
Pargras is a minimalistic helper around function arguments for Node.js and the browser. Pargras has a fluent interface and supports adding, removing and altering arguments before applying them to a function.

function, argument, arguments, helper, fluent, add, remove, alter, apply, array, length
npm install pargras@1.1.0



Pargras is a minimalistic helper around function arguments for Node.js and the Browser. Pargras has a fluent interface and supports adding, removing and altering arguments before applying them to a function.

Getting started


Install pargras using npm.

npm install pargras --save

Then require it into any module.

const Pargras = require('pargras');


You can download the latest release from the repository

Use a script tag to directly add Pargras to the global scope.

<script src="pargras.min.js"></script>


function specialMin()
    // Instantiate the arguments helper.
    const args = new Pargras(arguments);

    // Remove first and last parameter, then call Math.min() with the resulting arguments.
    var min = args.shift().pop().applyTo(Math.min);

specialMin(0, 2, 3, 4, 1);
// -> 2


Return the function arguments as an array.

function afunc()
    // Instantiate the arguments helper.
    const args = new Pargras(arguments);

    // Return the function arguments as an array.
    return args.array();

afunc(0, 1, "two", true);
// -> [ 0, 1, "two", true ]

Return the number of arguments passed to a function.

function afunc()
    // Instantiate the arguments helper.
    const args = new Pargras(arguments);

    // Return the number of arguments passed to function.
    return args.length();

afunc(0, 1, "two", true);
// -> 4

Alter an argument value.

function afunc()
    // Instantiate the arguments helper.
    const args = new Pargras(arguments);

    // Check value.
    // -> "banana"

    // Alter second argument value.
    args.set(1, 'altered');

    // Check value again.
    // -> "altered"

    // Return sorted arguments.
    return args.array().sort();

afunc("peach", "banana", "apple");
// -> [ "altered", "apple", "peach" ]

Alter arguments and apply them to another function.

function afunc()
    // Instantiate the arguments helper.
    const args = new Pargras(arguments);

    // Alter arguments.
    // a) Remove first argument.
    // b) Remove last argument.
    // c) Prepend argument 'one'.
    // d) Append argument 'four'.

    // Apply to console.log().

afunc(1, 2, 3, 4);
// -> [ "one", 2, 3, "four" ]

More examples

Please refer to the test spec for more examples.


We use

Steps to be taken

  • Clone or download the repository.
  • Change into the project directory.
  • Use npm install to install all development dependencies.
  • Use npm runt lint to run static code analysis.
  • Use npm test to run the tests.
  • Use npm run coverage to track test coverage.
  • The output should display successful execution results and a code coverage map.


  • Clone or download the repository.
  • Change into project directory.
  • Use npm run build in project directory to build pargras.min.js from pargras.js.


Please use Github issues for requests.

Pull requests are welcome.


We use GitHub issues to track bugs. Please ensure your bug description is clear and has sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue.

The absolute best way to report a bug is to submit a pull request including a new failing test which describes the bug. When the bug is fixed, your pull request can then be merged.

The next best way to report a bug is to provide a reduced test case on jsFiddle or jsBin or produce exact code inline in the issue which will reproduce the bug.




  • Update npm modules.
  • Update and extend test environment.
  • Add static code analysis tool JSHint.
  • Add Karma test runner.
  • Fix JSHint issues.
  • Replace uglify-js by terser for minification.
  • Update README.


  • Update npm modules.


  • Update npm modules.


  • Update npm modules.


  • Initial public release


Copyright (c) 2016-present, Belexos. Pargras is licensed under the MIT License.