Use it to run, watch and restart all your node apps with just one command.

npm install mozzart@1.1.3



Use it to run, watch and restart all your node apps with just one command.

Very useful when developping on a microservices architecture.


npm install -g mozzart

Add sudo if you don't have rights on your system.

Command Line Usage

$ mozzart [action]

  start           Start all processes found in config file. Default action when non one given
  list            List all processes, running or not with their <uid> and <pid>
  log <uid>       Will output logs for the process <uid>
  resume <uid>    Resume the process referenced by <uid> when it has been manually stopped
  stop <uid>      Stop the process referenced by <uid>
  restart <uid>   Stop (if running) and resume <uid>
  remove <uid>    Stop <uid> and remove it from list. Keep it in config file
  update          Reread config file and stop or start diff
  version         Show current Mozzart version

  -c, --config  The path where config file is located. Absolute or relative from current working dir

See configuration for more informations.


There are 3 ways to give a configuration to Mozzart. In this order, as soon as one exists, Mozzart takes it and stops looking :

  • With a command line configuration argument --config my-config.js
  • With a .mozzart.js file in the directory you execute mozzart
  • With a .mozzart.js file in your home directory



Type Default value
<Array> []

The list of processes that Mozzart will run. Each process have these params :

Param Required Default Description
cwd true Directory path where is file
file true Filename to execute
arguments false [] List of coma separated command line arguments
watch false Watch for file changes in cwd ?
sync false false Waiting for PROCESS_READY msg to run next


Type Default value
<Boolean> false


Type Default value
<Boolean> true

Default value for all processes watch param.


Type Default value
<Boolean> true

If enabled Mozzart will prefix every log line with date and time.



'use strict';

module.exports = {
  processes : [
      cwd  : `~/project/service-1`,
      file : `app.js`,
      cwd  : `~/project/router`,
      file : `index.js`,
      cwd       : `~/project/logger`,
      file      : `app.js`,
      arguments : [`--verbose`]