
Markdown-it plug-in unifies creation of TOC and heading id values, supports id uniqueness and referential integrity

markdown, markdown-it, plugin
npm install markdown-it-id-and-toc@3.6.2


Markdown-it Heading Id and TOC Plugin

Isn't that confusing: what markdown-it plugins for generation of TOC and heading id attributes to use? Apparently, the id values may not match. So, why not choosing the one which generates it all consistently?


  • Proven uniqueness if id values and identity of id values in headings and TOC
  • Tagging for both TOC and "exclude from TOC" headings, user-configurable syntax
  • User-configurable id prefixes
  • Optional user-configurable auto-numbering with rich set of options
  • Auto-numbering pattern can be defined in Markdown document
  • Customizable choice of HTML element list types, global or individual for each TOC level: ul (default), ol or anything else
  • Customizable sets of attributes for HTML list elements (not only CSS classes), global or individual for each TOC level
  • Customizable CSS class of TOC's parent div element


Install npm package:

npm install markdown-it-id-and-toc


For detailed description, please see the plugin documentation.

This is just a self-explaining sample

    enableHeadingId: true,
    autoNumberingRegex: "^\\[\\]\\(\\=numbering([\\s\\S]*?)\\=\\)",
    autoNumbering: {
        "enable": false,
        "pattern": [],
        "defaultSuffix": ". ",
        "defaultPrefix": "",
        "defaultStart": 1,
        "defaultSeparator": "."
    includeLevel: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
    tocContainerClass: "toc",
    tocRegex: "^\\[\\]\\(toc\\)",
    excludeFromTocRegex: "\\[\\]\\(notoc\\)",
    defaultListElement: "ul",
    listElements: ["ul", "ul", "ul", "ul", "ul", "ul"],
    defaultListElementAttributeSet: { style: "list-style-type: none;" },
    listElementAttributeSets: [],
    idPrefix: "headings."

Example of auto-numbering options defined as a first paragraph in the document:

[](=numbering {
    enable: true
    defaultSuffix: 1". "
    h2.prefix: "Chapter "
    h2.start: ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four"]
    h2.suffix: ": "
    h5.standAlong: true
    h4.standAlong: true
    h5.start: "a"
    h5.suffix: ") "