
Node JS password generator that generates encrypted passwords/token/api-key from username.

js, nodejs, password, api, token, encryption, indonesia
npm install pino-password@1.0.7


Password Generator for NodeJS

Generates encrypted passwords from username.

This module will generate encrypted password from an username, so the application can verify password without run any query to the database, just compare username and encrypted password.

This password generator use simple method: md5 with secret-key stored in .env file.

This password generator will be very useful for authentication with passwords or api-key or token in API systems that require fast access.


var password = require('pino-password');

var pass = new password();

var username = "john";

var test1 = pass.generatePassword(username);
var test2 = pass.generatePassword(username);
var test3 = pass.generatePassword(username);

// One username, can have more than one correct password
console.log("1st generated: username=john , password=" + test1);
console.log("2nd generated: username=john , password=" + test2);
console.log("3rd generated: username=john , password=" + test3);

// Verify that password
console.log("Verify password-1: " + pass.verifyPassword(username, test1));
console.log("Verify password-2: " + pass.verifyPassword(username, test2));

// Verify with wrong password 
console.log("Verify password-3: " + pass.verifyPassword(username, "abc123"));

This is example with expressjs when verifying username and password (no database needed).

User must store the password in their client application.

ExpressJS Example:

var express = require('express');
var password = require('pino-password');

var app = express();
var pass = new password();

app.get('/api/users', function(req, res) {
  var username = req.param('username');
  var password = req.param('password');

  var result = pass.verifyPassword(username, password);

  res.send(username + ' ' + password + ' ' + result);