
React wrapper for using Sstate with React

React, Sstate, javascript, state-management
npm install react-sstate@1.1.0



react-sstate is a small wrapper for the Sstate library using React's context API. This library provides two components: <SstateProvider /> and <SstateConsumer />.


Version Changes
0.1.0 Initial version of react-sstate
0.2.0 Improved setSstate and getSstate
0.2.1 Fixed the publishing of the component
0.2.2 Fixed an issue with providing the right path for getSstate
0.2.3 Fixed an issue with providing the right path for setSstate
1.0.0 Modified the SstateConsumer to unsubscribe on unmounting and removed the subscriptionId (based on the 1.0.0 version of Sstate)
1.0.1 Fixed typo in the readme
1.0.2 Updated lodash version due to vulnerability. Moved to Github
1.1.0 Added execSstate so using actions becomes simple



import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { SstateProvider } from 'react-sstate';
import { Sstate } from 'sstate';

import FoodCart from './FoodCart';

const FoodStore = new Sstate({
    bread: { 
        baguette: 4, 
        wholeWeat: 3 
    fruit: { 
        apples: 0.5, 
        bananas: 1 
    startSync: null,
    completedSync: null
}, {
    incrementApples: (setSstate, sstate, args) => {
        setSstate('fruit.apples', sstate.fruit.apples + 1);
    doubleApples: (setSstate, sstate, args) => {
        setSstate('fruit.apples', sstate.fruit.apples * 2);
    persist: (setSstate, sstate, args) => {
        setSstate('startSync', args);'/api/fruitStore', state).then(() => {

class App extends Component {
    render() {
        return <SstateProvider store={FoodStore}>
            <FoodCart />


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { SstateConsumer } from 'react-sstate';

class FoodCart extends Component {
    render() {
        const { 
            sstate, // Last state
            setSstate, // Method to set/update the state
            getSstate,  // Method to retrieve the current/part of the state
            execSstate // Method to execute (prefdined) actions on the store
        } = this.props;
        // You can access other state properties by specifying the path.
        const baguetteCount = getSstate('bread.baguette');

        // You can set other state properties as well, but the component
        // is not re-rendered as these properties are not watched.
        setSstate('bread.baguette', 5);

        // If setSstate is called without a reference, it will set the state
        // for the watched value. In this example 'fruit.bananas'

        return (
                <p>Apple count: {} (was {sstate.previous} before)</p>
                <p>Baguette count: {baguetteCount}</p>
                <button onClick={execSstate.bind(this, 'incrementApples')}>Add apple</button>
                <button onClick={execSstate.bind(this, 'doubleApples')}>Double apples</button>
                <button onClick={() => execSstate('persist',}>Persist store</button>


export default const WrappedFoodCart = () => {
    return <SstateConsumer path={'fruit.apples'}><FoodCart /></SstateConsumer>;

Props provided by <SstateConsumer /> to its children


This is the initial/current state of the property that was provided by passing the path on the <SstateConsumer />.


This is a method to get the latest state of the watched property, or other properties on the Sstate store.

// Retrieves the watched property provided by the passed path on the SstateConsumer

// With a given path, you can access all other properties on the Sstate store.
getSstate( path ) 


This is a method for modifying the watched property, or other properties on the Sstate store.

// Updates the watched value
setSstate( newValue ) 

// With path as the first property, you can also modify other properties
setSstate( path, newValue ) 


This is a method for executing predefined actions on the store with the possibility to pass in arguments.

// Executes a action
execSstate('actionName', optionalArguments);