
easier local require and global storage

require, local, module, modules, better
npm install mystuff@1.1.2


mystuff - easier local require

This module makes it easier to organize and require your local modules. It also gives you the ability to set global variables that you can use in all of your projects.


npm install mystuff

When you require mystuff for the first time it creates a folder named own_modules in your users home directory. In this folder you can store your own modules.

Own Modules

You can create your modules in two ways: as a single JavaScript file or as a directory.


  1. Create a JavaScript file e.g. example.js in the own_modules folder.
  2. Write your Code in the file and set the module.exports property.
  3. Now you can require this file in all of your projects.
const mystuff = require('mystuff');
var example = mystuff('example');
var example = mystuff('example.js');


  1. Create a directory e.g. anotherExample in the own_modules folder.
  2. Add a JavaScript file called anotherExample.js or main.js in the new directory. They are used as entry-point.
  3. Write your code in the JavaScript file and set the module.exports property.
  4. Now you can require this module in all of your projects.
const mystuff = require('mystuff');
const anotherExample = mystuff('anotherExample');

Tip: The main.js file ist the prefered entry-point.


Change the directory where your own_modules folder is located in. The change affects the whole node app.