Add High level operation: Recursive list and filter support.
forked from sublime93/node-red-contrib-better-sftp
Better SFTP was created out of necessity for a SFTP node which was fully implemented and had several options to configure algorithms.
Big shout out to jyu213 for creating ssh2-sftp-client to make development of this node easy.
Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install
npm install @godlikejt/node-red-contrib-sftp
List Directory - Lists contents of msg.payload
as a directory OR working directory on node config.
List Directory Recursively - with file extension filter support, eg: .avi,.srt,.mkv
Get - Set msg.payload
to get the file OR working directory + file name in configuration will be used.
Put - Set
to either the file name, buffer stream, or buffer object of the source file.
Set msg.payload.filename
to the desired name of remote file.
If msg.payload.filename
is not specified filename in node config will be used.
File contents will be uploaded to the SFTP server in the working directory specified.
Delete File - Set msg.payload
to the name of the file you wish to delete in the working directory.
Make Directory - Set msg.payload
to the name of the directory to make. If blank working directory will be used.
Remove Directory - Set msg.payload
to the name of the directory to remove. If blank working directory will be used.
Host, username, and password are required to configure a new SFTP client.
Algorithms are set to pre-defined default values. If you need to modify them see ssh2-streams for more information.
See license