
An implementation of a tree component for Ontimize Web.

npm install ontimize-web-ngx-tree@4.1.0



📜 Introduction

The o-tree component allows to manage a tree that can be used to display hierarchy data.

📖 Documentation

Check out our documentation site to know more details.

💡 Ideas

We would love any feedback you have or to know when you encounter issues, by filing an issue report on this repo.

⚙️ Development

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.3.21.


Follow the next steps:

  • cd repository root
npm install
  • cd projects/ontimize-web-ngx-tree
npm install

Build ontimize-web-ngx-tree

Run cd projects/ontimize-web-ngx-tree && npm run build && cd dist && npm pack && cd .. to execute the build process that will generate the dist folder and a .tgz file. You can use this .tgz file to install the library in your project through the package.json file.

Run demo

Run cd projects/demo-app && npm start in root folder.