
A promised library of tools for Node.js and the browser.

promise, promises, tools, tool, series, sequence, time, timer, timers, then, catch, set, timeout, interval, setTimeout, setInterval, js, library
npm install promise-tool@1.1.5


Promise Tool

A promised library of tools for Node.js and the browser.


npm install promise-tool --save


  • PromiseTool.lift() Lifts a callback style function or prototype object and converts to a promise/s first argument must be an error.

  • PromiseTool.series A given task will not be started until the preceding task completes.

    • tasks The array of functions to execute in series.
      • task A function which returns a promise.
        • resolve(result) A result which will be appended to the end of each task/function as parameter.
    • parameters An Array of parameters to be passed to each task/function. Optional
  • PromiseTool.setTimeout

    • delay The number of milliseconds to wait before calling resolve.
    • ...args Optional arguments to pass when the resolve is executed.
  • PromiseTool.setInterval

    • delay The number of milliseconds to wait before calling resolve.
    • method A function that repeats on each interval. This function will fire upon each interval unless one of the following returns are implemented.
      • Return Value Actions
        • result Any valid JavaScript error type. Will fire the reject and pass the error.
        • result A boolean that calls resolve if true or reject if false.
        • result Any thing returned besides null, undefined, false, and a valid Error type will resolve with that return value as the first argument.
        • result <Null, Undefined> Both are ignored and will not trigger the resolve or reject.
    • ...args Optional arguments to pass when the resolve is executed.
  • PromiseTool.setImmediate

    • ...args Optional arguments to pass when the resolve is executed.
  • PromiseTool.clearTimeout

    • timeout A Timeout object as returned by setInterval().
  • PromiseTool.clearInterval

    • interval A Interval object as returned by setInterval().
  • PromiseTool.clearImmediate

    • immediate An Immediate object as returned by setImmediate().



var PromiseTool = require('../index.js');

function a (one, two) {
	return new Promise (function (resolve) {
		setTimeout(function () {
			return resolve(`a-${one}${two}`);
		}, 900);

function b (one, two, result) {
	return new Promise (function (resolve) {
		setTimeout(function () {
			result = `${result} b-${one}${two}`;
			return resolve(result);
		}, 600);

PromiseTool.series([a, b], [1, 2]).then(function (result) {
	console.log(result); // a-12 b-12


var PromiseTool = require('promise-timers');
var delay = 500;

PromiseTool.setTimeout(delay).then(function (args) {
	// this refers to timeout
	console.log('timeout done');

var i = 0;

function method () {
	// this refers to interval
	if (i > 5) {
		return true;
	} else {

 PromiseTool.setInterval(delay, method).then(function (args) {
	// this refers to interval
	console.log('interval done');

PromiseTool.setImmediate().then(function (args) {
	// this refers to immediate
   console.log('immediate done');




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