
Pi-Cubes Modular Raspberry Pi HVAC System Node Module.

npm install node-picubes@1.0.12



Node.js module for Pi-Cubes. Pi Cubes is Modular DIY/Hobby HVAC Automation system based on the Raspberry Pi. Supports up to 24 I/Os and 4 Thermostats.

More information:


$ npm install node-picubes

I2C has to be configured on Raspberry Pi :

Control Pi-Cubes DO4 Module

var pic = require('node-picubes');

	            if (err) console.log(err);

picubes.writeDO(module, output, value, callback) - Async version

picubes.writeDOSync(module, output, value ) - Sync version

  • module - Module address(1 - 6)
  • output - Output number(1 - 4)
  • value - Digital output value :
    • 0 = Off
    • 1 = On
  • callback - The callback gets one argument (err).

Control Pi-Cubes UO4 Module

var pic = require('node-picubes');

	              if (err) console.log(err);

picubes.writeUO(module, output, type, value, callback) - Async version

picubes.writeUOSync(module, output, type, value) - Sync version

  • module - Module address(1 - 6)
  • output - Output number(1 - 4)
  • type - Universal output type :
    • 0 = Digital Output(0 / 12VDC)
    • 1 = Modulation(0 - 10VDC)
    • 2 - 255 = Digital otput PWM with this period in sec.
  • value - Universal output value :
    • 0 / 1 = For digital type
    • 0 - 100 % = for Modulation / PWM
  • callback - The callback gets one argument (err).

Read Pi-Cubes UI4 Module

var pic = require('node-picubes');

	                if (err) console.log(err);
data = pic.readUISync(3,1,1);
if (data != null) console.log('Data:'+data);		  

picubes.readUI(module, input, type, callback) - Async version

picubes.readUISync(module, input, type) - Sync version

  • module - Module address(1 - 6)
  • output - Output number(1 - 4)
  • type - Input type 0 = Resistance(Return value 0 - 350000)
    • 1 = Digital(Return value 0 - 1)
    • 2 = Voltage / Current(Return value 0 - 100 % , represent 0 - 10V / 0 - 20mA)
    • 3 = 10K Type II Thermistor(Return value - 4000 to 14000, scale 0.01)
    • 4 = Pulse Input(Return value is counter value)
  • callback - The callback gets two argument (err,data).

Read Pi-Cubes CTA Module

var pic = require('node-picubes');

pic.readCTA(1,0,function (err,data)
				      if (err) console.log(err);
				      console.log('Data:', data);
data = pic.readCTASync(1,0);
if (data != null) console.log('Data:'+data);		  

picubes.readCTA(slave, addr, callback) - Async version

picubes.readCTASync(slave, addr) - Sync version

  • slave - Modbus slave address for CTA
  • addr - Holding register address
  • callback - The callback gets two argument (err,data).

Write to Pi-Cubes CTA Module

var pic = require('node-picubes');

pic.writeCTA(1,31,256,function (err)
				      if (err) console.log(err);
data = pic.writeCTASync(1,31,256);

picubes.writeCTA(slave, addr, value, callback) - Async version

picubes.writeCTASync(slave, addr, value) - Sync version

  • slave - Modbus slave address for CTA
  • addr - Holding register address
  • value - Regsiter value to write
  • callback - The callback gets one argument (err).
