
A minimalist Zero Configuration local web server for full stack development

os, own-server, local, web, server, tool, frontend, backend, full stack
npm install own-server@0.0.1



A minimalist Zero Configuration local web server for full stack development

  • Supports HTTP. But HTTPS and HTTP2 is supported is comming soon
  • Small and 100% personalisable. Load and use only the behaviour required by your project.
  • Attach a custom view to personalise how activity is visualised.
  • Programmatic and command-line interfaces.

Use this tool to:

  • Build any type of front-end web application (static, dynamic, Single Page App, Progessive Web App, React etc).
  • Prototype a back-end service (REST API, microservice, websocket, Server Sent Events service etc).
  • Monitor activity, analyse performance, experiment with caching strategy etc.


This package installs the os or own-server command-line tool (take a look at the usage guide).

Static web site

Running os or own-server without any arguments will host the current directory as a static web site. Navigating to the server will render a directory listing or your index.html, if that file exists.

$ os
Listening on http://localhost:3007,

Single Page Application

Serving a Single Page Application (an app with client-side routing, e.g. a React or Angular app) is as trivial as specifying the name of your single page:

$ os --spa
$ own-server --spa

If a static file is requested (e.g. /css/style.css) then serve it, if not (e.g. /login) then serve the specified SPA and handle the route client-side.

Further Documentation

See the wiki for plenty more documentation and tutorials.

Install Globally

Requires node v8 or above.

$ npm install -g own-server

if you checkout this repository locally, then follow below

$ npm install -D own-server

Change package.json scripts

  "scripts": {
    "start": "./node_modules/.bin/os --spa",

.\node_modules\.bin\{your command} and finally run npm start to the terminal.

$ npm start
Listening on http://localhost:3007,

© 2019 Joshim Uddin <joshimcse@gmail.com>.