
A simple React navbar inspired by Material UI, complete with full TypeScript definitions.

react, winjs, dialog, windows, uwp
npm install react-material-navbar@1.2.1



A simple React navbar inspired by Material UI, complete with full TypeScript definitions.

Screeshot of React Material Navbar


With Yarn:

yarn install react-material-navbar

Or from NPM:

npm install react-material-navbar --save


Import via ES6 default import:

import Navbar from "react-material-navbar";

Or via Node's require:

const Navbar = require("react-material-navbar").default;


Be sure to include the CSS file on your page! You can find it at node_modules/react-material-navbar/dist/all.css.


Note that React Material Navbar is just a navbar; it doesn't include an app drawer or split view. For action icons, I recommend using react-icons with a size of 24, but you can use whatever element you want.

import Navbar from "react-material-navbar";
import HamburgerIcon = require("react-icons/lib/md/menu");
import VerticalIcon = require("react-icons/lib/md/more-vert");

render() {
    return (
            title={`React Material Navbar`}
            leftAction={<HamburgerIcon size={24} />}
            rightAction={<VerticalIcon size={24} />} />


Note: React-Material-Navbar has full TypeScript definitions! You should automatically receive intellisense for all of the props documented below:

Name Type Required Description
title string true The Navbar's title.
color string false A CSS color string which will style the navbar's text. Defaults to #ffffff (white).
background string false A CSS background string which will style the navbar's background. Defaults to #0d47a1 (dark blue).
style object false A CSS style object that will be applied to the navbar. color and background will be ignored.
leftAction element false The navbar's left action element. Typically this is a hamburger menu button. Defaults to empty.
rightAction function false The navbar's right action element. Defaults to empty.


If you'd like to add additonal styles to the navbar, just use the following CSS rules:

nav.react-material-navbar {
    /* This styles the navbar itself. */

nav.react-material-navbar .react-material-navbar-left {
    /* This styles the left action's container div. */

nav.react-material-navbar .react-material-navbar-right {
    /* This styles the right action's container div. */

nav.react-material-navbar .react-material-navbar-title {
    /* This styles the navbar title's container div. */