
extracting graph information from a markdown file

markdown, graph, dot, graphviz, gulpplugin
npm install mdgraphextract@0.3.1



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extracting a graph in DOT format from a Markdown file

MdGraphExtract can be used as a Gulp plugin.


MdGraphExtract has two operational modes: Autograph mode and DotExtract mode.

Autograph Mode auto

Extracts nodes and edges from headlines and internal links.

Example Markdown document:

# First Chapter
Text with an internal link to [Section 1.1] and [Section 1.2].

## Section 1.1
This section references [Second Chapter][].

## Section 1.2
This section stands for its own.

# Second Chapter
And here is a link to [the first chapter][First Chapter].

Resulting DOT file:

digraph G {
    "First Chapter" [URL="#first-chapter"];
    "First Chapter" -> "Section 1.1";
    "First Chapter" -> "Section 1.2";
    "Section 1.1" [URL="#section-1.1"];
    "Section 1.1" -> "Second Chapter";
    "Section 1.2" [URL="#section-1.2"];
    "Second Chapter" [URL="#second-chapter"];
    "Second Chapter" -> "First Chapter";

Rendered with dot from GraphViz:

DotExtract Mode dotex

Extracts DOT commands from HTML-comments under consideration of the last headline.

Example Markdown document:

@graph MyGraph: bgcolor=azure
@graph-attributes rankdir=TB
@node-attributes fontname=Helvetica
@node-attributes shape=rect style="filled, rounded" fillcolor=#A0D0FF
@edge-attributes color=#2040C0
@node-type important: fillcolor=#FFD0A0
@edge-type weak: style=dashed

# First Chapter
<!-- @node -->
<!-- @edge -> Section 1.1 <weak> -->
<!-- @edge -> Section 1.2 <weak> -->
Text paragraph is weakly linked with Section 1.1 and 1.2.

## Section 1.1
<!-- @node <important>: label="Sect. (1.1)" -->
<!-- @edge -> Second Chapter -->
This section is linked to the Second Chapter.

## Section 1.2
<!-- @node label="Sect. (1.2)" -->
This section stands for its own.

<!-- @node Second Chapter: label="Chapter 2" -->
<!-- @edge Second Chapter -> First Chapter -->
# Second Chapter
And the last chapter is linked with the first chapter.

Resulting DOT file:

digraph "MyGraph" {
    node [fontname=Helvetica];
    node [fillcolor="#A0D0FF" shape=rect style="filled, rounded"];
    edge [color="#2040C0"];
    "First Chapter" [URL="#first-chapter"];
    "Section 1.1" [fillcolor="#FFD0A0" label="Sect. (1.1)" URL="#section-1.1"];
    "Section 1.2" [label="Sect. (1.2)" URL="#section-1.2"];
    "Second Chapter" [label="Chapter 2"];
    "First Chapter" -> "Section 1.1" [style=dashed];
    "First Chapter" -> "Section 1.2" [style=dashed];
    "Section 1.1" -> "Second Chapter";
    "Second Chapter" -> "First Chapter";

Rendered with dot from GraphViz:

It is possible to tag DOT commands with one or more group tags to build subsets of commands. During the extraction process one or more groups can be selected to build a graph with the specified subset of DOT commands. Commands without a group tag are always selected.

A DOT command is taged by adding a hash character followed by a group name without spaces after the command name.

During the extraction, the command group(s) are specified with the option group.

If an edge is selected by the group(s), the two referenced nodes are selected too, despite thier group tags.

Example Markdown document:

# H1
<!-- @n -->
The node of this chapter is not tagged.

# H2
The node of this chapter is taged with group `A` and group `B`.
<!-- @n #A #B -->
The edge to *H1* is taged with group `A`.
<!-- @e #A -> H1 -->

# H3
The node of this chapter is taged with group `B`.
<!-- @n #B -->
The edge from *H1* to *H3* is taged with group `B`.
<!-- @e #B H1 -> H3 -->

Resulting DOT file without a specified group:

digraph G {
    "H1" [URL="#h1"];

Resulting DOT file with group specified as "A":

digraph G {
    "H1" [URL="#h1"];
    "H2" [URL="#h2"];
    "H2" -> "H1";

In the context of one HTML comment, the group tags can be pre-defined for all following commands with the command tags or t, respectively. Every command will be treated as it would have its own explicit group tags and the pre-defined group tags. The pre-defined group tags can be resettet with a tags or t command without any group tags. They are automatically resetted if the HTML comment block ends.

Example Markdown document:

@t #A
@n X
@n Y
@e X -> Y
@t #B
@n Z
@e Y -> Z

Resulting DOT file with group specified as "A":

digraph G {
    "X" -> "Y";

Resulting DOT file with group specified as "B":

digraph G {
    "Y" -> "Z";


You can use MdGraphExtract in any Node.JS project, but it has additional support for Gulp.

Usage with Gulp

var gulp = require('gulp');
var spawn = require('gulp-spawn');
var mdgraphextract = require('mdgraphextract');

gulp.task('autograph', function() {
	// grab all Markdown files in the docs folder
	return gulp.src('docs/*.md')
		// pipe them to MdGraphExtract in Autograph mode, passing options
		.pipe(mdgraphextract({ mode: 'auto' }))
		// write the resulting *.gv files to the docs folder
		// use `dot` from GraphViz to render the graphs into PNG files
			cmd: 'dot',
			args: ['-Tpng'],
			filename: function(base, ext) { return base + '.png'; }
		// write the PNG files to the docs folder

Usage as a function

Additional to the main function, which processes Vinyl files and is usable in Gulp files, there is a simple asynchronous extract() function.

extract(data[, opt], cb)

Mini-Example with the extract() function:

var fs = require('fs');
var mdgraphextract = require('mdgraphextract');

var buffer = fs.readFileSync('');
    { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 'dotex' },
    function(result) {
        fs.writeFileSync('test.gv', result, { encoding: 'utf8' });

The extract() function can take a string, a buffer, or a stream as input. The second argument with the options is optional. The encoding is utf8 by default. The graph extraction mode is auto by default.

Usage as a readable stream

At last MdGraphExtract provides the pseudo-class ExtractingStream.

new ExtractingStream(input[, opt])

Mini-Example with the ExtractingStream pseudo-class:

var fs = require('fs');
var ExtractingStream = require('mdgraphextract').ExtractingStream;

var s = new ExtractingStream(fs.createReadStream('', 'utf8'));
s.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('test.gv', 'utf8'));

The ExtractingStream pseudo-class is constructed with a Readable stream as input. The second argument with the options is optional.


The following options are available:

  • The mode attribute controlles the operational mode of the graph extraction. It can have "auto" or "dotex" as value.
  • The encoding attribute specifying the input encoding, in case the input is binary.
  • The group attribute is recognized, if the mode is set to "dotex", and specifies the command group(s) to consider. Either a string or an array of strings.
  • The autographLevel attribute is recognized, if the mode is set to "auto", and specifies the headline level(s) to use as the link context.
  • The autographLevelStrict attribute is recognized, if the mode is set to "auto", and specifies, if edges are included, which point outside the selected level(s).
  • The autographIsolatedNodes attribute is recognized, if the mode is set to "auto", and specifies, if nodes are included, which are not used by edges.
  • The autographImplicitNodes attribute is recognized, if the mode is set to "auto", and specifies, if edges are included, which point to not existing nodes.
  • The noAutoRefs attribute controlles the automatic generation of URL attributes for nodes from the auto-identifier of the related headline. If it set to true, no URL attributes will be auto-generated from the headlines.
  • The refPrefix can be set to a string, which will be prefixing any auto-generated URL attribute.

These are the default values for all options:

    "mode": "auto",
    "encoding": "utf8",
    "group": null,
    "autographLevel": null,
    "strictAutographLevel": false,
    "autographIsolatedNodes": false,
    "autographImplicitNodes": false,
    "noAutoRefs": false,
    "refPrefix": ""


MdGraphExtract is published under the MIT license.