
Mocha reporter without console funkyness

mocha, reporter, windows, tools, console, unfunk
npm install mocha-unfunk-reporter@0.4.0



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Mocha reporter without console funkyness


This is a Spec-style console reporter for mocha that doesn't confuse lesser console environments with funky display modes, cursor tricks or weird control characters.

Use-case is running mocha's in basic console views embedded in IDE's or setups with text buffered output (like travis-ci). The default config uses only some ANSI console colour codes and writes with console.log() but has option to be tuned up or down for your specific unfunky use-case.


  • The reporter does not extend mocha's default Base prototype because that is a main source of funkyness. This means not all of mocha's reporter features are supported.
  • There are many features to ease testing usability, like aggressive attempts at getting a sensible error message or a stack filter that attempts to compact the stack trace by dropping mocha function calls.
  • Object & string diffs by unfunk-diff.
  • Output by ministyle & miniwrite.


Install from npm:

$ npm install mocha-unfunk-reporter --save-dev

Then use 'mocha-unfunk-reporter' as reporter parameter in your favourite mocha runner.

For example in grunt-mocha-test:

    // ...
    mochaTest: {
        options: {
            reporter: 'mocha-unfunk-reporter'
        any: {
            src: ['test/**/*.test.js']


There are multiple ways to set global options:

//on module using .option() method
require('mocha-unfunk-reporter').option('<option_name>', <option_value>);
//or on env with prefixed name
process.env['mocha-unfunk-<option_name>'] = <option_value>;
//env also work Bash-style: upper-cased and underscores instead of dashes
process.env['MOCHA_UNFUNK_<OPTION_NAME>'] = <option_value>;

These are equivalent:

process.env['MOCHA_UNFUNK_REPORTPENDING'] = true;
process.env['mocha-unfunk-reportPending'] = true;

require('mocha-unfunk-reporter').option('reportPending', true);
require('mocha-unfunk-reporter').option({reportPending: true});

The package also expose a grunt task mocha_unfunk to set reporter options.

    mocha_unfunk: {
        myStyle: {
            options: {
                style: 'plain'


Report styling: style

  • 'ansi' - plain with ansi color codes (default)
  • 'plain' - plain text
  • 'none' - even plainer text
  • 'html' - html span's with css colors
  • 'css' - html span's with css classes
  • 'dev' - style development codes

Output mode: writer

  • 'log' - buffer and stream per line to console.log() (default)
  • 'stdio' - stream to process.stdout
  • 'bulk' - single buffered console.log()
  • 'null' - ignore output

Report details about pending specs, alongside failures: reportPending

  • false (default) or true

Use custom stream: stream

  • any standard WritableStream (only usable via require())

Filter internals from stack: stackFilter

  • true (default) or false


Something like this: (full version)


If you got development install you can use $ grunt demo to get a quick demo overview.


Assertion libraries

Tested with:

  • Chai Assertion Libary (best of the best, but no IE < 9)
  • Proclaim (Chai-like 'assert', supports IE < 9)
  • CommonJS-style 'assert' (Node.js, browserify etc)

Should work with any assertion library, like:

  • Expect.js (minimal reporting, use Chai's expect-style)
  • Should.js (untested, use Chai's should-style)

Create an issue if you got a tip or see bugs.

Mocha flavors:

Testing on:

Known to work:

  • grunt-simple-mocha (grunt + node)
  • grunt-mocha-spawn (grunt + node)
  • grunt-cafe-mocha (grunt + node)

Create an issue if you got a tip or request for more.


Unfunk-reporter is written in TypeScript and built using grunt and powered by gruntfile-gtx.

Install development dependencies in your git checkout:

$ npm install

You need the global grunt command:

$ npm install grunt-cli -g

Build and run tests:

// build & display demo (handy for development)
$ grunt -h

// build & full test
$ grunt

// show gtx alias
$ grunt -h

// run test sub module
$ grunt gtx:diff

See the Gruntfile for additional commands.


  • 0.4.0 - externalised unfunk-diff, using ministyle, miniwrite, dropped obsolete code.
  • 0.3.7 - fixed some bugs
  • 0.3.6 - relaxed string encoding, cleaned stack code, support Q longStack, support multi-line messages, fixed bugs & hardened output, added q and node.js to stack filter.
  • 0.3.0 - improved diffs (speed, linebreaks, escape with jsesc), added output testing, added grunt task to set options, updated project
  • 0.2.3 - support bash style uppercased+underscore-style ENV options (tip by @reydelamirienda), skip diff excessively lengthy objects (strings/arrays/arguments/buffers)
  • 0.2.2 - fixed regular Error (stack) reporting, added chai-as-promised & mocha-as-promised to stack filter, updated screenshot
  • 0.2.1 - tweaked display, added pending test report (by @geekdave)
  • 0.2.0 - added string diff, more assertions and runner compatibility, changed default to style='ansi'
  • 0.1.13 - fix for grunt-mocha duration stats compatibility
  • 0.1.12 - refactored options; added style and writer
  • 0.1.11 - added mocha bin command test, improved reporting
  • 0.1.10 - objectDiff fix, added option() methods
  • 0.1.8 - compatible with grunt-mocha (PhantomJS)


Copyright (c) 2013 Bart van der Schoor

Licensed under the MIT license.

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