
A Node-RED node to read data from nunchuck device.

node-red, nunchuck, iot, wii, i2c
npm install node-red-contrib-nunchuck@1.1.1



A Node RED node to read data from nunchuck device mounted on I2C bus

##Installation From the node-red user data directory launch:

   npm install node-red-contrib-nunchuck

After node-red restart it will be available a new node called "nunchuck" in output directory.

##Usage The node has two config properties:

  • name: the name of the node
  • frequency: this value sets the quite period in milliseconds between each read request to the nunchuck controller over the i2c bus. (e.g.: 100 means 10 requests in 1 second).

You can refer the nunchuck.js libray for the JSON object spec returned by the node.

Check out my blog post for examples and basic configuration.

###Flow Example:

[{"id":"3818fd96.c7e702","type":"function","z":"e8c028bd.173fd8","name":"processXStickData","func":"var xevent = msg.payload.x ;\nif(context.xevent !== xevent){\n context.xevent = xevent; \n node.send(msg);\n}\nreturn;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":353,"y":158,"wires":[["e7a89ba0.185768"]]}]

###Updates: This node-red project now depends on nunchuck.js node.js module, it provides a decoder object and a nunchuck device object.

###TODO: The resulting JSON object will be extended with more other nice info derived by the accelerometer such as:

  • motion verse detection: left, right, up, down
  • tilt: tilt-left, tilt-right, tilt-up, tilt-down
  • rotation angles: xAngle, yAngle, zAngle (values in radians) Stay tuned!