
Mock network requests with nock through a proxy - perfect for real-life environments like end-to-end tests on a real browser.

npm install nock-proxy@1.0.1



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Mock network requests with nock through a proxy - perfect for real-life environments like end-to-end tests on a real browser.


npm install nock-proxy

How does it work

Nock overrides the http.request function of the node process it is running in. This means that we can spawn a simple pass-through proxy server which will reply with a mock if said mock is being expected via nock.


const nock = require("nock")
const nockProxy = require("nock-proxy")

// Launch the proxy server on your desired port on localhost.
// Don't forget to setup your browser to use this proxy.

// Setup your mocks via nock, as usual. Use the option allowUnmocked
// to avoid errors from unexpected requests.
nock("", { allowUnmocked: true })
    .reply(219, {
        hello: "world",

One test for end-to-end and integration

nock-proxy turns end-to-end tests into integration tests: Simply set up the browser to pass through nock-proxy for having mocks like in an integration test environment. Don't pass through the proxy for using real-world network requests.