A responsive & reusable react component that transforms a simple text area into a sophisticated comment box or comment input.
What's New
- Likes & Dislikes
- Upvotes & Downvotes
- Reusable - It can be integrated easily into your react application, in any place, where a comment input is required
- Responsive - UI is designed in bootstrap and is fully responsive
- Text Comments - Text area component to accept textual input
- Emoji Support - More than 1100 standard emojis are available to choose from
- Image Upload - Along with text input, it also supports image attachments (preview & cropping integrated)
- PDF Upload - Along with text input, it also supports pdf attachments (preview integrated)
- Video Upload - Along with text input, it also supports video attachments (preview, thumbnail generation & clipping integrated)
- Likes & Dislikes - Allow users to like or dislike (optional)
- UpVotes & Downvotes - Allow users to upvote or downvote (optional)
- Share - Allow users to share (optional)
Modes of operation
View Mode
View mode looks like the image below.
Edit Mode
Edit mode looks like the image below.
Deleted Mode
Deleted mode looks like the image below.
Emoji integration
Image uploader integration
Video uploader integration
PDF uploader integration
npm install --save react-commentview
npm install --save aws-sdk
npm install --save bootstrap
npm install --save react-bootstrap
npm install --save react-bootstrap-icons
npm install --save react-ui-components-superflows
npm install --save react-ui-themes-superflows
npm install --save react-upload-to-s3
- Create an S3 bucket via the AWS admin console, say name of the bucket is myuploads
- Set the bucket policy as follows
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PublicListGet",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
- Set the cors policy as follows
"AllowedHeaders": [
"AllowedMethods": [
"AllowedOrigins": [
"ExposeHeaders": []
SDK User
- Create an SDK user via the AWS console so that you get access to aws region, aws access key and aws secret, i.e. aws credentials.
- Ensure that you preserve these credentials in a secure manner.
- It is especially important that these credentials be stored in the environment files and should never be pushed to a source repository such as git.
- For this SDK user, give create, add, edit, delete permissions to your S3 bucket via the AWS console. I usually give full access restricted to a particular bucket, like the one which we created in the S3 section above.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::myuploads"
- For this SDK user, then give the user access to AWS mediaconvert via the AWS console. I have used AWSElementalMediaConvertFullAccess, which is a pre-created AWS policy for this. To find and attach this policy - Select your IAM user > Click add permissions on the user summary screen > Click attach existing policies directly > Search mediaconvert > Apply the AWSElementalMediaConvertFullAccess policy
MediaConvert Role
- Goto IAM > Roles
- Select AWS Service as the trusted entity type
- Choose MediaConvert from the services dropdown
- Click next on add permissions
- Name the role as per your choice. I have named it mediaconvert_role. (Remember that this role name has to be given as a prop to the upload-to-s3 component, refer to the Usage section)
AWS MediaConvert
AWS mediaconvert is required for video processing. The clip selection happens at the client end, whereas the actual clipping is done by an AWS mediaconvert job. This requires a region specific endpoint and can be easily obtained from the aws cli (aws commandline).
aws mediaconvert describe-endpoints --region <region>
Remember that this region specific endpoint also has to be provided as a prop to the upload-to-s3 component. (Refer to the Usage Section)
Once you are through with installing the dependencies and the AWS configuration, using the component becomes fairly simple. Please refer to the Usage below.
- bucket: Name of the S3 bucket
- awsRegion: Region where the bucket exists
- awsKey: AWS Access Key (should come from environment variables)
- awsSecret: AWS Secret (should come from environment variables)
- awsMediaConvertEndPoint: AWS region specific mediaconvert endpoint
- mediaConvertRole: Media convert role
- mode: view / edit / deleted
- edited: Flag, which sets the visibility of the edited marker
- showEdit: Flag, which sets the visility of the edit button (edit button changes the mode from view to edit) (optional)
- showDelete: Flag, which sets the visibility of the delete button (optional)
- showCancel: Flag, which sets the visibility of the cancel button (cancel button changes the mode from edit to view) (optional)
- showLikes: Flag, which sets the visibility of the like button
- showDisLikes: Flag, which sets the visibility of the dislike button
- showVotes: Flag, which sets the visibility of votes
- showShare: Flag, which sets the visibility of the share button
- likes: Number of likes
- disLikes: Number of dislikes
- upVotes: Number of upvotes
- downVotes: Number of downvotes
- iHaveLiked: Flag, which shows the like button as like or not liked
- iHaveDisLiked: Flag, which shows the dislike button as dislike or not disliked
- iHaveUpVoted: Flag, which shows the upvote button as upvote or upvoted
- iHaveDownVoted: Flag, which shows the downvote button as downvote or downvoted
- cdnPrefix: If you bucket is behind a cdn, then explicitly provide a prefix, (optional)
- preFill: text and attachment information to prefill
- callbackInfo: information that needs to be sent back on callbacks
- onSubmit: Submit callback
- onDelete: Delete callback
- onLiked: Like callback
- onLikeRemoved: Like remove callback
- onDisLiked: Dislike callback
- onDisLikeRemoved: Dislike removed callback
- onReplied: Reply callback
- onShared: Share callback
- onUpVoted: Upvote callback
- onUpVoteRemoved: Upvote removed callback
- onDownVoted: Downvote callback
- onDownVoteRemoved: Downvote removed callback
- user: User information to be showed in the comment view
- prefill: Data to prefill, set attachment to null if only text needs to be prefilled (optional)
- theme: UI Theme (optional)
import React from 'react';
import { Col, Row, Container } from 'react-bootstrap';
import { CommentView } from 'react-commentview';
import Themes from 'react-ui-themes-superflows';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
const App = () => {
const theme = Themes.getTheme('Default');
return (
<Container className="mt-5">
<Row className="justify-content-center">
<Col sm={12} xs={12} md={6} xxl={6}>
preFill={{text: 'Hello how are things going?'}}
callbackInfo={{id: 10}}
user={{id: 2, name: "Hrushi M", picture: "", timestamp: "1660215594"}}
cdnPrefix="https://<prefix url>"
onSubmit={(result) => {console.log('submit result', result);}}
onDelete={(result) => {console.log('delete result', result);}}
onLiked={(result) => {console.log('liked result', result);}}
onLikeRemoved={(result) => {console.log('like removed result', result);}}
onDisLiked={(result) => {console.log('liked result', result);}}
onDisLikeRemoved={(result) => {console.log('dislike removed result', result);}}
onReplied={(result) => {console.log('reply result', result);}}
onShared={(result) => {console.log('share result', result);}}
onUpVoted={(result) => {console.log('upvoted result', result);}}
onUpVoteRemoved={(result) => {console.log('upvote removed result', result);}}
onDownVoted={(result) => {console.log('downvoted result', result);}}
onDownVoteRemoved={(result) => {console.log('downvote removed result', result);}}
export default App;
PASS src/index.test.js (40.333s)
- ✓ CommentView: Render of blank edit mode (37ms)
- ✓ CommentView: Render of prefilled edit mode without attachment (9ms)
- ✓ CommentView: Render of prefilled edit mode with attachment (10ms)
- ✓ CommentView: Render of prefilled view mode without attachment, edit and delete (1009ms)
- ✓ CommentView: Render of prefilled view mode with attachment and without edit and delete (1013ms)
- ✓ CommentView: Render of prefilled view mode with attachment and with edit and delete (1013ms)
- ✓ CommentView: Render of Uploader (6042ms)
- ✓ CommentView: Render of Emoji picker (5147ms)
- ✓ CommentView: Switching from View Mode To Edit Mode (2036ms)
- ✓ CommentView: Render Likes (11064ms)
- ✓ CommentView: Render Votes (11069ms)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files | 70.63 | 67.83 | 66.2 | 70.8 | |
CommentView.js | 70.61 | 68.98 | 64.71 | 70.8 | ... 74,587,611,623 |
Constants.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Util.js | 69.57 | 41.67 | 100 | 69.57 | ... 33,37,44,45,49 |
index.js | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
---------------- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ------------------- |
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total | |||||
Tests: 11 passed, 11 total | |||||
Snapshots: 0 total | |||||
Time: 41s | |||||
Ran all test suites. |
MIT © superflows-dev