A more developer friendly timeline chart visual.
Now, easily develop a responsive timeline graph with better UI designs and linking feature at components for easy user navigation in app. Devs can pass a simple json to build the timeline chart.
Installation step
npm i react-event-timeline-chart
How to use
- step 1: Create a sample json to send
export const data =[
"timeline": [
"title": "Starter",
"subtext": "Understanding basics of internet",
"time": "1 week",
"link": [
"title": "Basic Frontend Development",
"subtext": "A core on how to develop website UI that we see everyday",
"time": "2-3 weeks",
"link": [
"urltext": 'Start learning',
"url": '#'
"urltext": 'Explore in depth',
"url": '#'
"subdata": [
"text": 'HTML'
}, {
"text": 'CSS'
"title": "Database Development",
"subtext": "Understanding how database works and using SQL",
"time": "3-4 weeks",
"link": [
"urltext": 'Start learning',
"url": '#'
"urltext": 'Explore in depth',
"url": '#'
"subdata": [
"text": 'DBMS'
}, {
"text": 'SQL'
- step 2: Call the component
import {VerticalTimeline} from "react-event-timeline-chart"
import data from "./json"
<VerticalTimeline data={data[0]}>
The project is open for new devs to start their open source journey!