An easy to use React hook, that handles your async and sync functions, being very versitaile in it's implementation.
Hook structure
const [
data, // The resulting data or when the promise is resolved
run, // A function that will call any function you want with arguments
running, // If its running or not as a boolean (you can use this for loading status)
error, // An error object that was caught or a rejected promise
] = useRunner()
npm i react-hook-use-runner
How to use it for a async function?
// Sample async function that expects one argument and returns a promise.
const fetchUser = (username) => {
const url = `${username}`
return fetch(url).then((r) => r.json())
const App = () => {
const [data, run, running, error] = useRunner()
const handleClick = () => {
// we pass the function you wanna call and its arguments.
run(fetchUser, 'emersonbroga')
return (
{data ? <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre> : null}
{error ? (
{error.message} {error.stack}
) : null}
<button onClick={handleClick}>{running ? 'Loading' : 'Run'}</button>
How to use it for a sync function?
// Sample sync function that expects one argument and returns a string.
const userLike = (username, language) => {
return `${username} likes ${language}`
const App = () => {
const [data, run, running, error] = useRunner()
const handleClick = () => {
// we pass the function you wanna call and its arguments.
run(userLike, 'emersonbroga', 'javascript')
return (
{data ? <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre> : null}
{error ? (
{error.message} {error.stack}
) : null}
<button onClick={handleClick}>{running ? 'Loading' : 'Run'}</button>
Sample on