
express session module for pub-server and pub-gatekeeper

pub-server, sessions, redis
npm install pub-serve-sessions@1.3.1



Cookie-based session plugin for pub-server based on express-session and connect-redis. Using a redis store allows the server to be restarted without dropping user sesssions.

This package is manually tested with pub-test-auth.


This package is included with pub-server


Session options may be maintained in opts.session in pub-config. For details of available options see express-session. Default values are listed below; a value for session.secret (or process.env.SSC) is required when sessions are persisted in redis.

opts.session =
  { name: 'pss',
    resave: false,
    saveUninitialized: true,
    rolling: true,
    secret: process.env.SSC || (!resisOpts && u.str(Math.random()).slice(2)),
    cookie: { secure:opts.production, maxAge:60*60*1000 } }

Session storage with with redis is enabled by setting opts.redis in pub-config and, if necessary, configuring the redis credentials via environment variables. See node-redis for configuration options.

opts.redis =
{ prefix: 'pub-test-auth:', // prefix all keys (sessions and logs)
  _sess:  'session:',       // capture sessions using keys <prefix><_sess><sid>
  _log:   'log:' };         // capture system logs using list key <prefix><_log> (see below)

To configure redis using environment variables:

export RCH=localhost # host: default = localhost, can also be configured via
export RCP=6379      # port: default = 6379, can also be configured via opts.redis.port
export RCA=xxx       # auth_pass: default blank, can only be configured via environment

System logs

Modules in pub-server call a global 'opts.log(...)' provided by logger-emitter to show warnings and errors on the console.

If you set opts.redis._log = <key-name>, the same events will be timestamped and logged into a redis list.

Session logs

pub-server can record clicks and other events generated in the browser via the /server/log/<path>?<params> api.

HTTP requests sent to this endpoint will stored as objects containing the request path and parameters in the session.log and, if redis is enabled, automatically persisted with the session. E.g.

fetch('/server/log' + location.pathname + ( || ''), { method:'POST'});

The default /server/log route can be configured by setting 'opts.session.logRequestPath'.

Configuring session-based access control

Access control is configured on the server using environment variables ACL_READ, ACL_EDIT, ACL_ADMIN. These restrict read access to all pages (except those with access:everyone), edit access, and admin access respectively. Editors can also read, and admins can edit and read.

Each of the 3 ACLs contains a comma-separated list of user ids (typically email addresses). These are matched with the session.user at run time, which is established by an authentication plugin such as pub-pkg-google-oauth.

E.g. To grant yourself admin rights, and 3 other users read access:

export ACL_ADMIN={your-email}
export ACL_READ={email-1},{email-2},{email-3}