
NodeJs FileSystem (FS) extra utilities, walk, fsize ( folder / symlinks / files ), rmdirs,

nodejs, dir size, folder, node, size, walk, walk sync, dir walk, directory size, folder size, get folder size, fs extra, fs utils, link, rmdirs, remove dir, remove folder, mkdirp, node fs utils, nodejs fs utils
npm install nodejs-fs-utils@1.2.5



NodeJs FileSystem (FS) extra utilities

build-passing dependencies: up-to-date status: stable downloads: 3k / month


  • rmdirs - remove a file or folder even it isn't empty ( accept specifying logic for symlinks )
  • rmdirsSync - synchronous version of rmdirs
  • mkdirs - creates a folder and it parent if it is needed ( accept specifying logic for symlinks )
  • mkdirsSync - synchronous version of mkdirs
  • emptyDir - remove contents of a dir
  • emptyDirSync - synchronous version of emptyDir
  • isEmpty - return if file is empty or not
  • isEmptySync - synchronous version of isEmpty
  • remove - remove file, directory or link
  • removeSync - synchronous version of remove
    • symbolicLinks - treat symbolic links as files ( default true )
    • skipErrors - skip errors just log them ( default false )
  • fsize - count file or folder size, has additional options
    • symbolicLinks - treat symbolic links as files ( default true )
    • countFolders - counts and folder inode size ( default true )
    • countSymbolicLinks - counts symbolic links inode size ( default true )
    • logErrors - log all error in an array ( default false )
    • skipErrors - skip errors just log them ( default false )
  • fsizeSync - synchronous version of fsize
  • move - move files or folders
  • moveSync - synchronous version of move
    • symlinksKeep - specify how to treat symlinks
      • accepted values: *"file", "directory", "all"*
    • symlinksNormalize - specify if is needed link normalizing
      • accepted values: *"auto", "none", "relative", "absolute"*
    • linkFiles - for files linking instead of coping
      • accepted values: *"auto", "none", "relative", "absolute"*
    • symbolicLinks - treat symbolic links as files ( default true )
    • countFolders - counts and folder inode size ( default true )
    • countSymbolicLinks - counts symbolic links inode size ( default true )
    • logErrors - log all error in an array ( default false )
    • skipErrors - skip errors just log them ( default false )
  • copy - copy files or folders
  • copySync - synchronous version of copy
    • symlinksKeep - specify how to treat symlinks
      • accepted values: *"file", "directory", "all"*
    • symlinksNormalize - specify if is needed link normalizing
    • accepted values: *"auto", "none", "relative", "absolute"*
    • linkFiles - for files linking instead of coping
      • accepted values: *"auto", "none", "relative", "absolute"*
    • symbolicLinks - treat symbolic links as files ( default true )
    • countFolders - counts and folder inode size ( default true )
    • countSymbolicLinks - counts symbolic links inode size ( default true )
    • logErrors - log all error in an array ( default false )
    • skipErrors - skip errors just log them ( default false )
  • walk - walk throuth files, folder and links ( advanced configurations )
  • walkSync - synchronous version of walk


optional can be send fs module in "fs" option, P.S. it removes link files or directories.

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    //removing a folder
    fsUtils.rmdirs("test/folder", function (err) {
        // callback code

    // removing a folder and remove recursive in symbolic links
    // treat the as folders if necessary
    fsUtils.rmdirs("test/folder", function (err) {
        // callback code
    }, {
        symbolicLinks : false

    // try to remove, skip errors
    fsUtils.rmdirs("test/folder", function (err) {
        // callback code
    }, {
        skipErrors      : true


    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // removing a folder
    // symbolic links will be unlinked instead of removing files from them

    // removing a folder and remove recursive in symbolic links
    // treat the symbolic links as folders if these links to directories
    fsUtils.rmdirsSync("test/folder", {
        symbolicLinks : false

    // try to remove, skip errors
    fsUtils.rmdirsSync("test/folder", {
        skipErrors      : true


remove contents of a directory

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // removing folder's contents
    fsUtils.emptyDir("test/folder", function (err) {
        // callback code


remove contents of a directory, synchronous

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // removing folder's contents


checks if folder is empty

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // return state = true if folder is empty
    fsUtils.isEmpty("test/folder", function (err, state) {
        // callback code


checks if folder is empty, synchronous

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // return state = true if folder is empty

mkdirs - build a directory tree

optional can be send fs module in "fs" option

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // removing a folder
    // the function will stop an exception on symlink detection
    fsUtils.mkdirs("newfolder/folder/subfolder", function (err) {
        // callback code

    // treat the symbolic links as folders if these links to directories
    fsUtils.rmdirs("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        symbolicLinks : false
    }, function (err) {
        // callback code


    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // removing a folder
    // the function will throw an exception on symlink detection

    // treat the symbolic links as folders if these links to directories
    fsUtils.rmdirs("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        symbolicLinks : false


removing file or directories

similar / alias as rmdirs, click here to view.


removing file or directories

similar / alias as rmdirs, click here to view.

fsize - advanced file size scan for links folders or files

optional can be send fs module in "fs" option

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // return file size
    fsUtils.fsize("videos/video.mp4", function (err, size) {
        // callback code

    // the function will stop on a symlink detection
    fsUtils.fsize("newfolder/folder/subfolder", function (err, size) {
        // callback code

    // treat the symbolic links as folders if these links to directories
    fsUtils.fsize("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        symbolicLinks : false
    }, function (err, size) {
        // callback code

    // don't stop scanning on errors
    fsUtils.fsize("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        skipErrors : true
    }, function (err, size) {
        // callback code

    // don't stop scanning on errors
    // return an array of all errors
    fsUtils.fsize("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        skipErrors  : true,
        logErrors   : true
    }, function (err, size) {
        // callback code

    // don't count folders size
    fsUtils.fsize("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        countFolders    : false
    }, function (err, size) {
        // callback code

    // don't scan links and don't count links size
    fsUtils.fsize("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        countSymbolicLinks  : false
    }, function (err, size) {
        // callback code

fsizeSync - file or folder size synchronous

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // return file size
    var size = fsUtils.fsizeSync("videos/video.mp4");

    // the function will stop on a symlink detection
    var size = fsUtils.fsizeSync("newfolder/folder/subfolder", function (err, size) {
        // callback code

    // treat the symbolic links as folders if these links to directories
    var size = fsUtils.fsizeSync("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        symbolicLinks : false

    // don't stop scanning on errors
    var config  = { skipErrors : true };
    var size = fsUtils.fsizeSync("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", config);
    if (config.errors.length) {
        console.log("Error detected: ", config.errors[0])

    // don't stop scanning on errors
    // return an array of all errors
    var config  = { skipErrors : true };
    var size = fsUtils.fsizeSync("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", config);
    if (config.errors.length) {
        console.log("Error detected: ", config.errors[0])

    // don't count folders size
    var size = fsUtils.fsizeSync("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        countFolders    : false

    // don't scan links and don't count links size
    var size = fsUtils.fsizeSync("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        countSymbolicLinks  : false


move file of folders or links

options for move function:

  • symlinksNormalize - specify how to treat symlinks specify if is needed link normalizing accepted values: "auto", "none", "relative", "absolute" "auto", "none" or "absolute" - uses absolute path "relative" - uses relative paths for links P.S "auto" will be dynamic in future, will try to use relative if it is posible
  • symlinksKeep - specify if is needed to keep simplinks or to move files or folders accepted values: "file", "directory", "all"
  • linkFiles - for files linking instead of moving accepted values: "auto", "none", "relative", "absolute"
  • symbolicLinks - treat symbolic links as files ( default true )
  • countFolders - counts and folder inode size ( default true )
  • countSymbolicLinks - counts symbolic links inode size ( default true )
  • logErrors - log all error in an array ( default false )
  • skipErrors - skip errors just log them ( default false ) P.S. if is true the errors will be an array

move examples:

moveSync examples:

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // move file or folders
    fsUtils.move(__dirname + "/source", "./destination-path", function (err, cache) {
        if (!err) {
            console.log("Moved !");
        } else {
            console.error("Error", err)

    // move files and skip errors
    fsUtils.move(__dirname + "/source", "./destination-path", function (errors, cache) {
        if (!errors.length) {
            console.log("Moved !");
        } else {
            errors.forEach(function (err) {
                console.error("Error", err)
    }, {
        skipErrors  : true


synchronous version for move function

moveSync examples:

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");
    var moveSync    = fsUtils.moveSync;

    // move file or folders
    moveSync(__dirname + "/source", "./destination-path", function (err, cache) {
        if (!err) {
            console.log("Moved !");
        } else {
            console.error("Error", err)

    // move files and skip errors
    moveSync(__dirname + "/source", "./destination-path", function (errors, cache) {
        if (!errors.length) {
            console.log("Moved !");
        } else {
            errors.forEach(function (err) {
                console.error("Error", err)
    }, {
        skipErrors  : true


copy file of folders or links

options for copy function:

  • symlinksNormalize - specify how to treat symlinks specify if is needed link normalizing accepted values: "auto", "none", "relative", "absolute" "auto", "none" or "absolute" - uses absolute path "relative" - uses relative paths for links P.S "auto" will be dynamic in future, will try to use relative if it is posible
  • symlinksKeep - specify if is needed to keep simplinks or to copy files or folders accepted values: "file", "directory", "all"
  • linkFiles - for files linking instead of coping accepted values: "auto", "none", "relative", "absolute"
  • symbolicLinks - treat symbolic links as files ( default true )
  • countFolders - counts and folder inode size ( default true )
  • countSymbolicLinks - counts symbolic links inode size ( default true )
  • logErrors - log all error in an array ( default false )
  • skipErrors - skip errors just log them ( default false ) P.S. if is true the errors will be an array

copy examples:

copySync examples:

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // copy file or folders
    fsUtils.copy(__dirname + "/source", "./destination-path", function (err, cache) {
        if (!err) {
            console.log("Copied !");
        } else {
            console.error("Error", err)

    // copy files and skip errors
    fsUtils.copy(__dirname + "/source", "./destination-path", function (errors, cache) {
        if (!errors.length) {
            console.log("Copied !");
        } else {
            errors.forEach(function (err) {
                console.error("Error", err)
    }, {
        skipErrors  : true

    // link files instead of copying
    fsUtils.copy(__dirname + "/source", "./destination-path", function (err, cache) {
        if (!err) {
            console.log("Files were linked !");
        } else {
            console.error("Error", err)
    }, {
        linkFiles   : "relative"


synchronous version for copy function

copySync examples:

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");
    var copySync    = fsUtils.copySync;

    // copy file or folders
    copySync(__dirname + "/source", "./destination-path", function (err, cache) {
        if (!err) {
            console.log("Copied !");
        } else {
            console.error("Error", err)

    // copy files and skip errors
    copySync(__dirname + "/source", "./destination-path", function (errors, cache) {
        if (!errors.length) {
            console.log("Copied !");
        } else {
            errors.forEach(function (err) {
                console.error("Error", err)
    }, {
        skipErrors  : true

    // link files instead of copying
    copySync(__dirname + "/source", "./destination-path", function (err, cache) {
        if (!err) {
            console.log("Files were linked !");
        } else {
            console.error("Error", err)
    }, {
        linkFiles   : "relative"

walk - walk throuth files folder and links ( advanced configurations )

optional can be send fs module in "fs" option cache reference can be used for storing data while walking

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // walk througth a list of files and folders in a folder
    fsUtils.walk("./videos", function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        // callback code
        // ...
        // stats.isDirectory()
        // cache.errors is array of errors 
        // continue walk

    // walk througth a list of files and folders in a folder
    fsUtils.walk("./videos", function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        // callback code
        // ...
        // stats.isDirectory()
        // cache.errors is array of errors 
        // continue walk
    }, function (cache) {
        console.log("Walk is finished");

    // treat the symbolic links as folders if these links to directories
    fsUtils.walk("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        symbolicLinks : false
    }, function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        // callback code

    // don't stop scanning on errors
    fsUtils.walk("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        skipErrors : true
    }, function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        // callback code

    // don't stop scanning on errors
    // return an array of all errors in cache reference
    fsUtils.walk("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        skipErrors  : true,
        logErrors   : true
    }, function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        // callback code
    }, function (cache) {
        if (cache.errors.length) {
            console.log("Errors: ", cache.errors);
        } else {
            console.log("No errors found");

walkSync - walk sync throuth files folder and links ( advanced configurations )

walkSync has same api as walk, but it is synchronous

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");

    // walk througth a list of files and folders in a folder
    fsUtils.walkSync("./videos", function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        // callback code
        // ...
        // stats.isDirectory()
        // cache.errors is array of errors 
        // continue walk

    // walk througth a list of files and folders in a folder
    fsUtils.walkSync("./videos", function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        // callback code
        // ...
        // stats.isDirectory()
        // cache.errors is array of errors 
        // continue walk
    }, function (cache) {
        console.log("Walk is finished");

    // treat the symbolic links as folders if these links to directories
    fsUtils.walkSync("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        symbolicLinks : false
    }, function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        // callback code

    // don't stop scanning on errors
    fsUtils.walkSync("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        skipErrors : true
    }, function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        // callback code

    // don't stop scanning on errors
    // return an array of all errors in cache reference
    fsUtils.walkSync("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        skipErrors  : true,
        logErrors   : true
    }, function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        // callback code
    }, function (cache) {
        if (cache.errors.length) {
            console.log("Errors: ", cache.errors);
        } else {
            console.log("No errors found");

walk - examples

getArray of folders in a array

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");
    // getArray of folders in a array
    var folders = [];
    fsUtils.walkSync("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        skipErrors  : true,
        logErrors   : true
    }, function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        if (!err && stats.isDirectory()) {

remove folders with name "tmp"

    var fsUtils = require("nodejs-fs-utils");
    var fs      = require("fs");

    // synchronous
    fsUtils.walkSync("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        skipErrors  : true,
        logErrors   : true
    }, function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        if (!err && stats.isDirectory() && path.match(/\/tmp$/)) {
        } else {

    // asynchronous
    fsUtils.walk("newfolder/folder/symbolic-link/subfolder", {
        skipErrors  : true,
        logErrors   : true,
        stackPushEnd: true // push new observed files to end of the stack insteat of beginig        
    }, function (err, path, stats, next, cache) {
        if (!err && stats.isDirectory() && path.match(/\/tmp$/)) {

            // for async to tell that step is done
            // without this row onend callback will not be trigered
        } else {
    }, function (cache) { // optional