
This snap helps you interact with Mina protocol using MetaMask

mina, metamask, snap, zkapp, dapp
npm install mina-snap@0.0.8



The mina-snap repository contains two packages:

  • the MinaPortal, an open beta wallet built using the mina-portal snap. See /packages/site.
  • the mina-portal snap, a snap. See /packages/snap.

MetaMask Snaps is an open source system that allows anyone to safely extend the functionality of MetaMask, creating new web3 end user experiences.

A snap is a JavaScript program run in an isolated environment that customizes the MetaMask wallet experience. Snaps have access to a limited set of capabilities, determined by the permissions the user grants them during installation.

The mina-portal snap is a snap which allows MetaMask users to interact with the Mina Protocol.

The MinaPortal is an open beta wallet, built using the mina-portal snap allowing MetaMask users to interact with the Mina blockchain.

To interact with (your) Snaps, you will need to install MetaMask.

Getting Started

You can run and test the snap by running these commands

yarn install && yarn start


  • Babel is used for transpiling TypeScript to JavaScript, so when building with the CLI, transpilationMode must be set to localOnly (default) or localAndDeps.
  • For the global wallet type to work, you have to add the following to your tsconfig.json:
      "files": ["./node_modules/@metamask/snap-types/global.d.ts"]