A clerk for retrieving compatible plugins from the npm database

deno, deno-edition, deno-entry, denoland, dependencies, es2022, export-default, node, npm, npm-client, peerDependencies, plugin, plugins, typed, types, typescript, nodejs, plugin-manager, plugin-system
npm install pluginclerk@6.5.0-next.1703874431.85c275ad4ae82ba7fb554de9d577091d87ce9356



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A clerk for retrieving compatible plugins from the npm database


Complete API Documentation.

import PluginClerk from 'pluginclerk'

// Create the new clerk instance with our configuration
const clerk = new PluginClerk({
    // Required: The keyword that must be specified inside the plugin's package.json:keywords property
    keyword: 'docpad-plugin',

    // Optional: A prefix that the name of the plugin must be prefixed by to be valid
    // Defaults to nothing
    prefix: 'docpad-plugin-',

    // Optional: A function used for logging receives the arguments (logLevel, ...message)
    // Defaults to nothing
    log: console.log,

    // Optional: The amount of milliseconds until we have to query the npm database again
    // Defaults to one day
    cacheDuration: null,

    // Optional: The registry hostname we should use for the API calls
    // Defaults to "https://registry.npmjs.org"
    registryHostname: null,

// Fetch the latest version of a particular plugin
// Note the `installPeers` result,
// as `docpad-plugin-eco` has the peerDependency `docpad`,
// and no dependencies where supplied, it should be installed
    .fetchPlugin({ name: 'docpad-plugin-eco' })

/* {
    success: true,
    message: 'Successfully fetched the latest and compatible version of the plugin docpad-plugin-eco',
    skippedVersions: {},
    latestVersion: '2.1.0',
    installVersion: '2.1.0',
    installPeers: [ 'docpad' ]
} */

// Fetch the latest version of a particular plugin that is compatible with the specified dependencies
// Note the `installPeers` result,
// as `docpad-plugin-eco` has the peerDependency `docpad`,
// and we supplied it, there is no need to install it
        name: 'docpad-plugin-eco',
        requirements: { docpad: '6.78.0' },

/* {
    success: true,
    message: 'Successfully fetched the latest and compatible version of the plugin docpad-plugin-eco',
    skippedVersions: {},
    latestVersion: '2.1.0',
    installVersion: '2.1.0',
    installPeers: [ ]
} */

// Fetch the latest version of a particular plugin that is compatible with the specified dependencies
// Note the `installVersion` and `skippedVersions` results,
// a few plugin versions where skipped because they required a `docpad` version range that our supplied `docpad` version didn't fulfill
// Note the `installPeers` result,
// as `docpad-plugin-eco` has the peerDependency `docpad`, and we supplied it, there is no need to install it
        name: 'docpad-plugin-eco',
        requirements: { docpad: '5.0.0' },

/* ] {
    success: true,
    message: 'Successfully fetched an older and compatible version of the plugin docpad-plugin-eco',
    skippedVersions: {
         '2.1.0': { docpad: '^6.59.0' }
         '2.0.0': { docpad: '^6.53.0' }
    latestVersion: '2.1.0',
    installVersion: '1.0.0',
    installPeers: [] }
} */

// You can also fetch all plugins with some basic information

/* {
    success: true,
    message: 'Successfully fetched the plugins',
    plugins: {
         'docpad-plugin-eco': {
              'description': '...',
              'homepage': '...',
              'version': '2.1.0'
} */

// You can also fetch all plugins with their compatibility information
    .fetchPlugins({ requirements: { docpad: '5.0.0' } })

/* {
    success: true,
    message: 'Successfully fetched the plugins',
    plugins: {
         'docpad-plugin-eco': {
              'description': '...',
              'homepage': '...',
              'version': '1.0.0',
              'compatibility': {}  // result of fetchPlugin
} */



  • Install: npm install --save pluginclerk
  • Import: import pkg from ('pluginclerk')
  • Require: const pkg = require('pluginclerk').default


import pkg from 'https://unpkg.com/pluginclerk@^6.5.0/edition-deno/index.ts'


This package is published with the following editions:

  • pluginclerk/source/index.ts is TypeScript source code with Import for modules
  • pluginclerk aliases pluginclerk/edition-es2022/index.js
  • pluginclerk/edition-es2022/index.js is TypeScript compiled against ES2022 for Node.js 18 || 20 || 21 with Require for modules
  • pluginclerk/edition-es2022-esm/index.js is TypeScript compiled against ES2022 for Node.js 18 || 20 || 21 with Import for modules
  • pluginclerk/edition-types/index.d.ts is TypeScript compiled Types with Import for modules
  • pluginclerk/edition-deno/index.ts is TypeScript source code made to be compatible with Deno


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  • Andrew Nesbitt — Software engineer and researcher
  • Balsa — We're Balsa, and we're building tools for builders.
  • Codecov — Empower developers with tools to improve code quality and testing.
  • Poonacha Medappa
  • Rob Morris
  • Sentry — Real-time crash reporting for your web apps, mobile apps, and games.
  • Syntax — Syntax Podcast



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