
Tiny datepicker for React

react, react-js, date, datepicker, picker
npm install react-sharp-datepicker@1.1.4



Tiny datepicker for React(-js), currently uses moment to format dates. Will be removed when ready. No nonsense datepicker to keep development up-to-speed.

With this datepicker you can:

  1. let a user type a date manually (with validation)
  2. let a user select one from the popover
  3. let a user pick a date-range
  4. disable certain dates
  5. disable all dates before a certain date
  6. disable all dates after a certain date
  7. clear a selected date

Please star if you like this software... :)


  1. React, Babel
  2. Moment (TODO: remove)


npm i -S react-sharp-datepicker


Edit React Sharp DatePicker

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Most basic datepicker: (month and date are Date instances in the local state)

const {
} = this.state;

    onSelectDate={(newDate: Date) => {
      this.setState({ date: newDate });
    onSelectMonth={(newMonth: Date) => {
      this.setState({ month: newMonth });

Most basic date-range-picker:

const {
} = this.state;

    onSelectDate={(date: Date) => {
      this.setState({ selectedStartDate: date });
    onSelectMonth={(newMonth: Date) => {
      this.setState({ month: newMonth });
    onSelectDate={(date: Date) => {
      this.setState({ selectedStartDate: date });
    onSelectMonth={(newMonth: Date) => {
      this.setState({ month: newMonth });

Please note that the first picker uses the selectedStartDate as the selectedDate property and the second uses selectedEndDate.


DatePicker exposes the following properties for you to set:

locale: string
# Controls the display of the name of the month and the days of the week in the popover.
# defaults to: 'en-US'
placeholder: string
# Displays a placeholder when input is empty.
# defaults to 'dd-mm-yyyy'
format: string
# The format to use for input text.
# defaults to 'DD-MM-YYYY'
selectedDate: Date
# The currently selected date (the result).
onSelectDate: (date: Date) => void
# Callback, called when a date get's selected or a date has been parsed
# from input.
selectedMonth: Date
# The currently selected month (and year) in the popover.
onSelectMonth: (date: Date) => void
# Callback, called when user switches month or year in the popover.
enabledDates: Date[],
# Array of Date instances; all other Dates will be disabled.
disabledDates: Date[]
# Array of Date instances; these Dates will be disabled.
disableDatesBefore: Date
# All dates before the supplied date will be disabled.
disableDatesAfter: Date
# All dates after the supplied date will be disabled.
selectedStartDate: Date
# Use this one in a date-range picker, contains the selected start date.
selectedEndDate: Date
# Use this one in a date-range picker, contains the selected end date.
panelPosition: {
 horizontal: 'auto' | 'before' | 'inside-min' | 'center' | 'inside-max' | 'after',
 vertical: 'auto' | 'before' | 'inside-min' | 'center' | 'inside-max' | 'after'
# With the panel position you can force the panel to open in a position
# relative to the button.
# When set to auto, the DatePicker will calculate optimal position
# to keep the popover inside the parent.
# Defaults to 'auto' for both horizontal and vertical.
leadingContent: React.Node
# Optionally set content inside the DatePicker button, before the input.
# Could come in handy if you would want to place an icon or a label inside the button.
nextFocusable: () => React.Ref
# Optionally set a callback returning a  React ref to receive focus after date input.
icons: {
    calendarIcon: React.Node,
    validIcon: React.Node,
    invalidIcon: React.Node
# Override the default calendar, valid and invalid icons.
iconColors: {
  calendarIconColor: string,
  validIconColor: string,
  invalidIconColor: string
# Override the icon colors. (Could be done via css-styling using fill also)
style: {[key: string]: mixed}
# Basic style object to override css-style on the wrapper directly.
className: string
# Optionally set additional classNames on the wrapper.


See stylesheet below for all of the stylable properties:

/* Upper-most class */
.sharp-date-picker-wrapper {

/* Main button */
.sharp-date-picker-button {
} {

/* Main button input */
.sharp-date-picker-button input {
.sharp-date-picker-button input:focus {

/* Popover */
.sharp-date-picker-popover {

/* Popover => Year and Month selectors */
.sharp-year-selector {
.sharp-month-selector {

/* Year/Month => previous and next button */
.sharp-spinner-button {
.sharp-spinner-button:focus {
.sharp-spinner-button:active {

/* Year/Month => labels */
.sharp-year {
.sharp-month {

/* Popover => Days row */
.sharp-days-row {

/* Popover => Day */
.sharp-day {
/* Day => disabled variants */ {
.sharp-day.excluded-date {
.sharp-day.disabled-date {

/* Day => current Date */ {

/* Day => selection variants */
.sharp-day.selected-start-date {
.sharp-day.selected-end-date {
.sharp-day.selected-in-between-date {

/* Day => control border radius for first and last range selections */
.sharp-day.selected-start-date.has-end-date {
.sharp-day.selected-end-date.has-start-date {