
React-Bootstrap-Modal-Provider is a React Component that renders React-Bootstrap modals more performantly with less markup.

npm install react-bootstrap-modal-provider@2.0.3



Work in progress

React-Bootstrap-Modal-Provider is a Component that renders React-Bootstrap modals more performantly with less markup.



ModalProvider is a component that renders a Modal for you alongside its children. ModalProvider will take care of maintaining the state of its modal.

ModalProvider can receive the following props:

Prop Type Default Description
componentClass String or Component 'div' The root container of ModalProvider
modalProps Object {} Props to be provided to the <Modal>

withModalProvider is a Higher Order Component that decorates the component that you provide it with a modalProvider prop.

The modalProvider prop provided by withModalProvider has the following shape:

Provided Prop Type Description
showModal(options: Object) Function A function that will render a modal with the options you provide it.
hideModal() Function A function that will hide the modal of the current <ModalProvider> scope. When called within a nested <ModalProvider>, it will close the nested modal only.

showModal can take the following options:

Option Type Description
body (required) String or ReactElement The content rendered inside <Modal.Body>.
closeButton Boolean Displays a closeButton on <Modal.Header> when set to true.
footer String or ReactElement The content rendered inside <Modal.Footer>. No <Modal.Footer> is rendered when this is `null.
modalProps Object Props that are passed to <Modal>.
title String or ReactElement The content rendered inside <Modal.Title>. No <Modal.Title> is rendered when this is null

In the component that you pass withModalProvider, you can pass an object with your desired modal configuration to modalProvider.showModal:

  title: 'This is a title',
  body: 'This is a body'

You can also pass a function to showModal to have access to modalProvider functions, like so:

this.props.modalProvider.showModal((modalProvider) => {
  return {
    title: 'This is a title',
    body: 'This is a body',
    footer: <button onClick={ modalProvider.hideModal }>This button closes the modal</button>

Recycling code for common modals is as simple as defining an export of a function or object to be passed to this.props.modalProvider.showModal:

const basicModal = ({ hideModal }) => ({
  title: 'Congrats! You opened the modal.',
  body: <BasicModalBody />,
  footer: <Button onClick={hideModal}>Hide Modal</Button>,
  closeButton: true,
export default basicModal;
import React from 'react';
import { modalProviderShape, withModalProvider } from 'react-bootstrap-modal-provider';
import basicModal from './basicModal';

class BasicExamplePage extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <Button onClick={() => this.props.modalProvider.showModal(basicModal)}>
          Click me for a modal predefined by an imported function
BasicExamplePage.propTypes = { modalProvider: modalProviderShape.isRequired };

export default withModalProvider(BasicExamplePage);


  • Create ModalProvider component
  • Create withModalProvider HOC
  • Setup build script with webpack
  • Setup eslint
  • Add examples
  • Add tests
  • Write