
promise wrapper for a linux like mkdir -p that ignores EEXIST by default

bluebird, fs, mkdir, mkdir -p, promise
npm install mkdir-p-bluebird@1.0.1



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promise wrapper for a linux like mkdir -p that ignores EEXIST by default; uses mkdir-bluebird to create the fs.mkdir() promises.

table of contents


npm install mkdir-p-bluebird


mkdirp( pathp[, mode][, ignore] )

@param {string|buffer} pathp
@param {number} [mode = 0o777]
@param {boolean} [ignore = true] ignore `EEXIST` directory errors returned by `fs.mkdir()`
@returns {Array}


ignores EEXIST directory errors returned by fs.mkdir()

var mkdirp = require( 'mkdir-p-bluebird' );
var Promise = require( 'bluebird' );

Promsie.all( mkdirp( 'test-dir/sub/folder' ) )
     * @param {Array} result
     * an array of booleans; each one representing the result of each mkdir() promise
     * created by mkdirp(). since we’re in then(), each result should be `true`
    function( result ) {
      // handle success
     * @param {Error} err
    function( err ) {
      // handle error

set ignore to false

acknowledges EEXIST directory errors returned by fs.mkdir()

var mkdirp = require( 'mkdir-p-bluebird' );
var Promise = require( 'bluebird' );

Promise.all( mkdirp( 'test-dir/sub/folder', null, false ) )
     * @param {Array} result
     * an array of booleans; each one representing the result of each mkdir() promise
     * created by mkdirp(). since we’re in then(), each result should be `true`
    function( result ) {
      // handle success
     * @param {Error} err
    function( err ) {
      // handle error

using node’s path module

var mkdirp = require( 'mkdir-p-bluebird' );
var path = require( 'path' );
var Promise = require( 'bluebird' );
var dirpath = path.join( __dirname, 'test', 'test-dir' );

Promise.all( mkdirp( dirpath ) )
     * @param {Array} result
     * an array of booleans; each one representing the result of each mkdir() promise
     * created by mkdirp(). since we’re in then(), each result should be `true`
    function( result ) {
      // handle success
     * @param {Error} err
    function( err ) {
      // handle error


MIT License