
An async select widget for netlify-cms which can populate entries from a valid endpoint. Allows for sending custom headers, data/value fields and transformations.

netlify, netlify-cms, netlify-cms-widget, netlify-cms-widget-select-async, cms, widget, starter, boilerplate
npm install netlify-cms-widget-select-async@0.0.3


Netlify CMS Widget Starter

A boilerplate for creating Netlify CMS widgets.

Widgets are basically inputs for the Netlify CMS editor interface. It's a React component that receives user input and outputs a serialized value. Those are the only rules - the component can be extremely simple, like a text input, or extremely complicated, like a full blown markdown editor. They can make calls to external services, and generally do anything that JavaScript can do.

The starter currently provides a basic string widget, which you can customize, extend, or replace entirely with your own widget.

Getting started

Clone or fork the repo, then install dependencies:

git clone

npm install


To run a copy of Netlify CMS with your widget loaded for development, use the start script:

npm start

Your widget source is in the src directory, where there are separate files for the Control and Preview components.

Production & Publishing

You'll want to take a few steps before publishing a production built package to npm:

  1. Customize package.json with details for your specific widget, e.g. name, description, author, version, etc.
  2. For discoverability, ensure that your package name follows the pattern netlify-cms-widget-<name>.
  3. Delete this, rename to, and update the new file for your specific widget.
  4. Rename the exports in src/index.js. For example, if your widget is netlify-cms-widget-awesome, you would do:
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  window.AwesomeControl = Control
  window.AwesomePreview = Preview

export { Control as AwesomeControl, Preview as AwesomePreview }
  1. Optional: customize the component and file names in src.
  2. Create a production build, which will be output to dist:
npm run build
  1. Finally, if you're sure things are tested and working, publish:
npm publish