Custom Newman reporter to send message to Slack
Before you get started
- Install Newman
$ npm run i -g newman
- Create a Slack incoming webhook url or
- Create a Slack bot to send to channel or user dynamically
npm i -g newman-reporter-slackmsg
newman run <collectionFile> -e <environmentFile> --suppress-exit-code -r slackmsg --reporter-slackmsg-webhookurl '<webhookurl>'
Usage with channel override bot
newman run <collectionFile> -e <environmentFile> --suppress-exit-code -r slackmsg --reporter-slackmsg-webhookurl '<>' --reporter-slackmsg-token '<bearer token>' --reporter-slackmsg-channel '<channel or userid>'
Reporter Options Optionals
--reporter-slackmsg-messageSize '<messageSize>' e.g 150
--reporter-slackmsg-token '<bearer token>' e.g xoxb-XXXXXXXXXXXX-TTTTTTTTTTTTTT
--reporter-slackmsg-channel '<channel>' e.g #general
--reporter-slackmsg-failuresChannel '<channel>' e.g. #alerts
--reporter-slackmsg-collection '<collectionName> e.g test.json
--reporter-slackmsg-environment '<environmentName> e.g env.json
--reporter-slackmsg-reportingurl '<URL> e.g https://127.0.1/index.html
--reporter-slackmsg-limitFailures '<limitFailures>; e.g 5
Reporter Options
webhookurl Webhook URL to point to the slack api where results are published
collection Option to add the name of collection file onto the message
environment Option to add the name of environment file onto the message
messageSize Option to change the message size, defaulted to 100
token Option to use bearer token for slack bots for channel override
channel Option to select channel or user receive the result
failuresChannel Option to select channel or user to receive failures
limitFailures Option to limit the amount failures shown in slack