
This application is useful when we want the tour options with description in our applications page with navigation.

angular8, ng8-tour, angularTour, Tourview, angular8, ng-page-tour, page-tour-angular, page-tour-angular-component
npm install ng-tour-app@1.0.2



This application is useful when we want the tour options with description in our applications page with navigation.


Bootstrap, Jquery, Font Awesome

**install jqery**
npm install jquery --save
add this into script section of angular.json
"scripts": ["./node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"]

**install font awesome**
npm install font-awesome --save
add this into style section of angular.json
"styles": [

**install bootstrap css**
npm install bootstrap --save
add this into style section of angular.json
"styles": [

Application live demo

live link: [](

#How to use it in your project

download it from npm
npm install app-page-tour --save

use the tour Component in your project, you just need to imports into your module

import { AppTourComponent } from './ng-tour-app/ng-tour.component';

Add it in a html tag in component file, such as:

<app-page-tour *ngIf="showTourFlag" 

Add the config in component code file, such as:

  showTourFlag = true;
  tourData: any;
  tourConfig = [{
    id: 'elem1',
    heading: 'Tour Element 1',
    description: 'Tour Element Description 1.',
    pos: ''
  }, {
    id: 'elem2',
    heading: 'Tour Element 2',
    description: 'Tour Element Description 2.',
    pos: ''
  }, {
    id: 'elem3',
    heading: 'Tour Element 3',
    description: 'Tour Element Description 3.',
    pos: ''


Name Default Value
showTourFlag By Deafult Show Tour popup (true/false)
pageTourConfig Tour config data with description
panelwidth Tour popup width
sideBarWidth side navigation bar with if any
topPadding panel top padding
