
Compile perroquet template files into pure PHP files

perroquet, php, template
npm install perroquet@1.0.1


Build Status

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    |  __/  __/ |  | | | (_) | (_| | |_| |  __/ |_ 
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Perroquet is a small template engine that compiles into PHP. It's compiled into raw PHP files that you can run in your PHP server.


var php_code = perroquet('Hi my name is {{$name}}');
// php code = 'Hi my name is <?php echo $name; ?>'

List of template codes

Template code Generated php code
{{$variable}} <?php echo $variable; ?>
{{$object.attribute}} <?php echo $object->attribute; ?>
{{$array[key]}} <?php echo $array['key']; ?>
{{$variable = 'value'}} <?php $variable = 'value'; ?>
{{$array as $value}} <?php foreach ($array as $value) {
{{$array as $key => $value}} <?php foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
{{function() as $value}} <?php foreach (function() as $value) { ?>
{{=date(..)}} <?php echo date(..); ?>
{{#variable}} <?php echo htmlentities($variable, ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8'); ?>
{{url $img}} <?php echo rawurlencode($img); ?>
{{>path}} <?php include 'path'; ?>
{{?variable}} <?php if (!empty($variable)) { ?>
{{!variable}} <?php if (empty($variable)) { ?>
{{?variable1 && !variable2}} <?php if (!empty($variable1) && empty($variable2)) ?>
{{if condition}} <?php if (condition) { ?>
{{elseif condition}} <?php else if (condition) { ?>
{{else}} <?php } else { ?>
{{for $i = 0; $i < 9; $i++}} <?php for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) { ?>
{{while condition}} <?php while (condition) { ?>
{{/}} <?php } ?>
{{switch condition}} <?php switch (condition) { ?>
{{case 'awesome'}} <?php case 'awesome': ?>
{{bcase 'awesome'}} <?php break; case 'awesome': ?>
{{default}} <?php break; default: ?>
{{break}} <?php break; ?>
{{pr $variable}} <pre><?php print_r($variable); ?></pre>
{{js $variable}} <?php echo json_encode($variable); ?>
{{esc}} my escaped {{$code}} {{/esc}} my escaped {{$code}}

Custom functions

You can add custom functions to the compiler:

var php_code = perroquet('Today is the {{date Y-m-d}}', {
    date: function (format) {
        // format = 'Y-m-d'
        return '<?php echo date(\''+format.replace(/'/g, '\\\'')+'\'); ?>';

Custom delimiters

You can change the default {{..}} delimiters with the third parameter of perroquet(code, custom_functions, custom_regex). For example:

var php_code = perroquet('Hi my name is --#name--', null, /--(.*?)--/g);

To suggest a feature, report a bug, or general discussion: