JS Object to IPLD mapping layer

ipfs, ipld, js
npm install merkling@2.0.0-alpha.7



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A js object to IPFS merkle dag mapper

Merkling is a small library for interacting with the IPLD directed acyclic graph (DAG) in js as if it were an in-memory data structure. The idea is to introduce an exciting new impedance mismatch to the world.

This is alpha software

At this stage Merkling is only an exploration of different IPLD api.

Table of Contents


IPLD (Interplanetary Linked Data) is the graph data strucuture that underpins IPFS and its file sharing capabilities. In IPFS it is used for modelling a filesystem, but it is capable of modelling more fine grained data structures.

Being able to store and syncronise a complex graph of data between many clients with the trust guarantees that content addressing provides makes IPLD an attractive option for building dapps. However the IPLD api is low level.

Merkling is an attempt at a different api borrowing from the world of ORMs (nothing could possibly go wrong). The idea is to use ES6 proxies to seamlessly confuse developers with the illusion that IPLD blocks are JS objects and that edges from IPLD block to IPLD block are JS object references.

See the usage section for an example.


npm install --save merkling@alpha


Merkling requires pulling an ipfs instance, either through js-ipfs or ipfs-http-client

const Merkling = require('merkling')

var ipfsClient = require('ipfs-http-client')
var ipfs = ipfsClient('/ip4/')

const main = async () => {
  const merkling = new Merkling({ ipfs })

  // Create an IPLD graph
  let feedCid
  await merkling.withSession(async session => {
    // Create an IPLD block in-memory
    // (so not persisted to IPFS)
    const feed = session.create({
      title: 'Thoughts',
      author: 'anon',
      posts: []

    // ... and create a few more IPLD blocks
    const post1 = session.create({
      text: 'A beginning'

    const post2 = session.create({
      text: 'A middle'

    const post3 = session.create({
      text: 'An end'

    // Manipulate and create relationships between
    // them as if they were JS objects
    post1.next = post2
    post2.next = post3

    feed.posts = [post1, post2, post3]

    // Persist all IPLD blocks in the session
    // in the right order and with their links
    // [feed] --> [post1]
    //   |          |
    //   |------> [post2]
    //   |          |
    //   |------> [post3]
    await session.save()

    // Print the CID of the root IPLD block
    // of the graph
    feedCid = Merkling.cid(feed)
    console.log(`Original Feed CID: ${feedCid.toBaseEncodedString()}`)

  // Update the IPLD graph, we persisted in a
  // new session
  let updateFeedCid
  await merkling.withSession(async session => {
    // Read the root IPLD block from IPFS,
    // its linked IPLD nodes will be unloaded
    // proxies
    const savedFeed = await session.get(feedCid)

    // Force the loading from IPFS of the linked posts
    for (const post of savedFeed.posts) {
      await Merkling.resolve(post)

    // Update a subnode of the root
    savedFeed.posts[1].text = 'A longer middle'

    // Persist the changes
    await session.save()

    // Print the updated CID of the Root IPLD block
    updateFeedCid = Merkling.cid(savedFeed)
    console.log(`Updated Feed CID: ${updateFeedCid.toBaseEncodedString()}`)

  // Print the new updated graph
  await merkling.withSession(async session => {
    const savedFeed = await session.get(updateFeedCid)

    console.log(`Title: ${savedFeed.title} by ${savedFeed.author}`)

    for (const post of savedFeed.posts) {
      await Merkling.resolve(post)



Which will produce the output:

Feed CID: zBwWX9pGzXr5vkRELYnJGvcmtK2JcH2Cw43JJB8XZywzq2eRKiP6W31yuSjb43K7TvY9bBm2WHqLCQNbscxPmkUsJWtqV
Updated Feed CID: zBwWX54YgyC83zywoo9E63i7k3DAx72KMCEK6ZXrweEg6BECnjg7eszhH6gfzuGrkRKA7YHBmLnNMRdHhpPiL5Trc87UC

Title: Thoughts by anon
A beginning
A longer middle
An end


Table of Contents


The core IPLD access client.


  • options IMerklingOptions


Create a new merkling session to act as an intermediary with the IPFS node.

Returns MerklingSession a new merkling session


Run an action in the form of a callback over a new session that is disposed of afterwards.

  • sessionAction function (session: MerklingSession): void an action func that operates on the new session

Returns Promise<void> a promise that completes after the session action


Retrieve the CID for given proxy. Will returned undefined if the passed object is not a Merkling proxy and will return null if the proxy is dirty.

  • proxy Proxy the object to get the CID for

Returns (ICid | null | undefined) the CID or undefined if the object will never have a CID or null if it is currently dirty


Asynchronously force the retrieval of the state stored in IPFS of the IPLD block the proxy represents.

  • proxy Proxy An IPLD block proxy

Returns Promise<Proxy> the given proxy now loaded and clean.


Retreive the stored state that the Merkling proxy is representing. This will include references to other Merkling proxies.

  • proxy Proxy the proxy to inspect

Returns {} the internal state of the IPLD block being represented


Determine whether a given object is a tracked Merkling proxy.


Returns boolean the answer


Determine whether a given object is a Merkling proxy representing an IPLD block.

  • potentialIpldNode Proxy

Returns boolean the answer


Determine if a proxy has unsaved changes. Will return true if the passed object is not a proxy.

  • proxy Proxy the object to test

Returns boolean the answer



  • $0 {ipfs: IIpfsNode}
    • $0.ipfs


Create a new dirty Merkling proxy that can be manipulated before later being persisted.

  • objState T a js object of the state for the IPLD block

Returns T a proxy representing the given state as an IPLD block


Get an IPLD block from IPFS and return it as a tracked Merkling proxy.

  • hashOrCid (string | ICid) a CID or base encoded version

Returns Promise<any> a clean proxy with the state loaded and accessible



Returns IMerklingProxyState


Save all proxies that are currently marked as dirty, and any proxies that depend on them.

Returns Promise<void>

Browser Support

Merkling requires ES6 Proxies to do its black magic, hence requires a recent version of node or an ever green browser.




PRs accepted.

Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


MIT © 2019 John Kane