
Beautiful Static Blogging Service

npm install paper-press@0.0.8



PaperPress is a node.js tool that can make static page-based blogs simply, with using Markdown, through a free website deploying service, surge. You can write posts instantly and make deploy blog by using PaperPress.

Knowing further

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Watch Introduce Video


  • You can concentrate fully on writing without having to consider problems like setting server or installing databases.
  • Use markdown for fast and easy way to publish posts with stylish layouts.
  • All posts in a blog is saved in a markdown file format(.md)
  • A blog is created through surge in your domain when deployed.

Get Started

PaperPress is a node.js module that can be downloaded by using npm. npm is automatically installed when installing node.js (If you didn't install npm, you cna install via Install node.js)

1. Install dependencies module

$ npm install -g gulp-cli
$ npm install -g surge

2. Logging in at surge

$ surge login

Enter your account and password when logging in at surge. Refer to Getting started with Surge for more information.

3. Install PaperPress

$ npm install -g paper-press

4. Run PaperPress

$ paper-press

Enter config settings at the first run to make blog set-up files. The needed items are as follows.

  • Blog Name Enter the name of blog to be exposed on the blog.

  • Author Name Enter the your name to be exposed on the blog.

  • Author's Email Enter the your email to be exposed on the blog.

  • Facebook Account ID You can find your facebook ID in the profile page of your facebook account. For example, at the profile page, example is the ID of your facebook account. When you don't have a facebook account, skip the question by clicking Enter.

  • Twitter Account ID When you don't have a twitter account, skip the question by clicking Enter.

  • Github Account Username You can find your username in the profile page of your github account. For example, at the profile page, example is the username of your github account. When you don't have a github account, skip the question by clicking Enter.

  • Disqus URL Access at disqus and create disqus plugin by clicking Install on Your Site. Enter the unique name of Disqus URL. For example if your Disqus URL is, enter example.

  • Blog Template Choose the template. When entering blank it is set up ad default template.

  • Domain Setup the domain of blog. PaperPress using surge as CDN, so the format of blog domain has to be like Refer to Setting the custom domain to setup the custom domain.

After entering all items, the entered setting, through src/blog.config.json path, a setup file is created in JSON file format.

When blog setup file is created, you can write post by accessing



$ paper-press

After command, you can write post and deploy blog by accessing

Open image folder

$ paper-press img

Open the folder where images, which used in blog, are located. You can use your image by move images to this folder.

Open paper folder

$ paper-press papers

Open the folder where posts are located.


MIT License

To know further

About static page-based blog

Static page-based blog refers to a blog that is has all pages consisted in the blog in HTML so that it only shows completed pages, instead of making and composing pages through a server.

Setting the custom domain

You can add custom domain for free by using surge. Refer to Adding a custom domain for more information.

Deleting a blog

Delete a blog by using surge. If the name of your domain is, enter the order as follows:

$ surge teardown

Refer to Tearing down a published project