thumbnail object thumbnail information
video? embed video object video information
provider? embed provider object provider information
author? embed author object author information
fields? array of embed field objects fields information

Embed Thumbnail Structure

Field Type Description
url string source url of thumbnail (only supports http(s) and attachments)
proxy_url? string a proxied url of the thumbnail
height? integer height of thumbnail
width? integer width of thumbnail

Embed Video Structure

Field Type Description
url? string source url of video
proxy_url? string a proxied url of the video
height? integer height of video
width? integer width of video

Embed Image Structure

Field Type Description
url string source url of image (only supports http(s) and attachments)
proxy_url? string a proxied url of the image
height? integer height of image
width? integer width of image

Embed Provider Structure

Field Type Description
name? string name of provider
url? string url of provider

Embed Author Structure

Field Type Description
name string name of author
url? string url of author (only supports http(s))
icon_url? string url of author icon (only supports http(s) and attachments)
proxy_icon_url? string a proxied url of author icon

Embed Footer Structure

Field Type Description
text string footer text
icon_url? string url of footer icon (only supports http(s) and attachments)
proxy_icon_url? string a proxied url of footer icon

Embed Field Structure

Field Type Description
name string name of the field
value string value of the field
inline? boolean whether or not this field should display inline
Embed Limits
Field Limit
title 256 characters
description 4096 characters
fields Up to 25 field objects 256 characters
field.value 1024 characters
footer.text 2048 characters 256 characters

• Additionally, the combined sum of characters in all title, description,, field.value, footer.text, and fields across all embeds attached to a message must not exceed 6000 characters. • Violating any of these constraints will result in a Bad Request response. • Embeds are deduplicated by URL. If a message contains multiple embeds with the same URL, only the first is shown.

Attachment Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake attachment id
filename string name of file attached
description? string description for the file (max 1024 characters)
content_type? string the attachment's media type
size number size of file in bytes
url string source url of file
proxy_url string a proxied url of file
height? ?number height of file (if image)
width? ?number width of file (if image)
ephemeral? * boolean whether this attachment is ephemeral
duration_secs? float the duration of the audio file (currently for voice messages)
waveform? string base64 encoded bytearray representing a sampled waveform (currently for voice messages)
flags? number attachment flags combined as a bitfield

* Ephemeral attachments will automatically be removed after a set period of time. Ephemeral attachments on messages are guaranteed to be available as long as the message itself exists.

Attachment Flags

Flag Value Description
Is Remix 1 << 2 this attachment has been edited using the remix feature on mobile

Channel Mention Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake id of the channel
guild_id snowflake id of the guild containing the channel
type integer the type of channel
name string the name of the channel

Allowed Mentions Object

Field Type Description
parse array of allowed mention types An array of allowed mention types to parse from the content.
roles list of snowflakes Array of role_ids to mention (Max size of 100)
users list of snowflakes Array of user_ids to mention (Max size of 100)
replied_user boolean For replies, whether to mention the author of the message being replied to (default false)

Allowed Mention Types

Type Value Description
Role Mentions "roles" Controls role mentions
User Mentions "users" Controls user mentions
Everyone Mentions "everyone" Controls @everyone and @here mentions

Allowed Mentions Reference

• If allowed_mentions is not passed in (i.e. the key does not exist), the mentions will be parsed via the content. This corresponds with existing behavior.

In the example below we would ping @here (and also @role124 and @user123)

  "content": "@here Hi there from <@123>, cc <@&124>"

To suppress all mentions in a message use:

  "content": "@everyone hi there, <@&123>",
  "allowed_mentions": {
    "parse": []

This will suppress all mentions in the message (no @everyone or user mention).

• The parse field is mutually exclusive with the other fields. In the example below, we would ping users 123 and role 124, but not @everyone.

Note that passing a Falsy value ([], null) into the "users" field does not trigger a validation error.

  "content": "@everyone <@123> <@&124>",
  "allowed_mentions": {
    "parse": ["users", "roles"],
    "users": []

In the next example, we would ping @everyone, (and also users 123 and 124 if they suppressed @everyone mentions), but we would not ping any roles.

  "content": "@everyone <@123> <@124> <@125> <@&200>",
  "allowed_mentions": {
    "parse": ["everyone"],
    "users": ["123", "124"]

Message Components

Component Object

Type Name Description
1 Action Row Container for other components
2 Button Button object
3 String Select Select menu for picking from defined text options
4 Text Input Text input object
5 User Select Select menu for users
6 Role Select Select menu for roles
7 Mentionable Select Select menu for mentionables (users and roles)
8 Channel Select Select menu for channels

Button Object

Field Type Description
type integer 2 for a button
style integer A button style
label? string Text that appears on the button; max 80 characters
emoji? partial emoji name, id, and animated
custom_id? string Developer-defined identifier for the button; max 100 characters
url? string URL for link-style buttons
disabled? boolean Whether the button is disabled (defaults to false)

Button Styles

Name Value Color Required Field
Primary 1 blurple custom_id
Secondary 2 grey custom_id
Success 3 green custom_id
Danger 4 red custom_id
Link 5 grey, navigates to a URL url

Select Menu Object

Field Type Description
type integer Type of select menu component (text: 3, user: 5, role: 6, mentionable: 7, channels: 8)
custom_id string ID for the select menu; max 100 characters
options?* array of select options Specified choices in a select menu (only required and available for string selects (type 3)); max 25
channel_types?** array of channel types List of channel types to include in the channel select component (type 8)
placeholder? string Placeholder text if nothing is selected; max 150 characters
default_values?*** array of default value objects List of default values for auto-populated select menu components; number of default values must be in the range defined by min_values and max_values
min_values? integer Minimum number of items that must be chosen (defaults to 1); min 0, max 25
max_values? integer Maximum number of items that can be chosen (defaults to 1); max 25
disabled? boolean Whether select menu is disabled (defaults to false)

* options is required for string select menus (component type 3), and unavailable for all other select menu components. ** channel_types can only be used for channel select menu components. *** default_values is only available for auto-populated select menu components, which include user (5), role (6), mentionable (7), and channel (8) components.

Select Option Structure

Field Type Description
label string User-facing name of the option; max 100 characters
value string Dev-defined value of the option; max 100 characters
description? string Additional description of the option; max 100 characters
emoji? partial emoji object id, name, and animated
default? boolean Will show this option as selected by default

Select Default Value Structure

Field Type Description
id snowflake ID of a user, role, or channel
type string Type of value that id represents. Either "user", "role", or "channel"

Text Input Object

Field Type Description
type integer 4 for a text input
custom_id string Developer-defined identifier for the input; max 100 characters
style integer The Text Input Style
label string Label for this component; max 45 characters
min_length? integer Minimum input length for a text input; min 0, max 4000
max_length? integer Maximum input length for a text input; min 1, max 4000
required? boolean Whether this component is required to be filled (defaults to true)
value? string Pre-filled value for this component; max 4000 characters
placeholder? string Custom placeholder text if the input is empty; max 100 characters

Text Input Styles

Name Value Description
Short 1 Single-line input
Paragraph 2 Multi-line input


Webhook Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake the id of the webhook
type integer the type of the webhook
guild_id? ?snowflake the guild id this webhook is for, if any
channel_id ?snowflake the channel id this webhook is for, if any
user? user object the user this webhook was created by (not returned when getting a webhook by token)
name ?string the default name of the webhook
avatar ?string the default user avatar hash of the webhook
token? string the secure token of the webhook (returned for Incoming Webhooks)
application_id ?snowflake the bot/OAuth2 application that created this webhook
source_guild? * partial guild object the guild of the channel that this webhook is following (returned for Channel Follower Webhooks)
source_channel? * partial channel object the channel that this webhook is following (returned for Channel Follower Webhooks)
url? string the url used for executing the webhook (returned by the webhooks OAuth2 flow)

* These fields will be absent if the webhook creator has since lost access to the guild where the followed channel resides

Webhook Types

Value Name Description
1 Incoming Incoming Webhooks can post messages to channels with a generated token
2 Channel Follower Channel Follower Webhooks are internal webhooks used with Channel Following to post new messages into channels
3 Application Application webhooks are webhooks used with Interactions


Interaction Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake ID of the interaction
application_id snowflake ID of the application this interaction is for
type interaction type Type of interaction
data?* interaction data Interaction data payload
guild_id? snowflake Guild that the interaction was sent from
channel? partial channel object Channel that the interaction was sent from
channel_id? snowflake Channel that the interaction was sent from
member?** guild member object Guild member data for the invoking user, including permissions
user? user object User object for the invoking user, if invoked in a DM
token string Continuation token for responding to the interaction
version integer Read-only property, always 1
message? message object For components, the message they were attached to
app_permissions? string Bitwise set of permissions the app or bot has within the channel the interaction was sent from
locale?*** string Selected language of the invoking user
guild_locale? string Guild's preferred locale, if invoked in a guild
entitlements array of entitlement objects For monetized apps, any entitlements for the invoking user, representing access to premium SKUs

* This is always present on application command, message component, and modal submit interaction types. ** member is sent when the interaction is invoked in a guild, and user is sent when invoked in a DM *** This is available on all interaction types except PING

Interaction Type

Name Value
Ping 1
Application Command 2
Message Component 3
Application Command Autocomplete 4
Modal Submit 5

Interaction Data

Application Command Data Structure

Field Type Description
id snowflake the ID of the invoked command
name string the name of the invoked command
type integer the type of the invoked command
resolved? resolved data converted users + roles + channels + attachments
options?* array of application command interaction data option the params + values from the user
guild_id? snowflake the id of the guild the command is registered to
target_id? snowflake id of the user or message targeted by a user or message command

* This can be partial when in response to APPLICATION_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETE

Message Component Data Structure

Field Type Description
custom_id string the custom_id of the component
component_type integer the type of the component
values?* array of select option values values the user selected in a select menu component
resolved? resolved data resolved entities from selected options

* This is always present for select menu components

Modal Submit Data Structure

Field Type Description
custom_id string the custom_id of the modal
components array of message components the values submitted by the user

Resolved Data Structure

Field Type Description
users? Map of Snowflakes to user objects the ids and User objects
members?* Map of Snowflakes to partial member objects the ids and partial Member objects
roles? Map of Snowflakes to role objects the ids and Role objects
channels?** Map of Snowflakes to partial channel objects the ids and partial Channel objects
messages? Map of Snowflakes to partial messages objects the ids and partial Message objects
attachments? Map of Snowflakes to attachment objects the ids and attachment objects

* Partial Member objects are missing user, deaf and mute fields ** Partial Channel objects only have id, name, type and permissions fields. Threads will also have thread_metadata and parent_id fields.

Application Command Interaction Data Option Structure

Field Type Description
name string Name of the parameter
type integer Value of application command option type
value? string, integer, double, or boolean Value of the option resulting from user input
options? array of application command interaction data option Present if this option is a group or subcommand
focused? boolean true if this option is the currently focused option for autocomplete

Message Interaction Structure

Field Type Description
id snowflake ID of the interaction
type interaction type Type of interaction
name string Name of the application command, including subcommands and subcommand groups
user user object User who invoked the interaction
member? partial member object Member who invoked the interaction in the guild

Interaction Response Structure

Field Type Description
type interaction callback type the type of response
data? interaction callback data an optional response message

Interaction Callback Type

Name Value Description
Pong 1 ACK a Ping
Channel Message With Source 4 respond to an interaction with a message
Deferred Channel Message With Source 5 ACK an interaction and edit a response later, the user sees a loading state
Deferred Update Message* 6 for components, ACK an interaction and edit the original message later; the user does not see a loading state
Update Message* 7 for components, edit the message the component was attached to
Application Command Autocomplete Result 8 respond to an autocomplete interaction with suggested choices
Modal** 9 respond to an interaction with a popup modal
Premium Required*** 10 respond to an interaction with an upgrade button, only available for apps with monetization enabled

* Only valid for component-based interactions. ** Not available for MODAL_SUBMIT and PING interactions. *** Not available for APPLICATION_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETE and PING interactions.

Interaction Callback Data Structure


Field Type Description
tts? boolean is the response TTS
content? string message content
embeds? array of embeds supports up to 10 embeds
allowed_mentions? allowed mentions allowed mentions object
flags? integer message flags combined as a bitfield (only SUPPRESS_EMBEDS and EPHEMERAL can be set)
components? array of components message components
attachments? * array of partial attachment objects attachment objects with filename and description


Field Type Description
choices array of choices autocomplete choices (max of 25 choices)


Field Type Description
custom_id string a developer-defined identifier for the modal, max 100 characters
title string the title of the popup modal, max 45 characters
components array of components between 1 and 5 (inclusive) components that make up the modal


Invite Object

Field Type Description
code string the invite code (unique ID)
guild? partial guild object the guild this invite is for
channel ?partial channel object the channel this invite is for
inviter? user object the user who created the invite
target_type? number the type of target for this voice channel invite
target_user? user object the user whose stream to display for this voice channel stream invite
target_application? partial application object the embedded application to open for this voice channel embedded application invite
approximate_presence_count? number approximate count of online members, when with_counts is true
approximate_member_count? number approximate count of total members, when with_counts is true
expires_at? ?ISO8601 timestamp the expiration date of this invite, when with_expiration is true
guild_scheduled_event? guild scheduled event object guild scheduled event data, only included if guild_scheduled_event_id contains a valid guild scheduled event id

Invite Target Types

Type Value

Invite Metadata Object

Field Type Description
uses number number of times this invite has been used
max_uses number max number of times this invite can be used
max_age number duration (in seconds) after which the invite expires
temporary boolean whether this invite only grants temporary membership
created_at ISO8601 timestamp when this invite was created


Application Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake ID of the app
name string Name of the app
icon ?string Icon hash of the app
description string Description of the app
rpc_origins? array of strings List of RPC origin URLs, if RPC is enabled
bot_public boolean When false, only the app owner can add the app to guilds
bot_require_code_grant boolean When true, the app's bot will only join upon completion of the full OAuth2 code grant flow
bot? partial user object Partial user object for the bot user associated with the app
terms_of_service_url? string URL of the app's Terms of Service
privacy_policy_url? string URL of the app's Privacy Policy
owner? partial user object Partial user object for the owner of the app
verify_key string Hex encoded key for verification in interactions and the GameSDK's GetTicket
team ?team object If the app belongs to a team, this will be a list of the members of that team
guild_id? snowflake Guild associated with the app. For example, a developer support server.
guild? partial guild object Partial object of the associated guild
primary_sku_id? snowflake If this app is a game sold on Discord, this field will be the id of the "Game SKU" that is created, if exists
slug? string If this app is a game sold on Discord, this field will be the URL slug that links to the store page
cover_image? string App's default rich presence invite cover image hash
flags? number App's public flags
approximate_guild_count? number Approximate count of guilds the app has been added to
redirect_uris? array of strings Array of redirect URIs for the app
interactions_endpoint_url? string Interactions endpoint URL for the app
role_connections_verification_url? string Role connection verification URL for the app
tags? array of strings List of tags describing the content and functionality of the app. Max of 5 tags
install_params? install params object Settings for the app's default in-app authorization link, if enabled
custom_install_url? string Default custom authorization URL for the app, if enabled
Example Application Object
  "bot_public": true,
  "bot_require_code_grant": false,
  "cover_image": "31deabb7e45b6c8ecfef77d2f99c81a5",
  "description": "Test",
  "guild_id": "290926798626357260",
  "icon": null,
  "id": "172150183260323840",
  "name": "Baba O-Riley",
  "owner": {
    "avatar": null,
    "discriminator": "1738",
    "flags": 1024,
    "id": "172150183260323840",
    "username": "i own a bot"
  "primary_sku_id": "172150183260323840",
  "slug": "test",
  "summary": "",
  "team": {
    "icon": "dd9b7dcfdf5351b9c3de0fe167bacbe1",
    "id": "531992624043786253",
    "members": [
        "membership_state": 2,
        "permissions": ["*"],
        "team_id": "531992624043786253",
        "user": {
          "avatar": "d9e261cd35999608eb7e3de1fae3688b",
          "discriminator": "0001",
          "id": "511972282709709995",
          "username": "Mr Owner"
  "verify_key": "1e0a356058d627ca38a5c8c9648818061d49e49bd9da9e3ab17d98ad4d6bg2u8"

Application Flags

Value Name Description
1 << 6 Application Auto Moderation Rule Create Badge Indicates if an app uses the Auto Moderation API
1 << 12 Gateway Presence Intent required for bots in 100 or more servers to receive presence_update events
1 << 13 Gateway Presence Limited Intent required for bots in under 100 servers to receive presence_update events, found on the Bot page in your app's settings
1 << 14 Gateway Guild Members Intent required for bots in 100 or more servers to receive member-related events like guild_member_add.
1 << 15 Gateway Guild Members Limited Intent required for bots in under 100 servers to receive member-related events like guild_member_add, found on the Bot page in your app's settings.
1 << 16 Verification Pending Guild Limit Indicates unusual growth of an app that prevents verification
1 << 17 Embedded Indicates if an app is embedded within the Discord client (currently unavailable publicly)
1 << 18 Gateway Message Content Intent required for bots in 100 or more servers to receive message content
1 << 19 Gateway Message Content Limited Intent required for bots in under 100 servers to receive message content, found on the Bot page in your app's settings
1 << 23 Application Command Badge Indicates if an app has registered global application commands

Install Params Object

Field Type Description
scopes array of strings Scopes to add the application to the server with
permissions string Permissions to request for the bot role

OAuth2 Scopes

Name Description allows your app to fetch data from a user's "Now Playing/Recently Played" list — not currently available for apps
activities.write allows your app to update a user's activity - not currently available for apps (NOT REQUIRED FOR GAMESDK ACTIVITY MANAGER) allows your app to read build data for a user's applications
applications.builds.upload allows your app to upload/update builds for a user's applications - requires Discord approval
applications.commands allows your app to add commands to a guild - included by default with the bot scope
applications.commands.update allows your app to update its commands using a Bearer token - client credentials grant only
applications.commands.permissions.update allows your app to update permissions for its commands in a guild a user has permissions to
applications.entitlements allows your app to read entitlements for a user's applications allows your app to read and update store data (SKUs, store listings, achievements, etc.) for a user's applications
bot for oauth2 bots, this puts the bot in the user's selected guild by default
connections allows /users/@me/connections to return linked third-party accounts allows your app to see information about the user's DMs and group DMs - requires Discord approval
email enables /users/@me to return an email
gdm.join allows your app to join users to a group dm
guilds allows /users/@me/guilds to return basic information about all of a user's guilds
guilds.join allows /guilds/{}/members/{} to be used for joining users to a guild allows /users/@me/guilds/{}/member to return a user's member information in a guild
identify allows /users/@me without email for local rpc server api access, this allows you to read messages from all client channels (otherwise restricted to channels/guilds your app creates) allows your app to know a user's friends and implicit relationships - requires Discord approval
role_connections.write allows your app to update a user's connection and metadata for the app
rpc for local rpc server access, this allows you to control a user's local Discord client - requires Discord approval
rpc.activities.write for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's activity - requires Discord approval for local rpc server access, this allows you to receive notifications pushed out to the user - requires Discord approval for local rpc server access, this allows you to read a user's voice settings and listen for voice events - requires Discord approval
rpc.voice.write for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's voice settings - requires Discord approval
voice allows your app to connect to voice on user's behalf and see all the voice members - requires Discord approval
webhook.incoming this generates a webhook that is returned in the oauth token response for authorization code grants

Application Command Object

Field Type Description Valid Types
id snowflake Unique ID of command all
type? number Type of command, defaults to 1 all
application_id snowflake ID of the parent application all
guild_id? snowflake Guild ID of the command, if not global all
name string Name of command, 1-32 characters all
name_localizations? ?dictionary with keys in available locales Localization dictionary for name field. Values follow the same restrictions as name all
description string Description for CHAT_INPUT commands, 1-100 characters. Empty string for USER and MESSAGE commands all
description_localizations? ?dictionary with keys in available locales Localization dictionary for description field. Values follow the same restrictions as description all
options? array of application command option Parameters for the command, max of 25 CHAT_INPUT
default_member_permissions ?string Set of permissions represented as a bit set all
dm_permission? boolean Indicates whether the command is available in DMs with the app, only for globally-scoped commands all
nsfw? boolean Indicates whether the command is age-restricted, defaults to false all
version snowflake Autoincrementing version identifier updated during substantial record changes all

Set default_member_permissions to "0" to disable the command for everyone except admins by default, and/or set dm_permission to false to disable globally-scoped commands inside of DMs with your app

Application Command Types

Name Type Description
Chat Input 1 Slash commands; a text-based command that shows up when a user types /
User 2 A UI-based command that shows up when you right click or tap on a user
Message 3 A UI-based command that shows up when you right click or tap on a message

Application Command Option Structure

Required options must be listed before optional options

Field Type Description
type one of application command option type Type of option
name string 1-32 character name
name_localizations? ?dictionary with keys in available locales Localization dictionary for the name field. Values follow the same restrictions as name
description string 1-100 character description
description_localizations? ?dictionary with keys in available locales Localization dictionary for the description field. Values follow the same restrictions as description
required? boolean If the parameter is required or optional--default false
choices? array of application command option choice Choices for STRING, INTEGER, and NUMBER types for the user to pick from, max 25
options? array of application command option If the option is a subcommand or subcommand group type, these nested options will be the parameters
channel_types? array of channel types If the option is a channel type, the channels shown will be restricted to these types
min_value? number for INTEGER options, double for NUMBER options If the option is an INTEGER or NUMBER type, the minimum value permitted
max_value? number for INTEGER options, double for NUMBER options If the option is an INTEGER or NUMBER type, the maximum value permitted
min_length? number For option type STRING, the minimum allowed length (minimum of 0, maximum of 6000)
max_length? number For option type STRING, the maximum allowed length (minimum of 1, maximum of 6000)
autocomplete? * boolean If autocomplete interactions are enabled for this STRING, INTEGER, or NUMBER type option

* autocomplete may not be set to true if choices are present. • Options using autocomplete are not confined to only use choices given by the application.

Application Command Option Type

Name Value Note
Sub Command 1
Sub Command Group 2
String 3
Integer 4 Any integer between -2^53 and 2^53
Boolean 5
User 6
Channel 7 Includes all channel types + categories
Role 8
Mentionable 9 Includes users and roles
Number 10 Any double between -2^53 and 2^53
Attachment 11 attachment object

Application Command Option Choice Structure

• If you specify choices for an option, they are the only valid values for a user to pick

Field Type Description
name string 1-100 character choice name
name_localizations? ?dictionary with keys in available locales Localization dictionary for the name field. Values follow the same restrictions as name
value string, integer, or double * Value for the choice, up to 100 characters if string

* Type of value depends on the option type that the choice belongs to.

Application Command Permissions Object

• Returned when fetching the permissions for an app's command(s) in a guild.

Field Type Description
id snowflake ID of the command or the application ID
application_id snowflake ID of the application the command belongs to
guild_id snowflake ID of the guild
permissions array of application command permissions Permissions for the command in the guild, max of 100

• When the id field is the application ID instead of a command ID, the permissions apply to all commands that do not contain explicit overwrites.

Application Command Permissions Structure

• Application command permissions allow you to enable or disable commands for specific users, roles, or channels within a guild.

Field Type Description
id snowflake ID of the role, user, or channel. It can also be permission constant
type application command permission type role (1), user (2), or channel (3)
permission boolean true to allow, false, to disallow

Application Command Permissions Constants

• The following constants can be used in the id field for command permissions payloads.

Permission Value Type Description
@everyone guild_id snowflake All members in a guild
All Channels guild_id - 1 snowflake All channels in a guild

Application Command Permission Type

Name Value
Role 1
User 2
Channel 3

Role Subscription Data Object

Field Type Description
role_subscription_listing_id snowflake the id of the sku and listing that the user is subscribed to
tier_name string the name of the tier that the user is subscribed to
total_months_subscribed integer the cumulative number of months that the user has been subscribed for
is_renewal boolean whether this notification is for a renewal rather than a new purchase

Entitlement Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake ID of the entitlement
sku_id snowflake ID of the SKU
application_id snowflake ID of the parent application
user_id? snowflake ID of the user that is granted access to the entitlement's sku
type number Type of entitlement
deleted boolean Entitlement was deleted
starts_at? ISO8601 timestamp Start date at which the entitlement is valid. Not present when using test entitlements.
ends_at? ISO8601 timestamp Date at which the entitlement is no longer valid. Not present when using test entitlements.
guild_id? snowflake ID of the guild that is granted access to the entitlement's sku
Entitlement Example
    "id": "1019653849998299136",
    "sku_id": "1019475255913222144",
    "application_id": "1019370614521200640",
    "user_id": "771129655544643584",
    "promotion_id": null,
    "type": 8,
    "deleted": false,
    "gift_code_flags": 0,
    "consumed": false,
    "starts_at": "2022-09-14T17:00:18.704163+00:00",
    "ends_at": "2022-10-14T17:00:18.704163+00:00",
    "guild_id": "1015034326372454400",
    "subscription_id": "1019653835926409216"

Entitlement Types

Type Value Description
Application Subscription 8 Entitlement was purchased as an app subscription

SKU Object

Field Type Description
id snowflake ID of SKU
type number Type of SKU
application_id snowflake ID of the parent application
name string Customer-facing name of your premium offering
slug string System-generated URL slug based on the SKU's name
flags number SKU flags combined as a bitfield
SKU Example
    "id": "1088510058284990888",
    "type": 5,
    "dependent_sku_id": null,
    "application_id": "788708323867885999",
    "manifest_labels": null,
    "access_type": 1,
    "name": "Test Premium",
    "features": [],
    "release_date": null,
    "premium": false,
    "slug": "test-premium",
    "flags": 128,
    "show_age_gate": false

SKU Types

• For subscriptions, SKUs will have a type of either SUBSCRIPTION represented by type: 5 or SUBSCRIPTION_GROUP represented by type:6. • For any current implementations, you will want to use the SKU defined by type: 5. • A SUBSCRIPTION_GROUP is automatically created for each SUBSCRIPTION SKU and are not used at this time.

Type Value Description
Subscription 5 Represents a recurring subscription
Subscription Group 6 System-generated group for each SUBSCRIPTION SKU created

SKU Flags

• For subscriptions, there are two types of access levels you can offer to users:

  • Guild Subscriptions: A subscription purchased by a user and applied to a single server. Everyone in that server gets your premium benefits.
  • User Subscriptions: A subscription purchased by a user for themselves. They get access to your premium benefits in every server.

• The flags field can be used to differentiate user and server subscriptions with a bitwise && operator.

Type Value Description
Available 1 << 2 SKU is available for purchase
Guild Subscription 1 << 7 Recurring SKU that can be purchased by a user and applied to a single server. Grants access to every user in that server.
User Subscription 1 << 8 Recurring SKU purchased by a user for themselves. Grants access to the purchasing user in every server.

Audit Log

Audit Log Object

Field Type Description
application_commands array of application commands objects List of application commands referenced in the audit log
audit_log_entries array of audit log entry objects List of audit log entries, sorted from most to least recent
auto_moderation_rules array of auto moderation rule objects List of auto moderation rules referenced in the audit log
guild_scheduled_events array of guild scheduled event objects List of guild scheduled events referenced in the audit log
integrations array of partial integration objects List of partial integration objects
threads array of thread-specific channel objects List of threads referenced in the audit log*
users array of user objects List of users referenced in the audit log
webhooks array of webhook objects List of webhooks referenced in the audit log

* Threads referenced in THREAD_CREATE and THREAD_UPDATE events are included in the threads map since archived threads might not be kept in memory by clients.

Example Partial Integration Object
  "id": "33590653072239123",
  "name": "A Name",
  "type": "twitch",
  "account": {
    "name": "twitchusername",
    "id": "1234567"
  "application_id": "94651234501213162"

Audit Log Entry Object

Field Type Description
target_id ?string ID of the affected entity (webhook, user, role, etc.)
changes? array of audit log change objects Changes made to the target_id
user_id ?snowflake User or app that made the changes
id snowflake ID of the entry
action_type audit log event Type of action that occurred
options? optional audit entry info Additional info for certain event types
reason? string Reason for the change (1-512 characters)

• For APPLICATION_COMMAND_PERMISSION_UPDATE events, the target_id is the command ID or the app ID since the changes array represents the entire permissions property on the guild permissions object.

Audit Log Events

• The table below lists audit log events and values (the action_type field) that your app may receive.

• The Object Changed column notes which object's values may be included in the entry. • Though there are exceptions, possible keys in the changes array typically correspond to the object's fields. • The descriptions and types for those fields can be found in the linked documentation for the object.

• If no object is noted, there won't be a changes array in the entry, though other fields like the target_id still exist and many have fields in the options array.

Event Value Description Object Changed
Guild Update 1 Server settings were updated Guild
Channel Create 10 Channel was created Channel
Channel Update 11 Channel settings were updated Channel
Channel Delete 12 Channel was deleted Channel
Channel Overwrite Create 13 Permission overwrite was added to a channel Channel Overwrite
Channel Overwrite Update 14 Permission overwrite was updated for a channel Channel Overwrite
Channel Overwrite Delete 15 Permission overwrite was deleted from a channel Channel Overwrite
Member Kick 20 Member was removed from server
Member Prune 21 Members were pruned from server
Member Ban Add 22 Member was banned from server
Member Ban Remove 23 Server ban was lifted for a member
Member Update 24 Member was updated in server Member
Member Role Update 25 Member was added or removed from a role Partial Role*
Member Move 26 Member was moved to a different voice channel
Member Disconnect 27 Member was disconnected from a voice channel
Bot Add 28 Bot user was added to server
Role Create 30 Role was created Role
Role Update 31 Role was edited Role
Role Delete 32 Role was deleted Role
Invite Create 40 Server invite was created Invite and Invite Metadata*
Invite Update 41 Server invite was updated Invite and Invite Metadata*
Invite Delete 42 Server invite was deleted Invite and Invite Metadata*
Webhook Create 50 Webhook was created Webhook*
Webhook Update 51 Webhook properties or channel were updated Webhook*
Webhook Delete 52 Webhook was deleted Webhook*
Emoji Create 60 Emoji was created Emoji
Emoji Update 61 Emoji name was updated Emoji
Emoji Delete 62 Emoji was deleted Emoji
Message Delete 72 Single message was deleted
Message Bulk Delete 73 Multiple messages were deleted
Message Pin 74 Message was pinned to a channel
Message Unpin 75 Message was unpinned from a channel
Integration Create 80 App was added to server Integration
Integration Update 81 App was updated (as an example, its scopes were updated) Integration
Integration Delete 82 App was removed from server Integration
Stage Instance Create 83 Stage instance was created (stage channel becomes live) Stage Instance
Stage Instance Update 84 Stage instance details were updated Stage Instance
Stage Instance Delete 85 Stage instance was deleted (stage channel no longer live) Stage Instance
Sticker Create 90 Sticker was created Sticker
Sticker Update 91 Sticker details were updated Sticker
Sticker Delete 92 Sticker was deleted Sticker
Guild Scheduled Event Create 100 Event was created Guild Scheduled Event
Guild Scheduled Event Update 101 Event was updated Guild Scheduled Event
Guild Scheduled Event Delete 102 Event was cancelled Guild Scheduled Event
Thread Create 110 Thread was created in a channel Thread
Thread Update 111 Thread was updated Thread
Thread Delete 112 Thread was deleted Thread
Application Command Permission Update 121 Permissions were updated for a command Command Permission*
Auto Moderation Rule Create 140 Auto Moderation rule was created Auto Moderation Rule
Auto Moderation Rule Update 141 Auto Moderation rule was updated Auto Moderation Rule
Auto Moderation Rule Delete 142 Auto Moderation rule was deleted Auto Moderation Rule
Auto Moderation Block Message 143 Message was blocked by Auto Moderation
Auto Moderation Flag To Channel 144 Message was flagged by Auto Moderation
Auto Moderation User Communication Disabled 145 Member was timed out by Auto Moderation
Creator Monetization Request Created 150 Creator monetization request was created
Creator Monetization Terms Accepted 151 Creator monetization terms were accepted

* Object has exception(s) to available keys. See the exceptions section below for details.

Optional Audit Entry Info

Field Type Description Event Types
application_id snowflake ID of the app whose permissions were targeted APPLICATION_COMMAND_PERMISSION_UPDATE
auto_moderation_rule_name string Name of the Auto Moderation rule that was triggered AUTO_MODERATION_BLOCK_MESSAGE & AUTO_MODERATION_FLAG_TO_CHANNEL & AUTO_MODERATION_USER_COMMUNICATION_DISABLED
auto_moderation_rule_trigger_type string Trigger type of the Auto Moderation rule that was triggered AUTO_MODERATION_BLOCK_MESSAGE & AUTO_MODERATION_FLAG_TO_CHANNEL & AUTO_MODERATION_USER_COMMUNICATION_DISABLED
count string Number of entities that were targeted MESSAGE_DELETE & MESSAGE_BULK_DELETE & MEMBER_DISCONNECT & MEMBER_MOVE
delete_member_days string Number of days after which inactive members were kicked MEMBER_PRUNE
members_removed string Number of members removed by the prune MEMBER_PRUNE
message_id snowflake ID of the message that was targeted MESSAGE_PIN & MESSAGE_UNPIN
role_name string Name of the role if type is "0" (not present if type is "1") CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_CREATE & CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_UPDATE & CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_DELETE
type string Type of overwritten entity - role ("0") or member ("1") CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_CREATE & CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_UPDATE & CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_DELETE
integration_type string The type of integration which performed the action MEMBER_KICK & MEMBER_ROLE_UPDATE

Audit Log Change Object

• Many audit log events include a changes array in their entry object. • The structure for the individual changes varies based on the event type and its changed objects, so apps shouldn't depend on a single pattern of handling audit log events.

Audit Log Change Structure

• Some events don't follow the same pattern as other audit log events.

If new_value is not present in the change object while old_value is, it indicates that the property has been reset or set to null. If old_value isn't included, it indicated that the property was previously null.

Field Type Description
new_value? mixed (matches object field's type) New value of the key
old_value? mixed (matches object field's type) Old value of the key
key string Name of the changed entity, with a few exceptions

Audit Log Change Exceptions

• For most objects, the change keys may be any field on the changed object. The following table details the exceptions to this pattern.

Object Changed Change Key Exceptions Change Object Exceptions
Command Permission snowflake as key The changes array contains objects with a key field representing the entity whose command was affected (role, channel, or user ID), a previous permissions object (with an old_value key), and an updated permissions object (with a new_value key)
Invite and Invite Metadata Additional channel_id key (instead of object's
Partial Role $add and $remove as keys new_value is an array of objects that contain the role id and name
Webhook avatar_hash key (instead of avatar)

Auto Moderation

Auto Moderation Rule Structure

Field Type Description
id snowflake the id of this rule
guild_id snowflake the id of the guild which this rule belongs to
name string the rule name
creator_id snowflake the user which first created this rule
event_type integer the rule event type
trigger_type integer the rule trigger type
trigger_metadata object the rule trigger metadata
actions array of action objects the actions which will execute when the rule is triggered
enabled boolean whether the rule is enabled
exempt_roles array of snowflakes the role ids that should not be affected by the rule (Maximum of 20)
exempt_channels array of snowflakes the channel ids that should not be affected by the rule (Maximum of 50)
Example Auto Moderation Rule
  "id": "969707018069872670",
  "guild_id": "613425648685547541",
  "name": "Keyword Filter 1",
  "creator_id": "423457898095789043",
  "trigger_type": 1,
  "event_type": 1,
  "actions": [
      "type": 1,
      "metadata": { "custom_message": "Please keep financial discussions limited to the #finance channel" }
      "type": 2,
      "metadata": { "channel_id": "123456789123456789" }
      "type": 3,
      "metadata": { "duration_seconds": 60 }
  "trigger_metadata": {
    "keyword_filter": ["cat*", "*dog", "*ana*", "i like c++"],
    "regex_patterns": ["(b|c)at", "^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$"]
  "enabled": true,
  "exempt_roles": ["323456789123456789", "423456789123456789"],
  "exempt_channels": ["523456789123456789"]

Trigger Types

• Characterizes the type of content which can trigger the rule.

Trigger Type Value Description Max per Guild
Keyword 1 check if content contains words from a user defined list of keywords 6
Spam 3 check if content represents generic spam 1
Keyword Preset 4 check if content contains words from internal pre-defined wordsets 1
Mention Spam 5 check if content contains more unique mentions than allowed 1

Trigger Metadata

• Additional data used to determine whether a rule should be triggered. • Different fields are relevant based on the value of trigger_type.

Field Type Associated Trigger Types Description
keyword_filter array of strings * KEYWORD substrings which will be searched for in content (Maximum of 1000)
regex_patterns array of strings ** KEYWORD regular expression patterns which will be matched against content (Maximum of 10)
presets array of keyword preset types KEYWORD_PRESET the internally pre-defined wordsets which will be searched for in content
allow_list array of strings *** KEYWORD, KEYWORD_PRESET substrings which should not trigger the rule (Maximum of 100 or 1000)
mention_total_limit integer MENTION_SPAM total number of unique role and user mentions allowed per message (Maximum of 50)
mention_raid_protection_enabled boolean MENTION_SPAM whether to automatically detect mention raids

* A keyword can be a phrase which contains multiple words. Wildcard symbols can be used to customize how each keyword will be matched. Each keyword must be 60 characters or less. ** Only Rust flavored regex is currently supported, which can be tested in online editors such as Rustexp. Each regex pattern must be 260 characters or less. *** Each allow_list keyword can be a phrase which contains multiple words. Wildcard symbols can be used to customize how each keyword will be matched. Rules with KEYWORD trigger_type accept a maximum of 100 keywords. Rules with KEYWORD_PRESET trigger_type accept a maximum of 1000 keywords.

Trigger Metadata Field Limits

keyword_filter KEYWORD 1000 60
regex_patterns KEYWORD 10 260
allow_list KEYWORD 100 60
allow_list KEYWORD_PRESET 1000 60

Keyword Preset Types

Preset Type Value Description
Profanity 1 words that may be considered forms of swearing or cursing
Sexual Content 2 words that refer to sexually explicit behavior or activity
Slurs 3 personal insults or words that may be considered hate speech

Event Types

• Indicates in what event context a rule should be checked.

Event Type Value Description
Message Send 1 when a member sends or edits a message in the guild
Keyword Matching Strategies

• Use the wildcard symbol (*) at the beginning or end of a keyword to define how it should be matched. All keywords are case insensitive.

Prefix - word must start with the keyword | Keyword | Matches