Minimalist virtual dom library

javascript, virtual dom
npm install petit-dom@0.2.4



A minimalist virtual DOM library.

Diff algroithm is based on pre-optimizations described at and the algorithm presented in the paper "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations. There is also an excellent article which explains how the algorithm works. The article includes a GUI application to play with the algorithm

Trade offs

  • 👎 No Components. If you want a high level library with full Component support, check for libs like React, Preact or Inferno.
  • 👎 No separation between diffing and patching, you probably don't want that unless you're planning to build your own shceduling for DOM updates (currently all DOM updates are performed synchronously. At the time of this writing, probably React is the only lib that implements DOM updating over mulitple frames).
  • 👎 No Server Side Rendering (SSR) support, you can of course serve plain HTML from the server but currently the library doesn't support hydrating an existing DOM tree, you'll need to replace the whole tree with a new one (should be a fast operation in modern browsers but you'll have to measure for yourself).
  • 👍 Reasonably fast diffing algorithm. Note this shouldn't mean your app will be auto-magically faster.
  • 👍 Very accurate diffing algorithm. The library will infer the minimum number of operations (insertion, move, deletion) to update DOM elements.
  • 👍 Non opinionated virtual DOM library. The library comes with a minimal/low-level definition of the concept of Component. If you're looking to build your own abstraction on top of the library, this is your thing.


$ npm install --save petit-dom


$ yarn add petit-dom


If you're using Babel you can use JSX syntax by putting a /* @jsx h */ at the top of the source file.

/* @jsx h */
import { h, mount, patch } from 'petit-dom'

// create a virtual node
let vnode = <h1>Hello world!</h1>

// `mount(vnode)` return a DOM node 

// patch(newVNode, oldVNode) patches a previously created & mounted vnode
let vnode2 = <h1>Hello again</h1>
patch(vnode2, vnode)

petit-dom has also a first class support for render functions (aka functional components).

/* @jsx h */
import { h, mount } from 'petit-dom'

function Box(props, content) {
  return (
      <h1 onclick={props.onclick}>{props.title}</h1>

const vnode = (
    <Box title="Fancy box">
      Put your content here


render functions behave like React pure components. Patching with the same arguments will not cause any re-rendering. You can also attach a shouldUpdate function to the render function to customize the re-rendering behavior (By default props are tested for shallow equality and content is tested for reference equality, the lib assumes the same set of keys is provided inside props).

Custom components

In addition to render functions, you can also provide custom components that has full control on how to mount/update the DOM under a certain tree.

More concretely a custom Component can be either an object of the shape

  mount(props, content) => DOMNode
  patch(DOMNode, newProps, oldProps, newContent, oldContent) => DOMNode

The 3 methods can beused to control the whole virtual DOM update lifecycle. mount will be called when the library needs to create a new Node under the actual DOM tree. The method must return a DOM node to be inserted at the component location. patch is invoked when the parent node needs to update the previously create Node. And finally unmount is called when the Node is removed from the DOM.

A custom component can also be a class which implements the above three methods. In this case, each time a new Node has to be mounted, a new instance of the provided class is created and the mount method is invoked. For convenience, both the class constructor and mount are provided props and content. Similarly, when the parent needs to update the previously created node the node, the patch method is invoked on the previously created instance. And similarly unmount method of the instance when the parent needs to remove the DOM node.

Below an example of a simple but working implementation of a generic Component class

import {mount, patch, unmount} from "petit-dom"

class Component {
  constructor(props = {}, content) {
    const self = this
    this._tag = 'x-' +
    this.props = props
    this.content = content
  mount() {
    this._vnode = h(this._tag, null, this.render())
    const node = mount(this._vnode)
    node.$$instance = this // make instance accessible in devtools
    return node
  patch(node, props, oldProps, content, oldContent) {
    this.props = props
    this.content = content
    return node
  unmount(node) {
    node.$$instance = null
    return unmount(this._vnode)
  updateUI() {
    const oldVnode = this._vnode
    this._vnode = h(this._tag, null, this.render())
    patch(this._vnode, oldVnode)

And an example application of how to use the Component super class

import { h } from 'petit-dom'

class Counter extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.count = 0
  increment() {
  /* Hooks on callback methods */
  mount() {
    console.log('mounting Counter')
    return super.mount()
  patch(...args) {
    console.log('patching Counter')
    return super.patch(...args)
  render() {
    return (
      h('div', { className: 'box' },
        h('h2', null, 'Child Component'),
          { style: 'color: red' }, 
        h('button', { onclick: () => this.increment() }, 'Increment')

class App extends Component {

  constructor() {
    this.label = 'Current count'

  render() {
    return h('div', null,
      h('h1', null, 'Parent component'),
      h('input', { 
        style: 'color: red',
        value: this.label,
        oninput: (e) => {
          this.label =
      h(Counter, { label: this.label })
