A digital garden 🌳 for your mind.

zettelkatsen, garden, hyperlinks, hypertext, transclusion, xanadu
npm install mindgarden@1.1.7


Mind Garden Logo

Mind Garden

Mind Garden helps you take notes that link to other notes.

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

The point of Mind Garden is to make this world of computers and thought what we would like it to be.

"[L]et us forge directly toward the Screen Future, and the creation of screenworlds we will love to live in."

🏁 Getting Started

First, make sure Node is installed.

Then, type this in your terminal:

npm i -g mindgarden

After that, type


to get started 🌳.


You need Node on your system, an OS with a terminal, and a browser with WebAssembly enabled.


In order to lint the module for development purposes, you can run npm run lint. This script formats all files with Prettier.

🎈 Usage

When you run mindgarden and navigate to localhost:3000 in a WebAssembly enabled browser, you can start writing notes.

To export your notes, type localhost:3000/export in your browser. Your notes will be saved in your home folder within a folder named garden.

⛏️ Built Using

✍️ Authors

  • Ender - Idea & initial work

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

🎉 Acknowledgements

  • Ted Nelson's life and work shaping hypertext

    "[B]y hypertext I mean non-sequential writing — text that branches and allows choices to the reader, best read at an interactive screen...a framework of reunification."