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npm install react-native-template-master-detail@0.0.3


Master-Detail Template for React Native apps

This is a basic template that provides a minimal master-detail app, similar to Xcode's Master Detail template and Android Studio's Master Detail Layout template. It uses react-navigation and the 0.43 Release Candidate.

  • MainNavigator.js - Top-level element rendered by index.ios.js and Configures react-navigation and its routes.
  • MasterScreen.js - Displays a list of items using FlatList.
  • DetailScreen.js - Displays additional information on an item selected from the MasterScreen.


You can use the template by running:

react-native init MyApp --version 0.43.0-rc.4 --template master-detail

Note that this is by convention. The package name is react-native-template-master-detail, and the template can be used by passing master-detail to the --template flag when running react-native init.