
A favicon and manfiest generator module for Next.js with built-in webpack loader

webpack, nextjs, novela
npm install next-manifest-loader@1.0.4


next-manifest-loader npm version license downloads


  • Favicon & manifest generator Using the favicons package generates favicons and manifests for all required platforms
  • Single JSON formatted file input Generates everything off a single favicons config (as JSON) file import
  • Webpack loader Simple installation as Next.js plugin automatically installs a dedicated webpack loader for the manifest
  • Generates HTML helmet data Returns the HTML header links for all generated icons and manifest info
  • React generator The HTML header links are already React elements ready for you to insert using react-helmet or next/head

Table of contents


npm install --save-dev next-manifest-loader
# or
yarn add -D next-manifest-loader
// next.config.js

const { withManifest } = require('next-manifest-loader')(/* loader options can come here */)

const nextConfig = {
  /* your Next.js config */

module.exports = withManifest(nextConfig)

Loader Options

You can adjust these options:

Option Type Default Description
outputPath string static/manifest Where to put the generated files.
forceEmit boolean false Development mode by default only emits single image and link tag, enable this to run the full favicons generation suite.
test RegExp /\.manifest$/ Allow overriding test clause to use for webpack loader. If using TypeScript, by overriding this, you also need to provide your own declare module "*.<ext>"; type.


You can now simply create a single svg1 file of your favicon, add path to it in your app.manifest file using sourceImage key (relative to manifest file), require the manifest file in _app.js in your Next.js app, and in Dev mode a simple favicon will be set (with updating hashname so you can see the updates on refresh) and in production builds a full set of icons and browser manifest will be generated and the associated HTML react components returned.

1: Not limited to svg, can also make a png, but make sure it's bigger than 512x512.


Create an app.manifest file specifying properties for favicons config, additionally specifying sourceImage where the loader should look for the single image file to generate all icons for all platforms and sizes.

// app.manifest

  // Specify from which image to generate all icons (relative to imported file)
  "sourceImage": "./app-icon.svg",
  // Any config option as supported by `favicons` package
  "appName": "Novela by Narative",
  "appShortName": "Novela",
  "background": "#fff",
  "theme_color": "#fff",
  "display": "standalone"

Assuming the app.manifest example above is put in your apps root.

// pages/_app.tsx

import type { AppProps } from 'next/app'
import Head from 'next/head'
import Manifest from '../app.manifest' // <-- load the manifest config

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
        {Manifest} <!-- add assembled link and meta tags to <head /> -->
      <Component {...pageProps} />

If using TypeScript, import module type in a d.ts file (so TS doesn't scream when you import app.manifest) or provide your own declaration in case you overrode test regex for loader options.

Make sure to add the d.ts file to include section of tsconfig.json as well.

// types.d.ts

/// <reference types="next-manifest-loader/module" />

// or

declare module '*.manifest' {
  import React from 'react'
  const Meta: React.ReactElement[]
  export default Meta


  • Try to make it work with _document
  • Handle all the TODO comments in code
  • Clean up repository from unncessary stuff
  • CI/CD


Licensed under the MIT license.

© Heavily based on next-favicon-loader by Guy Barnard and Tinia Labs contributors